Calculation - what is it? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation

Calculation - what is it? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation
Calculation - what is it? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation

Calculation is bad when it comes to human relationships. At least, that's how it was believed until recently. Now people prefer to weigh the pros and cons of any situation or relationship. And if there are more minuses, then a person does not get involved in an adventure. Good or bad, it's hard to say. But it is easy to communicate the meaning of the word "calculation", which, in fact, we will do today.


Wonderful girl with beautiful lips
Wonderful girl with beautiful lips

Of course, in the male mind at the word "calculation" the image of a very insidious woman immediately pops up. She is certainly fantastically beautiful, but equally immoral. She catches gullible guys in her nets, and they follow her, as if at the call of a siren. It would be interesting to compare this image with the one that arises in the female mind, but, unfortunately, there is no such possibility. Although you can recall a series of images of evil princes. Perhaps they will do as an example.

As we understand, the word has not only a moral dimension. Generally, itneutral. Don't believe? Let's ask the dictionary:

  1. See calculate, count.
  2. Calculations resulting from data calculation.
  3. Fixing and recording data when designing a structure.
  4. Paying obligations, paying bills.
  5. Firing with full pay.
  6. Retribution, retribution, punishment (figurative and colloquial).
  7. An assumption that is based on facts or considerations; intention.
  8. Self-interested thoughts aimed at obtaining some benefit or benefit.
  9. Benefit, benefit (colloquial).
  10. Caution and frugality in spending money.

Yes, but we are not saying goodbye to the dictionary yet, because we still need to highlight the meaning of the verb that took the first position in the list:

  1. Calculate something, take into account the probabilities or possibilities of doing something.
  2. Foresee, conceive (this meaning is inseparable from the conjunction “what”).
  3. Fire someone.
  4. Order to pay off (a special term that can be heard from the military).

As you can see, there is a huge number of meanings, and most importantly, after we have learned the whole range of meanings, it is already difficult to answer the question: is calculation good or bad? Much depends on the context. If the word has a technical meaning, then it is morally neutral, and when it comes to relationships, then a specific situation comes into play. Moreover, sometimes thrift is understood as calculation, and this is already completely different. By the way, we'll talk about substitutions right now.


Numbers - calculation symbols
Numbers - calculation symbols

Probably, looking at the number of values, the reader might think that now he will drown in synonyms for the word "calculation". But no, if the meaning is difficult to truncate, because in this case we would sin against the truth, then substitutions can be handled freely, because no one knows all the synonyms of a word that has at least 10 meanings, and there may also be individual interpretations. So let the reader not worry. Everything will be good. Go to the list:

  • dismissal;
  • abbreviation;
  • guess;
  • project;
  • layout;
  • calculation;
  • bet.

There are many meanings, but it cannot be said that the synonyms match them, but we still spare the reader, as promised.

The main thing in the calculation is subtlety

Man painfully thinks about something
Man painfully thinks about something

Moreover, the advice given in the subheading is universal. When we do a technical project, we must not miss the details. When we try to make someone fall in love with ourselves or get some other benefit - the same story. We are not exactly the devil's advocates, but sometimes calculation is a necessary part of life. If you don't prepare well, you might regret it later.

Of course, for moral reasons, we should not say that if you do the calculation and rely on it, then it must be subtle. And most importantly: you don’t need to tell anyone about what is in your heart, what exactly you are carrying. And if you can imitate sincerity, then success is guaranteed.

Let's tell everyone who is interested that there isthe alternative to calculation is feelings, sincerity. The latter are not imitated, but the real ones. In reality, however, we encounter various combinations of calculation and feeling. No one can be just a machine or just a raw emotion. You can think about it at your leisure, of course, we do not prohibit.
