There are many theories about how the world came to be. Since ancient times, this has worried the minds of people. Georges Buffon was among the first to present the hypothesis of the emergence of the human world. In doing so, he opened the door for the further development of mankind.
Georges Buffon: the hypothesis of the origin of the Earth

The scientist was born in France. Studied biology and mathematics. In his book Natural History, he presented his own vision of the origin of the world. The Frenchman Georges Buffon made a significant contribution to biology. Brief information from his hypothesis:
- The familiar solar system didn't exist before.
- One day a large comet collided with the Sun. After that, a lot of solar matter was ejected. There was some kind of explosion.
- These substances broke into a large number of parts, and planets were formed from them.
According to this man's theory, there were very hot celestial bodies in space, formed as a result of an explosion. As soon as they cooled, life began to emerge on planet Earth. However, it took a very long time.
Detailedhypothesis information

This man did not put forward the theory of the origin of the Sun or comets. He only wondered how the world of mankind came into being. The essence of Georges Buffon's hypothesis describes this process as a large collision of a comet and the Sun. This man believed that large meteorites did not belong to the solar system. In his opinion, solid bodies are the Sun and comets, but this is not true. Georges Buffon believed that due to the collision of comets, the burning star began to rotate, and its parts formed planets revolving around it. As a result, according to the theory, celestial bodies move in the direction that can be observed now. Thus, Georges Buffon explained the origin of the planets. They all broke away from the sun. However, humanity now knows that this hypothesis is wrong. Thanks to his theory, he made a significant contribution to the development of science.
How did the satellites of the planets appear?

This outstanding person suggested the appearance of almost all celestial bodies in the universe. Satellites appeared when the planets rotated around their axis very quickly and were in a liquid state. Due to the high speed of rotation, particles were separated from the celestial bodies and these large stars were formed from them.
If you pay attention to the many theories after this person, you can see that scientists have long started from his hypothesis. Georges Buffon created an idea that has long appeared in other cosmological assumptions about the origin of the world.
What are hiswere there any mistakes?
Some people may think the answer is obvious. It is easy enough for contemporaries to talk about this, knowing that the burning star is not at all solid. Comets, on the other hand, have a very small mass, which is why it is almost impossible for them to influence the Sun, and even more so to break off several parts from it. If modern hypotheses are to be believed, then the great luminary has never been in a molten state. This information allows us to crush the Buffon hypothesis. In addition, the broken parts from the Sun were bound to return. Also the movement of the planets after such a huge impact is unrealistic. Because of what, after a short period of time, this assumption was questioned. And Pierre Simon Lapal criticized him completely, because of which the hypothesis was eliminated from the scientific world.
The most relevant hypothesis

In the scientific community, disputes about the origin of the world are still ongoing. However, many scientists believe that the Kant-Laplace theory can be considered the most truthful. It says that at the very beginning there was only a gas cloud that revolved around the nucleus. These matters attracted each other, and gradually the gas-fog clot formed into a disk. Due to the fact that the gas was uneven, rings appeared. They loosened up after a while. After the clot cooled, planets formed, and the rings turned into satellites. The sun is the only clot that exists now and has not cooled down. This theory was named so because of the people who first put forward it. Gradually, scientists are studyingspace, which allows you to discover more and more new features of the origin of the planets. Experts believe that the hypothesis is still poorly argued, but its contribution to the development of the science of astronomy is very high.