Food: is it what we eat or what we live?

Food: is it what we eat or what we live?
Food: is it what we eat or what we live?

We are what we eat. But at the same time, aren't we what we are sincerely passionate about, what causes us aesthetic pleasure and gives us joy? Is food really only proteins, fats and carbohydrates, or is there a more subtle concept of such a simple and such a multifaceted word?

food is
food is

Spiritual food - what is it?

Without food, the body dies - this truth is elementary, so no one forgets to eat food when they are hungry. Moreover, taking care of the quality of food, a person is able to spend a lot of time and money, because physiological needs speak too loudly in us.

The requirements of the body are normal, but isn't it strange that putting so much effort into satisfying just one of the natural needs, people have lost the habit of thinking about mental, energy nourishment, without which a human being is nothing more than a functioning organism.

Life, subordinated to instincts, brings a person closer to the animal level, regardless of his living conditions and material we alth. But one should not think that people need spiritual nourishment in different ways, and for somethen it is necessary, and someone is ready to be content with only food in the stomach for the rest of his life. Hearing weak urges for high sensations and listening to them are too dissimilar things, and the whole difference between highly spiritual people and materialists lies precisely in this difference.

why food
why food

What is the nourishment of the soul

One hundred years ago, this question simply would not have been understood, because in every family the focus of spiritual food was the home Bible, which was read “for the salvation of the soul” and as entertainment. Much attention was paid to the spiritual food of the child as the basis of his perception of the world. Other peoples and religious communities had their own "Bible" with their saving canons. But the essence of moral satisfaction from the study of the book was not in the form of presentation and not in the name of a saint pronouncing certain axioms of life, but in a principled position considered correct in this society.

Thus, in no Holy Scripture of the world, whether it is written in Hebrew or Swahili, will there be a call to go out into the street and commit murder or theft, offend someone with a word or action in response to kindness.

Spiritual food in the modern world

Of course, the Bible is good and right, but in the modern world there are enough other positive and powerful sources of nourishment. We call this moment of power aesthetic pleasure, and it can come from a good film that gives pure emotions, from a book that directs our perception of the right in the right direction, from a picture in a museum or a beautiful dance.

It is believed that high-quality spiritual food is the forerunnerinspiration, creative and other positive spiritual impulses, which are characterized as kind and generous deeds. Mercy is another prime example of well received high quality spiritual food.

food in the stomach
food in the stomach

Food for thought

Receiving any information that needs to be comprehended, we thereby feed the brain centers that are responsible for reaction, logic, perception and many other information processing mechanisms. That is, food is also a whole, unassimilated body of knowledge that requires analysis and our personal assessment.

Why food? Here it is logical to assume that phraseologism is built on a similar physiological process of acceptance, assimilation and removal from the body of food. Since the time of the first printed detective stories, it has been considered that the best food for thought is provided by books where the author offers the reader complex and confusing situations with a logical conclusion to the story.

food product
food product

Food as it is

Food is an element designed to maintain the vitality and tone of the body. For even distribution to all organs and tissues, without excessive deposits or deficiency, nutrients must be completely absorbed, which means they must be natural and have sufficient energy value.

Adherents of wholesome nutrition since the time of Hippocrates have developed a formula that is relevant for all eras: "Food should be medicine, and medicine should be food." In fact, by replacing the known six elements of our usual food with the samesix, in the form of products that provide real benefits, we will lose the need for at least numerous biologically active food supplements. This is especially important given the current environmental situation.

baby food
baby food

What food is made of

No matter how delicious dishes cooks regale us with, the essence of each serving on a plate lies in a complex combination of six simple elements: fats, carbohydrates, proteins, mineral s alts, vitamins and the familiar H2 O.

The elements are the same, but their content in different products is uneven - somewhere fats make up 70% of the mass, and somewhere the same share of the product is occupied by proteins. Consider examples of the predominant content of nutrients in products that fall on our table:

  • Fats - contained in any fresh or processed natural dairy product, lard, liquid oils. Fats are divided by origin into animal and vegetable.
  • Proteins are not only the white component of a chicken egg, but also all fermented milk products. Lots of protein in fish and meat.
  • Carbohydrates are essential for brain function. Thermoregulation of the body is also included in the task of this element, so the complete exclusion of carbohydrates in diets is unacceptable. Since they all invariably become simple sugars during the breakdown process, it is recommended to limit their use to natural fruits and non-starchy foods.
  • Minerals included in the product - food of an auxiliary order, from which we see and use only s alt in its pure form. The remaining elements - magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, etc. are distributed in food products and are part of vitamin and mineral complexes. In total, food contains more than sixty minerals, and the absence of any of them in the diet affects the condition of the body as a whole.
  • Vitamins are required for better absorption of food. These are vital elements responsible for the state of the immune system.

Water is the basis of the structure of our body, and it is possible to compensate for its daily losses only by drinking from one and a half liters of liquids during the day.

In just a day, the body needs to get from the outside: 85 g of fat, 400 g of carbohydrates, 100 g of protein, about 0.5 tsp of mineral s alts and vitamins with a volume of flaxseed.
