Regions of Russia economic, geographical: description, features

Regions of Russia economic, geographical: description, features
Regions of Russia economic, geographical: description, features

Russia is a large state on the Eurasian continent, it occupies Northern Asia and part of Eastern Europe. Geographically, it ranks first in the world among states. The total population of the country is 146 million people. According to the form of government - a presidential-parliamentary republic; federal state. The official name of the country is the Russian Federation (RF). The capital is the city of Moscow.

The current president of the state is Vladimir Putin. The official currency is the Russian ruble. The territory of the country is immediately in the zone of 11 time zones. Russia unites several dozen nations, races and cultures. All people are laborers: from artisans to businessmen. Here is such an interesting population in a majestic power. On the territory you can see many monuments and various cultural virtues, which shows people's respect for their history.

Geographic regions of Russia

The area of the Russian Federation is more than 17 million square meters. km. It has the longest coastlineline among the states of the planet.

Extreme points:

  • In the north - Cape Chelyuskin (Taimyr Peninsula).
  • In the east - Ratmanov Island (Bering Strait).
  • In the south - the city of Bazarduzu (on the border with Dagestan).
  • In the west, the extreme point is located in the Kaliningrad region.

Russia is conditionally divided between two parts of the world - Europe and Asia. This border is established by the Ural Mountains. These two territories are uneven in area: the European part occupies 25% of the area, while the Asian part occupies 75%. The regions of Russia occupy a large Asian part, which is often called Siberia and the Far East.

If we classify Russia according to landforms, that is, in an orographic way, we can distinguish 6 geographical regions of the country.

regions of Russia
regions of Russia

Western Siberia

Represented by the West Siberian Lowland, one of the largest plains on the planet. It is located from the Kara Sea to the Kazakh semi-deserts, from Altai and the Urals to the river. Yenisei. The total area of the plain is 2.5 million square meters. km. The western region of Russia is characterized by minor elevation changes. They fluctuate between 100-200 m above sea level. On the eastern borders, it rises to 300 m. The terrain of this region is quite swampy. Of the entire Siberian region of the country, it is the south of Russia that is fairly well settled, while the rest is absolutely unsuitable for life or economic activity.

geographical regions of Russia
geographical regions of Russia

Eastern Siberia

Another region of Siberia, a largepart of which is occupied by the Central Siberian Plateau. It is located south of the West Siberian Lowland. From the eastern and western outskirts it is surrounded by the mountain ranges of the Eastern Sayan, Transbaikalia and the Baikal region. The average heights of the region are 600-700 m, ridges and plateaus alternate. The highest plateau is Vilyuiskoye, here the heights reach 1500-1700 m. The highest point is Kamen, 1701 m high. This region can be characterized as a place where permafrost is widespread everywhere. The dense river system is represented mainly by mountain rivers.

south of Russia
south of Russia

Far East

A relatively small geographical region of Russia, represented by the Pacific coast. It is divided into 3 parts: mainland - directly the coast; peninsular - the Kamchatka Peninsula; island - the Kuril Islands. It has a meridional extent, the geographical characteristics of the region depend on it. For example, the northern part of the Far East is located beyond the Arctic Circle. Closer to the south of Russia, the snow cover gives way to areas of permafrost, and then to tundra. Most of the region is represented by mountain ranges and hills. This is part of the seismic belt. Especially the Kamchatka Peninsula. It is considered the most active seismic region. In addition to active volcanoes, underwater volcanoes that cause tsunami waves are a frequent occurrence. In the south, taiga dominates with subtropical representatives of the flora. Like some other regions of Russia, this territory is a place of high humidity due to the proximity to the ocean.

northern regions of russia
northern regions of russia

Southeastern mountainous region of Russia

The entire southern and part of the eastern border of Russia is surrounded by mountains. In the southeast they are represented by the Caucasian mountain system, the Altai and Sayan, Baikal ranges. The Caucasus Mountains are relatively young. Their formation is not yet completed, and they have the property of "growing". The highest points of the ridge are within 5,000 m. The highest point of the Caucasus is Mount Elbrus. Some geographical areas of Russia are the most dangerous. Here, landslides, snow avalanches, earthquakes and mountain falls can become serious disasters.

main regions of russia
main regions of russia


This region includes a river and a mountain system with the same name. The Ural Mountains stretch from south to north for more than 2,000 km, from south to east - a maximum of 150 km. Based on their relief forms, the territory is divided into the main regions of Russia: Northern, Southern, Central, Polar and Subpolar. The Ural Mountains largely influence the climate of the entire state. They serve as a "barrier" and do not allow cold oceanic air masses to pass inland, thereby establishing a continental type of climate throughout the territory. For this reason, the climate also varies in the region itself: more precipitation falls in the western part than in the eastern part. Large hydrological system - many rivers, more than 6 thousand lakes.

Primorsky district of Russia
Primorsky district of Russia

Russian Plain

The East European Plain (Russian) is one of the largest on the planet. The regions of Russia are much inferior to it in length. Its second name - Russian -received due to the fact that for the most part lies within the borders of the state of the same name. The area is about 4 million square meters. km. Within the borders of the country, it is located from the Caspian Sea to the Arctic Ocean, from the western borders of the state to the Ural Mountains in the east. The plain is surprisingly uniform, typical. Average heights do not exceed 200 m above sea level. On the plain there are 6 hills with an indicator of 310-340 m. This area has undergone serious anthropogenic changes.

western region of russia
western region of russia

Socio-economic zoning

In terms of socio-economic zoning, 11 regions are distinguished, located in the neighborhood of territorial-administrative units. The separateness of the regions is distinguished by their geographical location, historical past, resource potential and the development of a particular sector of the economy. All 11 regions are divided on one more basis - they belong to two macro-regions, Western and Eastern. The Western macroregion includes 7 districts, the Eastern one - 4.

  • Northern regions of Russia. One of the largest territorial regions of the European part. Consists of the Vologda, Arkhangelsk, Murmansk regions, the Republic of Karelia and Komi. It also includes the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The Primorsky region of Russia, which is in demand among tourists, belongs to the northern part of the state.
  • Central region. Includes the capital and the nearest 12 regions of the Federation.
  • Central Black Earth economic region. Located south of Central, one of the mostsmall in area, consists of 5 regions.
  • North-western economic region. It consists of 4 regions and the city of federal significance - St. Petersburg.
  • Vostochno-Sibirsky region. Large economic region of Russia. Includes 3 republics: Buryatia, Khakassia and Tuva, Irkutsk region, Trans-Baikal and Krasnoyarsk regions.
  • Far Eastern region. The largest economic region of the Russian Federation in terms of area. It includes 9 administrative subjects of the Russian Federation.
  • North Caucasian region. Although this region is small in area, it includes a large number of administrative entities - 10. These are new republics actively fighting for their independence.
  • Volga-Vyatka economic region. The region is located entirely within the country and has no external borders. It includes: Nizhny Novgorod, Chuvash and Kirov regions, Mordovia and Mari El.
  • Volga economic region. It consists of 8 subjects of the Federation.
  • Ural economic region. Includes Perm Territory, 4 regions, 2 republics - Bashkortostan and Udmurtia.
  • Listing the regions of Russia, the last one can be called the most remote subject - the Kaliningrad region.
