Practically in all world languages there are words that have two or more similar (or not very similar) lexical meanings. Let's take the word "class", analyze its meaning, properties and examples of use in speech and writing.
Class: word meaning
Let's start from the beginning. Classes are:

1. Large social strata that unite people on the following grounds: position in society, we alth, income, veneration, endowment with power and certain rights:
Classes from time immemorial fought among themselves, not sparing their lives, not understanding who is right and who is wrong
2. Groups of children of the same age studying at a school under the same form teacher and studying the same school curriculum defined by the state education standard:
Which grade are you in, eleventh or tenth?
3. Sets of phenomena, substances, objects, living beings that have common features that distinguish them from others:
Have you learned what class of chemicals hydrogen belongs to?
4. Levels:
Konstantin DmitrievichGriboedov is a top-class welder, without him we are like without hands
5. Quality Grade:
Apricot jam from Akulina Ilyinichna - the highest class: you will lick your fingers and swallow your tongue
6. Lessons:
Anyutka's piano class starts at eleven o'clock, and after - solfeggio, she will not return home until two
7. Higher categories summarizing related animals or plants:
Hippos, dolphins, cats, hamsters, monkeys, cows, rats belong to the class of mammals, as they feed on their mother's milk

Morphological properties
Class is an inanimate noun of the II declension: class, classes, class, classes, class, classes, class, classes, class, classes, o class, o class.
Fill in missing words:
- will be practicing in class 327.
- The olderwill clean up the gym.
- There are no first and second on this line.
- The supermarket sells high quality products.
- Marina withwent on an excursion to Astana.
- Angelina Vasilievna stayed with the younger ones.
- I look at my graduation, sad and happy at the same time.
- Take the firstfor example, no student can read fluently.
- How can you treat your !
- Let's start distributing teaching aids to the eighth.
- Not many books have been written aboutcrustaceans.
- You can write a whole collection of essays aboutthe animal world.
Synonyms forthe word "class"
Of course, a word with so many meanings has synonyms. The class is:

1. Group:
Which grade is your nephew in?
2. Chin:
To what rank does Erast Timofeevich Pankratov belong?
3. Category:
Mom said to buy eggs of the first category
4. Type:
This type of people are incredibly annoying to everyone
5. Rank:
Mikhail Alekseevich was a naval officer of the highest rank
6. Caste:
Brahmins belonged to the highest caste, they were revered and bestowed with gifts
7. Condition:
Barbara was not an aristocrat, she belonged to the bourgeois class
8. Grade:
The best pies are made with premium flour
9. Rank:
Superior roofers needed for a construction company
10. Style:
What species would you classify this amphibian as?
Examples of usage
To better understand the similarities and differences between the meanings, it is worth examining examples of usage in context:

- Today in the lesson we will study the class of units.
- Fifth grade this year will study in the second shift, classes begin at two o'clock.
- In our renewed society there are no classes, there is a unity of happy, contented, joyful people.
- This class of chemicals does not exhibit this reaction behavior.
- The class of Anatoly Semenovich as a driver is visibleto the naked eye: it seems that he can even drive off-road with his eyes closed.
- Grisha and his friends refused to attend French classes.
- Toucans, swans, sparrows, wagtails, doves, eagles, falcons are a class of birds.
- This year Nadya moved to the sixth grade.
- What class of officials does Nikolay Alexandrovich belong to?
- The hostess ordered to buy cream and sour cream of the highest class.
- This class of humanoids has few loves and respects.
- Only high class officers attended the meeting.
- Priests are creatures of the highest class, ordinary people cannot approach them.
- Only top class products are used in the royal kitchen.
- Translators' Bureau will hire a specialist of the highest class.
- What class are flies, beetles, bees, ground beetles, bears, aphids, cockroaches?
- Class!