Direction - what is it?

Direction - what is it?
Direction - what is it?

Direction - what is it? Usually, this term refers to the direction of movement towards something. However, if you look at it more closely, you will find that the interpretation of this word is much broader. Let's try to figure out that this is a direction.

What does the dictionary say?

Direction of the wind
Direction of the wind

The first of the "direction" values listed in the dictionary is the following. This is an action corresponding in meaning to the verb "to direct". It means the aspiration of an object to a certain point or direction.

Examples of the use of the word in this interpretation.

  • Finally we reached the sign pointing east.
  • After mature reflection, the CEO was convinced that sending Filippov to the position of head of the Arkhangelsk branch was the right decision.
  • If the integrity of these organs is violated, blood flow in the opposite direction is possible. This can lead to heart failure.
  • After carefully studying the area and checking with the map, geologists realized that all this time they were moving in the correctdirection.

Direction like a line

Direction as a line
Direction as a line

The second meaning of "direction" is a line that points or points in a certain direction.

  • On the plan proposed by the chief of staff for study, the direction of the missile was indicated in red, facing the target.
  • The students were given the task to show the movement of the train in the north direction with a solid line. Movement in the opposite direction should have been marked with a dotted line.
  • To choose the right direction, just open the map, look at the thick black lines there and follow these signs.


What is "direction" figuratively? This is a part of some scientific, social or artistic community, which is united on the basis of similar ideas, goals, principles.

Usage examples:

  • It is quite difficult for the older generation to understand what exactly attracts young people in such modern musical directions as rap and hip-hop.
  • In the 19th century, literature, art and philosophy saw a sharp confrontation between the Slavophiles and supporters of the Western direction in the development of Russia.
  • In the visual arts, there is a wide variety of styles and trends that often do not have clearly defined boundaries. Styles can flow smoothly from one to another, while experiencing continuous development.
Impressionism - a direction in painting
Impressionism - a direction in painting
  • Impressionism is a direction in painting, which is mainly associated with working outdoors. It is designed to convey the light sensation of the artist.
  • Romanticism refers to an artistic and ideological direction characteristic of European and American culture of the late 18th - first half of the 19th century, affirming the value of the spiritual, creative life of an individual, depicting strong, rebellious characters and passions, as well as spiritualized nature.

Direction as document

Doctor's referral
Doctor's referral

In this sense, a referral is an official document that instructs you to arrive or appear at some place.

Usage examples:

  • In the polyclinic, in a prominent place, there was an announcement stating that the admission of children under 17 years of age will be carried out only according to the direction of the attending physician. The document must be signed by an authorized person.
  • Soon, Petrov was already standing in front of the garrison duty officer and showed him his certificate, as well as a referral to serve in the unit.
  • After conferring with the teachers, the head of the department decided that such a talented student as Amosov deserves to be sent to graduate school.
  • According to medical standards, according to the indications, patients can expect to receive a referral for MRI and CCT. In this case, the procedure is free of charge.

Understanding the meaning of the word "direction" will be facilitated by familiarization with itsprovenance as shown below.


According to scientists, the word comes from the verb "to direct". It is formed by adding the prefix "to" and the verb "rule". The latter is rooted in the Proto-Slavic language, where there is the word praviti. Among other things, Old Russian, Russian, Church Slavonic, Ukrainian “pravity” are formed from it, which has many meanings, such as “to guide, teach, instruct, lead, manage, dispose.”

The Proto-Slavic verb praviti is formed from the short adjective prāv, from which they originated for example:

  • Ukrainian "right";
  • Belarusian "right";
  • Lower Luga ršawy;
  • polabskoe próvy;
  • Czech and Slovak pravý;
  • Old Russian and Old Slavonic “prav”, which means “straight, right, innocent”;
  • Bulgarian "right", meaning "straight, right";
  • Serbo-Croatian right - "innocent, direct"; pȓv², which translates as “correct, real”;
  • Slovenian adverb pràv - "right" and adjective prȃvi - "correct, right";
  • Polish and Upper Luga prawy meaning "right, straight, real".
