Many youth organizations aim to restore students' interest in the country's cultural we alth. One of the ways to draw children's attention to historical heritage is to introduce a review course into the school curriculum. The musical culture of the native land is just one of such subjects. Initially, being experimental, the discipline is firmly rooted in the modern life of many regions of Russia. It involves not only educating children to respect the uniqueness of traditions, but also encouraging self-determination and patriotism.
What is the musical culture of your native land?
For the first time such a subject was thought about in the 80s. Since 1983, musical and dance troupes began to appear in Primorye, supported by local musical circles. Since then, many important dates and names have appeared in the history of Russia.

In 2000, it was decided to organize the school curriculum in such a way that children learn more about the traditions of their nativeregion, and a new subject appeared in the primary school schedule. The tasks of the musical culture of the native land include the formation of a holistic perception of the musical creativity of individual regions, as well as encouraging the participation of young people in nationwide activities.
For whom?
Undoubtedly, it is necessary to cultivate a sense of love for the motherland from an early age. Initially, the program was approved in elementary school and throughout the education in educational institutions with a musical bias. Later, the subject took its place among the general education disciplines of many schools throughout Russia. However, the discipline "Musical Culture of the Native Land" did not become popular and returned to its original semi-amateur form. The main mistake was the lack of a well-prepared program, and the teachers were psychologically unprepared to teach a new subject.
Modern look
Now the musical culture of the native land is being studied in the regime adopted at the level of self-government of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. For example, in Cheboksary - from the 5th to the 9th grade. The musical culture of the native land (photo taken at the intercultural language festival) encourages any creative initiative of the young generation in this area.

For 33 hours a year, children learn tolerance for the cultures and customs of all ethnic groups inhabiting the region. Particularly interesting is the program “Musical Culture of the Native Land” offered to teenagers. Grade 7 is the time when children are encouraged to do their own research inarea of ethnography, which is also an important attribute of the lessons.
It is especially important to remember that the object was created to educate the youth, and not to fulfill the plan. The program should be diversified as much as possible so that students come to the lesson even once a week, but with pleasure.
The musical culture of the native land (the Urals is direct evidence) has gained approval in some areas for a reason. In the middle of the twentieth century, an active revival of the Cossack movement began, which could not but affect the culture of the region. Characteristic music and songs began to be performed by organized groups. An important feature of this direction is that the Cossack culture combines Russian, Ukrainian, Tatar and other elements, which corresponds to the objectives of the subject.
The revival of musical traditions occurs not only at the level of folk art. Holidays and festivals are also held, where everyone can observe the influence of musical culture on the development of the region, as well as take part in a concert. Moreover, concert activity is welcomed in youth circles even more than among adults.

Today musical instruments occupy a separate part in culture. Both wind and string specimens are placed in museums. For example, the ps altery has long gone out of use, but they occupy an important place in the history of Russian stringed instruments. Thus, students receive important information about the history of music development.
Among other things, you can also find unique items. For example, in Yakutia, the main instrument is the jew's harp (pictured), which does not belong to any category. The program also provides an opportunity to learn how to play instruments.
Features of the regions
The musical culture of each of the regions is unique in terms of the issues under consideration. Some focus on folk music, others on specific playing on one instrument (Yakutia). Despite all the diversity, each area performs one function - respect for traditions and their deep study.
The musical culture of the native land of the Samara region returns to the classical beginning. Samara is one of the oldest centers of culture, where many representatives of the intelligentsia lived. Taking this into account, the program focuses specifically on the history of the development of music in Russia. Gypsy songs can be distinguished among the less common directions.
The city is also home to the Samara State Institute of Culture, which holds a large number of creative and performance projects that emphasize the relevance of the subject in all its guises.

Yaroslavl region holds a festival dedicated to the bells, which is held on the territory of the reserve.
The subject is also a purely Russian initiative. The musical culture of the native land (Russia is a multinational country) considers the individual characteristics of the traditions of each nation andtheir regional totality.
In many countries, several ethnographic subjects are being studied at the same time. However, the musical culture of the native land supports the learning process within the framework of the small homeland. Undoubtedly, this allows students to get more information about their city. As today we are confronted with ignorance about the traditions of our native land on the part of the younger generation, it is imperative to show that history can also be exciting and interesting.
Along with books, illustrations and songs, concerts are held that cannot but arouse the interest of children. It is also important that the subject allows you to combine examples of different eras.
In fact, in addition to the standard study of music, students attend various international events. So, for example, some regions have introduced mandatory visits to the theater and the Philharmonic Society twice a year. These concerts are attended by foreign tourists, which allows you to develop language skills at a high level.

Not a single musical event takes place without national costumes or dances. The administration of culture of the regions made it possible to adapt the performances as much as possible for the perception of schoolchildren. Every year on March 26, International Theater Day is held, in which all cultural figures take part.
On International Music Day, music schools organize concerts to which members of orchestras and cultural figures are invited.
The research project "Musical culture of the native land", conducted by the students themselves and their supervisors, took on the task of answering the question: is the discipline interesting to study? Or maybe the students' only job is to simply earn a grade?
According to student surveys, it was determined that at different levels of education the subject is more or less interesting. For high school students, the material is better adapted, so there are no problems with performing creative tasks. The reason for this may also lie in the fact that many participants choose history for the Unified State Examination, which also includes questions about culture. At scientific and practical conferences, musical culture is considered as a separate unit of the historical section, for which presentations and interesting projects are prepared.

In any case, in order to interest students of primary school age, the teacher will need to come up with creative activities.
However, the control tests that are given throughout the year cause the most dissatisfaction. In this matter, the parents of the students are in solidarity with the students themselves. They believe that it is impossible to replace practical and visual classes with tests. First of all, it is necessary to awaken interest in children.
Should I continue?
If the question arises whether the musical culture of the native land is needed in the context that is offered to us now, then the answer is definitely yes. However, if we are talking about the interest of students, then the system definitely needs to be corrected.

However, despite some difficulties in overcoming the wall between generations and historical eras, the discipline supports important tasks. If they are fulfilled, we will be able to speak with pride about the patriotism of students and their knowledge of their native culture. Be that as it may, an hour a week for a couple of years is worth spending to get to know your country and its history better.