Airplane, train, car. Why are these nouns here? Today we will analyze what is baggage. Consider the meaning, synonyms and, of course, various interpretations. Because luggage is not just suitcases.

Most people don't need the lexical meaning of the word "luggage", because they are already well aware of the general meaning of the concept. But we are not. We need certainty. Therefore, we open the book on the desired page and see that the word luggage has the following meanings:
- Things, passenger cargo, packed for shipment, transportation. For example: “Honey, they lost our luggage, can you imagine?”
- Stock of knowledge, information. And in this case, the definition of a book. If you suddenly find yourself in a decent society, you can shine on occasion. For example: “This young man has a huge amount of knowledge in literature, he will probably go far.”
It would even be interesting to know the statistics of which meaning is used more often. Probably, things and suitcases are still closer to a person than knowledge and information. But on the other hand, if there are no such statistics, then there is nothing to talk about.

There are not so many replacement words. Let's look at the list first and then comment:
- things;
- cargo;
- luggage;
- stock;
- details;
- knowledge.
It is easy to understand that the top three concepts from the list refer to material baggage, and the last two to mental baggage. The word "reserve" is extremely ambiguous and is interpreted in both directions. When it became clear what luggage is, let's talk about the subtleties. For example, there is one definition that was not included in the list of synonyms, but nevertheless it can often be heard today precisely in the meaning of the baggage of knowledge and even human experience.
Wonderful word background

Those who do not know this noun have probably never communicated with young specialists. The word is quite popular among them. People are divided according to the principle of the presence or absence of a background. The latter are immediately sent to the category of "losers". For all those who are not in the know, we will explain the essence of the matter. So, the translation from English is as follows (we will give only some options so as not to tire the reader):
- background;
- education;
- qualification;
- origins;
- preparation;
- premise.
Clearly, when people talk about work, the word cannot mean "background", although this is almost a literal translation. It is obvious that something else is meant. You can guess for a long time, but we offer the following interpretation: what is baggage - this is background. Moreover, the latter is understood not just as a stock of knowledge, but also as experience in performing certain operations. In pedagogy, there is an abbreviation "ZUN", that is, "knowledge", "skill" and "skills". This is what background is. That is, to put it simply, the most accurate translation of the English word is “qualification”, when it comes to a specific job and the level of the performer. Thinking back a little, people with and without a background are specialists with the necessary qualifications, and professionals who do not have it. And as already mentioned a little higher, the concept is quite suitable as a synonym for the word "luggage". After all, at least background, at least qualifications are rooted in a certain stock of knowledge, skills and abilities.
What do suitcases and knowledge have in common?

The object of study has two meanings. But are there common points of contact that would unite them? Of course. Suitcases and knowledge must be constantly monitored. For example, a person received a mathematical education, and then became interested in theology. After 5 years, all mathematics completely disappeared from his head, as if she had never spent the night there. Well, if a person needs this knowledge like a fish needs an umbrella, but what if not? Let's take not boring mathematics (although this is a matter of taste), but a fascinating foreign language (not necessarily English). You need to constantly train, otherwise knowledge will disappear, and it will be a shame.
The same thing with luggage at the airport: you need to constantly keep it in sight so that enterprising fellows do not take it away. And then a little gape - there are no things. Therefore, the question of what luggage is can be answered like this: this is something that needs to be constantly monitored.
How is knowledge fundamentally different from things?
But knowledge has one feature that explains the difference between the direct and figurative meaning of the word we are considering. Imagine that a person is not at the airport, where there are many people who want to buy his things, but is traveling in an ordinary car. His treasures both lay in the trunk and lie. So, with knowledge, such a number will not work. It is impossible, for example, to get the profession of an engineer and, without working a day, consider yourself an expert in this field. Knowledge of much more things needs the attention of the owner. Clothes can fray, wear out, but they cannot disappear from the closet just because no one puts them on. Knowledge in this sense is more capricious, because memory works in such a way that everything unnecessary is relegated to the background, forgotten, and there is no longer any possibility to extract skills from the subconscious. Life is hard work, although some people manage to make this journey light, but not everyone is so lucky.
We hope the reader understands what the word luggage means, as well as the fine line between direct and figurative meaning.