What is a triangle. What are they like

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What is a triangle. What are they like
What is a triangle. What are they like

The science of geometry tells us what a triangle, square, cube is. In the modern world, it is studied in schools by everyone without exception. Also, a science that studies directly what a triangle is and what properties it has is trigonometry. It explores in detail all the phenomena associated with these geometric figures. We will talk about what a triangle is today in our article. Their types will be described below, as well as some theorems related to them.

what is a triangle
what is a triangle

What is a triangle? Definition

This is a flat polygon. It has three corners, which is clear from its name. It also has three sides and three vertices, the first of which are segments, the second are points. Knowing what two angles are equal to, you can find the third one by subtracting the sum of the first two from the number 180.

what is a triangle definition
what is a triangle definition

What are triangles?

They can be classified according to various criteria.

First of all, they are divided into acute-angled, obtuse-angled and rectangular. The first have acute angles, that is, those that are less than 90 degrees. In obtuse-angled ones, one of the corners is obtuse, that is, suchwhich is equal to more than 90 degrees, the other two are acute. Acute triangles also include equilateral triangles. Such triangles have all sides and angles equal. They are all equal to 60 degrees, this can be easily calculated by dividing the sum of all angles (180) by three.

Right triangle

what is a right triangle
what is a right triangle

It's impossible not to talk about what a right triangle is.

This figure has one angle equal to 90 degrees (straight), that is, two of its sides are perpendicular. The other two angles are acute. They can be equal, then it will be isosceles. The Pythagorean theorem is related to the right triangle. With its help, you can find the third side, knowing the first two. According to this theorem, if you add the square of one leg to the square of the other, you can get the square of the hypotenuse. The square of the leg can be calculated by subtracting the square of the known leg from the square of the hypotenuse. Speaking about what a triangle is, we can recall the isosceles. This is one in which two of the sides are equal, and two of the angles are also equal.

What is the leg and hypotenuse?

The leg is one of the sides of a triangle that form an angle of 90 degrees. The hypotenuse is the remaining side that is opposite the right angle. From it, a perpendicular can be lowered onto the leg. The ratio of the adjacent leg to the hypotenuse is called the cosine, and the opposite is called the sine.

Egyptian triangle - what are its features?

It's rectangular. Its legs are equal to three and four, andthe hypotenuse is five. If you saw that the legs of this triangle are equal to three and four, you can be sure that the hypotenuse will be equal to five. Also, according to this principle, it can be easily determined that the leg will be equal to three if the second is equal to four, and the hypotenuse is five. To prove this statement, you can apply the Pythagorean theorem. If two legs are 3 and 4, then 9 + 16 \u003d 25, the root of 25 is 5, that is, the hypotenuse is 5. Also, the Egyptian triangle is called a right triangle, whose sides are 6, 8 and 10; 9, 12 and 15 and other numbers with a ratio of 3:4:5.

what is a triangle
what is a triangle

What else could a triangle be?

Triangles can also be inscribed and circumscribed. The figure around which the circle is described is called inscribed, all its vertices are points lying on the circle. A circumscribed triangle is one in which a circle is inscribed. All of its sides are in contact with it at certain points.

How is the area of a triangle?

The area of any figure is measured in square units (square meters, square millimeters, square centimeters, square decimeters, etc.) This value can be calculated in a variety of ways, depending on the type of triangle. The area of any figure with angles can be found by multiplying its side by the perpendicular dropped onto it from the opposite angle, and dividing this figure by two. You can also find this value by multiplying the two sides. Then multiply this number by the sine of the angle between these sides, and divide this by two. Knowingall sides of a triangle, but without knowing its angles, you can find the area in another way. To do this, you need to find half the perimeter. Then alternately subtract different sides from this number and multiply the four values obtained. Next, find the square root of the number that came out. The area of an inscribed triangle can be found by multiplying all the sides and dividing the resulting number by the radius of the circle that is circumscribed around it, multiplied by four.

circumscribed triangle
circumscribed triangle

The area of the circumscribed triangle is found in this way: multiply half of the perimeter by the radius of the circle that is inscribed in it. If the triangle is equilateral, then its area can be found as follows: we square the side, multiply the resulting figure by the root of three, then divide this number by four. Similarly, you can calculate the height of a triangle in which all sides are equal, for this you need to multiply one of them by the root of three, and then divide this number by two.

Triangle related theorems

The main theorems that are associated with this figure are the Pythagorean theorem described above, the sine and cosine theorems. The second (sine) is that if you divide any side by the sine of the angle opposite to it, you can get the radius of the circle that is described around it, multiplied by two. The third (cosine) is that if the sum of the squares of two sides is subtracted from their product, multiplied by two and the cosine of the angle located between them, then the square of the third side will be obtained.

Dali Triangle - what is it?

dali triangle
dali triangle

Many, faced with this concept, at first think that this is some kind of definition in geometry, but this is not at all the case. The Dali Triangle is the common name for three places that are closely associated with the life of the famous artist. Its "tops" are the house where Salvador Dali lived, the castle that he gave to his wife, and the museum of surrealistic paintings. During a tour of these places, you can learn many interesting facts about this peculiar creative artist, known throughout the world.
