The world around us is colorful and diverse. The nature that we see every day is actually a huge kingdom, of which plants are a part. Sometimes we admire them, sometimes we just don't notice them, but the fact remains: plants are a separate world that surrounds us. He lives and reproduces according to his own separate laws, but without him neither animals nor people would exist.

What is this?
Surely each of us knows the names of some plants and how they look in reality. Many people can easily distinguish a chestnut leaf from an acacia, a tulip flower from a poppy. But only the science of botany can give an answer to which species, family or class this or that plant belongs, will name its habitat and other nuances unknown to the average person.
In fact, plants are multicellular structures, which were placed by the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle in the class of living organisms that cannot move. As we know, plants are inherent in growth and development, but not movement in space.

There is no one exact definition of this name, but all scientists come to the conclusion that plants are a separate unique organism. Thanks to him, other ecosystems do not disappear from nature, moreover, they develop and function normally.
Signs of plants
Despite the fact that there are a huge number of plants in the world (about 320,000 species, and according to other sources, there are about 350 thousand of them), there are still parameters by which almost all such organisms are classified:
- Dense cellulose shells inherent in cells.
- The presence of a chloroplast with a green pigment, due to which photosynthesis occurs, and as a result, green coloration of the leaves is observed.
- Plants cannot move in space.
- The growth of these organisms is constant, the entire life cycle.
- Regulation of plant life is carried out by phytohormones.

Vegetable variety
As already mentioned, science knows a huge number of representatives of the flora. Plant species are those organisms that have some common traits that are inherited. For example, lilies of the valley are considered single-species: May, silver, Transcaucasian. Thus, not only plants are classified, but also animals, as well as other living beings.
A species is combined into a genus, a genus into a family, a family into an order, an order into a class, a class into a department, and that, in turn, into groups. Higher plants are those organisms that have a complexdifferentiation. They are divided into root, leaves and stem (or stem).
The complete opposite of the higher kingdom are the lower plants - those that live in water, have no roots, flowers, stem. They can be both unicellular and very large, reaching 50-60 m in length. Such a genealogy is inherent in all plants without exception.

There are species unknown to science, those that are discovered every year by scientists from all over the world, are investigated and fall into a general classification. If there are no similar organisms in this classification, a new one is created. There are also plants that disappear from the face of the planet. Such species are called endangered or endangered. They are listed in the Red Book.
Besides the variety of species, plants also differ in their life form - the appearance that we are accustomed to seeing around us. These are trees, shrubs, lianas, semi-shrubs, succulents and herbs. Each of these forms has its own structure.
What does a plant consist of
Each plant has its own unique structure. It varies depending on the type. Some of them are unicellular, while others have a complex structural system. For example, a tree is a plant belonging to the highest category. It has several components and is one of the most complex representatives of the flora.

Despite this, most plants consist of a root, a stem or trunk (in trees and shrubs), leaves, occasionally flowers, from which fruits can develop. Some species, such as rose hips, rose bushes, and acacia, have thorns. They protect plants from being eaten or harmed by humans.
Underground and aboveground parts of plants
The root of a plant is the main source of vitality. It is most often located underground and nourishes the body with moisture and useful substances. Without this part, the plant will simply die. Thanks to the root, some types of plants can be propagated. Without it, they will die. For example, a fern, even if it was dug out of the ground, the next year may again grow near the place where its predecessor grew.
The stem leaves the root. On it are the rest of the parts that have higher plants. This is an important component of living organisms, because through it water, minerals enter the leaves, flowers and fruits, and plant juice circulates. If the root lacks nutrients, the stem will be sluggish and undeveloped, or die altogether.
(thickening near the ground in some orchids).

Underground stems are subdivided into rhizomes (different types of trees), tubers (potatoes), stolons (adoxa), bulbs (onions, lilies), corms (gladiolus). In some species, they serve only for reproduction, in others they serve as a supporting base for leaves.
One more partwhich characterizes higher plants is the leaf. This is the name of the external organ, which is involved in photosynthesis, can retain moisture and nutrients.
Flower, fruit, seed…
These parts of the plant are called generative, that is, reproductive. It is thanks to them that the life of the species on Earth continues. When a certain time comes for each plant, a flower appears on it, which means that this organism is ready for pollination and further reproduction. The complex structure of the flower allows you to save the pistils and stamens, pollinate them, so that later a fruit appears in its place. Such a metamorphosis is inherent in fruit trees and some bushes.
In other representatives of flowering plants, it is in the flower itself, at the base of the pistil, that the ovules are located, where the seeds develop. Representatives of this type of plant are wheat, poppy and others.

The fruit of a plant is the last stage in the development of a flower. It contains many useful substances for the human body, which are necessary for normal life and development. A special science, carpology, studies all the fruits. After all, their classification is very diverse and extensive.
It is in the fruit that the seed of the plant is often found. It is formed from the ovule and is the part due to which the population of the species will continue. Plant seeds are the embryos of the future organism that will be born in the next growth period.
Why do we need plants?
Without the plant world there would be neither animals nor man. This is their most important role.on our planet. Plants are those organisms that absorb solar energy, turning it into useful substances for themselves. They are also characterized by the ability to process air. When they take in harmful carbon dioxide, they release oxygen. Therefore, it is safe to say that thanks to plants, the entire earthly ecosystem exists.

Plants are food for animals and humans. Without them, there would be no life. For this reason, domestication of plants, their cultivation takes place. After all, not every one of them can be consumed, as, for example, it was with potatoes, which grew on the plantations of America in a completely unsuitable form for eating. But when it was brought to Europe and domesticated, it became the main vegetable among the inhabitants of our planet.
Environmental Protection
Plants are not only famous for processing harmful gas into oxygen. They also have a very positive effect on energy production in other ecosystems. Plants are the real oxygen mask of our planet, which supports life support on it.
In addition, representatives of the flora are the main food for many herbivores. Without eating meat, they would be on the verge of survival. Therefore, such organisms are very useful for food purposes.
Besides, they are invaluable for the soil. A tree is a plant that, with its long roots, helps prevent soil erosion, keeps river banks from shedding.
A flower is a plant that brings a lot of positive emotions. It is given for the holidays, grown on windowsillsand admire the colorful tints and unique aroma.
All plants play an important role in the planet's ecosystem. Insects feed on their pollen. In general, without plants, life on Earth would not exist at all.