Application of nuclear energy: problems and prospects

Application of nuclear energy: problems and prospects
Application of nuclear energy: problems and prospects

The widespread use of nuclear energy began thanks to scientific and technological progress, not only in the military field, but also for peaceful purposes. Today it is impossible to do without it in industry, energy and medicine.

However, the use of nuclear energy has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. First of all, it is the danger of radiation, both for humans and for the environment.


The use of nuclear energy is developing in two directions: energy use and the use of radioactive isotopes.

Initially, atomic energy was supposed to be used only for military purposes, and all developments went in this direction.

Military use of nuclear energy

A large number of highly active materials are used to produce nuclear weapons. Experts estimate that nuclear warheads contain several tons of plutonium.

Nuclear weapons are classified as weapons of mass destruction because they cause destruction over vast areas.

According to the range and power of the charge, nuclear weapons are divided into:

  • Tactical.
  • Operational-tactical.
  • Strategic.

Nuclear weapons are divided into atomic and hydrogen. Nuclear weapons are based on uncontrolled chain reactions of fission of heavy nuclei and thermonuclear fusion reactions. Uranium or plutonium is used for a chain reaction.

The storage of so many hazardous materials is a great threat to humanity. And the use of nuclear energy for military purposes can lead to dire consequences.


The first nuclear weapons were used in 1945 to attack the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The consequences of this attack were catastrophic. As you know, this was the first and last use of nuclear energy in the war.

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

The IAEA was established in 1957 with the aim of developing cooperation between countries in the field of the use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes. From the very beginning, the agency has been implementing the Nuclear Safety and Environmental Protection program.

But the most important function is to control the activities of countries in the nuclear field. The organization controls that the development and use of nuclear energy occurs only for peaceful purposes.

The purpose of this program is to ensure the safe use of nuclear energy, the protection of humans and the environment from the effects of radiation. The agency also studied the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

The agency also supports the study, development and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and acts as an intermediary in the exchange of services and materials between membersagencies.

Together with the UN, the IAEA defines and sets standards in the field of safety and he alth protection.

Nuclear power industry

In the second half of the forties of the twentieth century, Soviet scientists began to develop the first projects for the peaceful use of the atom. The main direction of these developments was the electric power industry.

And in 1954 the world's first nuclear power plant was built in the USSR. After that, programs for the rapid growth of nuclear energy began to be developed in the USA, Great Britain, Germany and France. But most of them were not fulfilled. As it turned out, the nuclear power plant could not compete with stations that operate on coal, gas and fuel oil.


But after the start of the global energy crisis and the rise in oil prices, the demand for nuclear energy has grown. In the 70s of the last century, experts believed that the capacity of all nuclear power plants could replace half of the power plants.

In the mid-80s, the growth of nuclear energy slowed down again, countries began to revise plans for the construction of new nuclear power plants. This was facilitated by both the energy saving policy and the decline in oil prices, as well as the disaster at the Chernobyl power plant, which had negative consequences not only for Ukraine.

After some countries stopped building and operating nuclear power plants altogether.

Nuclear energy for space travel

More than three dozen nuclear reactors flew into space, they were used to generate energy.

The Americans first used a nuclear reactor in space in 1965. as a fueluranium-235 was used. He worked for 43 days.

In the Soviet Union, the Romashka reactor was launched at the Institute of Atomic Energy. It was supposed to be used on spacecraft along with plasma engines. But after all the tests, he was never launched into space.

The next Buk nuclear installation was used on a radar reconnaissance satellite. The first spacecraft was launched in 1970 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

Today, Roskosmos and Rosatom propose to design a spacecraft that will be equipped with a nuclear rocket engine and will be able to reach the Moon and Mars. But for now, this is all at the proposal stage.

Application of nuclear energy in industry

Nuclear power is being used to increase the sensitivity of chemical analysis and produce ammonia, hydrogen and other chemicals that are used to make fertilizers.


Nuclear energy, the use of which in the chemical industry makes it possible to obtain new chemical elements, helps to recreate the processes that occur in the earth's crust.

Nuclear energy is also used to desalinate s alt water. Application in ferrous metallurgy allows to recover iron from iron ore. In color - used for the production of aluminum.

Use of nuclear energy in agriculture

The use of nuclear energy in agriculture solves breeding problems and helps in pest control.

Nuclear energy is used to create mutations in seeds. It's doneto obtain new varieties that bring more yield and are resistant to crop diseases. So, more than half of the wheat grown in Italy for making pasta was bred using mutations.

Also using radioisotopes to determine the best ways to apply fertilizer. For example, with their help, it was determined that when growing rice, it is possible to reduce the application of nitrogen fertilizers. This not only saved money, but also saved the environment.

A slightly strange use of nuclear energy is to irradiate insect larvae. This is done in order to display them harmlessly to the environment. In this case, the insects that emerged from the irradiated larvae do not have offspring, but are otherwise quite normal.

Nuclear Medicine

Medicine uses radioactive isotopes to make accurate diagnoses. Medical isotopes have a short half-life and do not pose a particular danger to both others and the patient.

Another application of nuclear energy in medicine was discovered recently. This is positron emission tomography. It can be used to detect cancer at an early stage.

Application of nuclear energy in transport

In the early 50s of the last century, attempts were made to create a nuclear-powered tank. Development began in the US, but the project was never brought to life. Mainly due to the fact that these tanks could not solve the problem of crew shielding.

The well-known Ford company was working on a car that would run on nuclear energy. Butthe production of such a machine did not go beyond the layout.


The fact is that the nuclear installation took up a lot of space, and the car turned out to be very overall. Compact reactors never appeared, so the ambitious project was curtailed.

Probably the most famous transport that runs on nuclear energy is various ships, both military and civilian:

  • Nuclear icebreakers.
  • Transport ships.
  • Aircraft carriers.
  • Submarines.
  • Cruisers.
  • Nuclear submarines.

Pros and cons of using nuclear energy

Today, the share of nuclear energy in world energy production is approximately 17 percent. Although humanity uses fossil fuels, its reserves are not endless.

Therefore, as an alternative, nuclear fuel is used. But the process of obtaining and using it is associated with a great risk to life and the environment.

Of course, nuclear reactors are constantly being improved, all possible safety measures are being taken, but sometimes this is not enough. Examples are the accidents at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and Fukushima.


On the one hand, a properly functioning reactor does not emit any radiation into the environment, while a large amount of harmful substances enter the atmosphere from thermal power plants.

The biggest danger is spent fuel, its processing and storage. Because todaya completely safe way to dispose of nuclear waste has not been invented.
