Marshal Fedorenko: biography, battle path

Marshal Fedorenko: biography, battle path
Marshal Fedorenko: biography, battle path

Marshal Fedorenko is one of the outstanding commanders of the Red Army during the Great Patriotic War.

Marshal Fedorenko
Marshal Fedorenko

He made a significant contribution to the victory over Nazi Germany. He took part in decisive battles. He repeatedly showed personal courage and the ability to make decisions quickly. He is a veteran of three wars.

Marshal Fedorenko: biography

Born on October 22, 1896 in the Kharkov province. His father worked as a port loader. Since childhood, Jacob had to work hard. Already at the age of 9 he becomes a shepherd, and then a coachman. Despite his young age, he works on a par with adults. Youth passes in the steppes of Donbass. There he works at a mine and a s alt factory in the city of Slavyansk. At the age of nineteen, he was drafted into the imperial troops. Since by this time he had a chance to work as a helmsman on a barge, he was taken to the fleet. In the service of the emperor, he graduated from the school of helmsmen. During World War I, he served on a minesweeper.

The huge social gap and the injustice of the existing system cause resentment in Yakov. He actively supported the February Revolution. Being a good organizer, he is selected to the ship's committee. In the same February, he enters the Workingcommunist party. Actively supports the protest movement. When the Great October Revolution begins, Yakov Nikolaevich Fedorenko again finds himself at the forefront. Commanding a detachment of sailors, he contributes to the establishment of the power of the Soviets in Odessa. After the overthrow of the old system, he enrolls in the ranks of the Red Guard. The civil war begins.

Civil War

In two years of the second war for Jacob, he manages to visit almost all fronts. First, he commands an armored train and beats the Czechoslovaks and Kolchak in the east. Then he fights Yudenich in the North and the Poles in the west. The fourth side of the world brought bloody battles with the armies of Wrangel, who tried to gain a foothold in the Crimea. Commissar Fedorenko has always been at the forefront. He received a concussion and various injuries several times.

The Great Patriotic War

After the end of the Civil War, he commanded a division. Was engaged in training. He graduated from several schools and courses for commanders. Promoted quickly. By 1941 he was already the head of the Armored Directorate. When the war began, the future Marshal Fedorenko became Deputy People's Commissar of Defense. A year later, he was entrusted with armored and mechanized units of the Red Army. Is an inspector from Headquarters.

He regularly visited the front lines. Led the fighters during the defense of Moscow. Represents the SVGK during the Battle of Stalingrad.

Marshal Fedorenko biography
Marshal Fedorenko biography

On the cold battlefields, his outstanding abilities as a commander are manifested. Yakov Nikolaevichtakes part in the development of the operation to encircle the sixth army of Paulus. After the Stalingrad victory - Kursk. The largest tank battle in history was not without him. Marshal Fedorenko was actively engaged in the modernization of mechanized units. He found new technical solutions and improved the methods of tactical use of Soviet technology.

Contribution to the art of war

When improving tanks, he proceeded from combat experience, which was of great benefit in optimizing production.

Yakov Nikolaevich Fedorenko
Yakov Nikolaevich Fedorenko

In addition to fulfilling the tasks of the Headquarters, the commander regularly visited the advanced units, which raised the morale of ordinary soldiers. After the end of the war, Marshal Fedorenko commanded the ground and armored forces. In the forty-sixth year, he was elected to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the second convocation.

He died on March 26, 1947 in Moscow. Streets in Moscow, Kharkov, Donbass are named after him.
