Teaching history at school: teaching methods, types and forms of lessons

Teaching history at school: teaching methods, types and forms of lessons
Teaching history at school: teaching methods, types and forms of lessons

Teaching history at school is intended to form the rising generation of personal civic qualities, prepare for life in society, legal adaptation of graduates in the world. Significant changes have taken place in recent years in Russian education. Currently, the solution of educational, educational, developmental tasks within the framework of student-centered learning is aimed at self-development and self-improvement of each individual.

That is why the nature of the relationship between children and the teacher is changing. The gradual transition from assistance to support and independent activity of the child has led to the fact that the teaching of history in the modern school has changed significantly.

new forms of history work
new forms of history work

Techniques and working methods

Currently, to stimulate the development of cognitive interest among students, the following techniques and methods of work are used:

  • pedagogical assistance, involving censure and encouragement, game organization of educational activities;
  • support, consisting in a reasoned choice of the content of the training session, sources, reporting option, mode of activity, identifying the best way to solve the problem;
  • pedagogical advancement is a self-assessment according to a scheme, plan, self-assessment of one's achievements, drawing up schemes for a specific event, selection of classes to correct identified problems.

Teaching history at school involves building the educational process in such a way that it contains the maximum amount of objective reality, various relationships and connections. Thanks to this training option, the teacher not only accelerates the pace of development of each child, but also instills in the younger generation love and interest in their subject.

Building an individual educational trajectory for each student is a task, the solution of which is an indicator of the true professionalism of a teacher.

High-quality teaching of history and social studies at school allows you to educate active citizens of your country who are proud of its cultural heritage.

linear teaching of history at school
linear teaching of history at school

Objectives of the methodology

Optimal learning can only be achieved through management organized on the basis of the use of modern methods and forms of teaching.

The teaching of history at school is based on a special program, the object of whichcontent, forms, organization and teaching methods are presented.

The learning process is built on the ability to organize the creative activity of students in such a way as to form their interest in the subject. This can only be done by a teacher who has high-quality knowledge in his subject.

Several questions can be answered using the history study method:

  • why to teach (defines the developmental, educational, educational goals of society and the state, depending on the topic, class and age);
  • what to teach (the structure and content of historical education is indicated in the GEF);
  • how to teach (methods, means, ways of organizing educational activities).
history of secondary school teaching
history of secondary school teaching


The teaching of history in schools is based on several factors, each of which deserves detailed study and consideration.

The goals of studying the subject changed at various stages of the formation of the state. The teaching of history in secondary schools is linked to the evolution of society. In particular, in pre-revolutionary Russia, the following goals were set for teaching history to children:

  • formation of harmonious consciousness;
  • learning democratic values;
  • development of civic qualities (law-abiding, devotion to the Motherland) and the foundations of patriotism;
  • formation of interest in history as a subject.


Currently linearteaching history in schools is linked to the following goals:

  • mastery of basic knowledge about the historical path of mankind from ancient times to the present;
  • formation of skills for analyzing phenomena and events of reality based on historical information;
  • the formation of value orientations and beliefs of schoolchildren on the basis of humanism, historical experience, patriotism;

  • development of respect and interest in the culture and history of their people.

The linear system of teaching history at school is a new educational concept that allows you to educate a patriotic person who respects universal and national values, focused on caring for the environment.

how to make history a fun science
how to make history a fun science

Selection of the content of teaching history in RF

Change in the content of education is associated with the development of historical science. The methodology allows you to select the main facts, main events, phenomena of general and national history, generalizations and theoretical definitions.

The selected content is drawn up as a State Standard, fits into textbooks, manuals, reference books. It is this material that is assimilated by students through methodological work, which involves not only lesson activities, but also extracurricular activities.

technology in modern school
technology in modern school

Working methods

To implement the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in the discipline "History", teachers use certain methodswork:

  • visual;
  • verbal;
  • practical;
  • printed-handwritten (when reading historical texts).

With a well-thought-out methodological organization of the teaching and development process, the younger generation of Russians develops a correct idea of specific historical events, and develops cognitive skills. Children learn to defend their point of view based on historical facts.

Methods are also associated with forms of education (group, individual, frontal), types of training sessions (new material, consolidation of ZUN, combined, systematization and control). The means of educational work are considered to be all materials that contribute to the organization of the process: workbooks, textbooks, historical films, maps.

basic history of secondary school teaching
basic history of secondary school teaching


The learning outcomes indicate the extent to which the teacher has achieved the goals. The methodology of teaching history is interconnected with other sciences, in particular, with geography, biology, and philosophy. Unfortunately, modern realities are such that not all teachers of history and social studies work on the basis of specific methods and take a responsible approach to their professional activities.

Many of them have a “one-sided” attitude to the consideration of historical events, which negatively affects the perception of historical information by the younger generation. That is why, at present, close attention is paid to the subject"History", a new content of the textbook for secondary schools, secondary and higher educational institutions is being developed. The unity of the theoretical material, common methodological techniques - all this should increase the cognitive interest in the subject among modern schoolchildren.
