What is included in teaching experience? Experience in teaching

What is included in teaching experience? Experience in teaching
What is included in teaching experience? Experience in teaching

Pedstazh (teaching experience) is necessary for everyone associated with this work activity. Firstly, pedagogical workers, whether they are educators or teachers in schools and higher educational institutions, will receive certain pension payments for the years worked. The longer the experience and the higher the qualification, the more worthy the pension. Secondly, pedstaj plays an important role in determining wages. As a rule, the years worked show the experience and qualifications of the teacher, so there will be a greater demand for his services with a high salary. In this article, we will talk about what is included in the teaching experience.

teaching experience
teaching experience

The essence of the term

Pedstazh is a calculation of years worked in the field of education. The teaching experience is the sum of all working days. At the same time, this length of service includes work in institutions related to the educational process. For example, a cook in a general education school will not receive a pedagogical experience, since he is not a representative of the teaching profession, but an educator, laboratory assistant, teacher, deputy or lecturer belongs toeducational activities in accordance with the law.

What is included in the pedstage

Many are wondering: "What is included in the teaching experience?". To answer this question in more detail, you will need to refer to an extract from the legislation of the Russian Federation.

What is included in teaching experience?
What is included in teaching experience?

The calculation of working days that relate to the teaching period begins from the moment the teacher enters into an agreement with an educational institution. At the same time, other pedagogical activities are not taken into account in the calculation. As a rule, a professional must get a job in an educational institution, having previously concluded an official employment contract. Other pedagogical activities that are not included in the general provision of legislation will not be calculated as seniority. For example, a teacher engaged in tutoring is not en titled to work experience in the field of education.

What is included in the pedstaj:

  • Number of days worked in education or total work experience.
  • Continued work experience for primary school teachers.

Why do we need a pedstage

First of all, you need to understand that teaching experience is a special term that applies only to certain categories of activities. For example, special experience includes agricultural activities, industry, medicine and education. Pedstazh, like any official labor activity, gives the right to receive a pension.

primary school teacher job
primary school teacher job

What is total seniority

This term is repeatedly used when applying for a pension. It is also often referred to as insurance experience. The essence of the general experience is simple: a person with a pedagogical education works in an educational institution for a long time. Part of the time worked will play an important role in calculating the pension. In accordance with the law, the total length of service is calculated for the years worked until 2002. After 2002, the pension is accrued from the pension contributions that a person transferred during all the years worked.

Main features of the total seniority

  1. Employee must work for at least 6 years in order for seniority to help accrue pensions.
  2. After six years of work, each year will add a small percentage, which affects the size of the pension. That is why it is profitable to work in the profession for a long time in order to have high qualifications, recommendations and long teaching experience.
  3. The legislation repeatedly uses the term "insurance period", which is no different from the basic concept of total seniority.
  4. In 2015, changes were made to the legislation, which state that when applying for a pension, both the years worked, and the qualifications, and the amounts contributed to the personal pension fund will be taken into account.
work as a teacher
work as a teacher

What is continuous experience

Despite the fact that continuous teaching experience has not been used in legislative reports for a long time, it still plays an important role in calculating pensions. This is an important point. As it wasmentioned above, work as a primary school teacher has an impact on the calculation of seniority. For example, if the number of students in the graduating class of an elementary school is noticeably reduced, the school will need to combine several classes, and a teacher will be reduced in position. It is then that the countdown of continuous work experience begins. Its term is at least 3 months for a dismissed teacher.

Nuances of continuous experience

Until 2005, continuous work experience included not only hours worked in the field of education, but also training in colleges and universities. Thanks to this, it was beneficial for teachers to receive higher education for several years, since all years were included in the general pedagogy. Now such a function has been excluded from the legislation, therefore, the continuous experience does not include either continuing education courses, or obtaining a diploma in a master's program, or doing an internship while studying.

studying at the institute is included in the length of service
studying at the institute is included in the length of service

Features of the pedstay calculus

The work of a teacher is difficult not only because you have to have organizational skills and be able to convey information to fragile minds. The peculiarity of pedagogy is that it is different for each teacher. For example, for a university teacher, the term is accrued only for the days worked in a certain position, but a teacher of basic military training, who, as a rule, teaches both in schools and educational institutions, will receive pension payments for both teaching activities and for serving inarmy.

Other features:

  1. If a teacher retires early, then the length of service is calculated based on work in a certain position and under certain conditions.
  2. The list of positions, conditions and professions can be found in article No. 28 of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  3. Pedstazh is taken into account for working conditions. For example, if a teacher works in rural areas, in the conditions of the Far North, shift or evening schools, higher educational institutions, colleges and schools.

Work experience: does studying at the institute count

Studying at the institute is included in the length of service? Answer: no. A student of both full-time and part-time forms of study does not claim to include years of study in the length of service. An exception is when a student, in addition to studying at an institute or college, concludes an employment contract with an educational institution, where the position and term of work will be indicated. At the same time, you need to understand that not all students aged 16-23 will be able to fully get a job at a school, kindergarten or college.

teaching experience
teaching experience

Despite this legislation states that a child can get an official job already at the age of 14, having only a passport in his hands. Therefore, the law does not exclude the possibility of calculating the length of service, starting from school age.

Now there is no such law that the experience of pedagogical work includes training in higher educational institutions. However, persons who studied during the Soviet era have the right to demand that the yearstraining in general work experience. The definition of teaching experience directly depends on the changes and amendments made to the legislation. For this reason, persons who do not agree with the calculation of pensions during registration can go to court. To do this, it is important to submit a work book, a certificate from the place of study, a diploma. This point is detailed in the ruling of the Constitutional Court.

But there are exceptions in this case. The teacher has the right to receive a pension ahead of schedule, so the length of service will be calculated according to the length of service. Here they can already accept the fact that education at a university, advanced training plays an important role in obtaining a pension. This takes into account two aspects. First, the person had to complete the training before 1992. Secondly, before the start of training, the teacher was already working in an educational institution, gaining experience.

teaching experience
teaching experience

Summing up

We have put together a few basic and important theses that will answer all questions:

  1. Work or insurance experience is calculated only if there is an official place of work, where the teacher concludes an agreement with the employer on the basis of the country's labor code.
  2. Teaching experience does not include registration of individual entrepreneurs, since labor activity in the field of education is prescribed in the legislation of the country. For example, work as a teacher in secondary schools, nurseries and kindergartens, art schools, colleges and universities.
  3. Work in state or municipal organizations that have the right and permission to engage inteaching activities.

In addition, teaching experience also includes:

  • maternity leave, but up to six years;
  • sabbatical leave required by a teacher to care for a disabled person;
  • military service;
  • temporary incapacity, where the teacher receives Social Security payments.

Pedagogical experience is a special form of calculating labor activity, since it takes into account not only hours worked, but qualifications, position and working conditions. Everything is simple here: the higher the level of pedagogical education, the greater the total pension in the future. It is extremely undesirable for teachers to interrupt the length of service for a long period, because each year worked affects when applying for a pension.
