Mythology has always interested humanity, because everything unknown and unknown literally attracts people like a magnet. This article will discuss the beautiful women of Greek mythology, since the daughters of Zeus made no less a contribution to the history of ancient man and Olympus. It's no secret that the main god had many children, and some of them even differed in a somewhat non-standard way of being born.

So, from Themis, the second wife of Zeus, Adrastea was born - the goddess of justice, an eternally vengeful young lady, from whom no one could hide. In general, in mythology, virtually all the daughters of Zeus are quite vengeful persons, but Adrastea, among the rest, also adhered to justice.
Hebe was born from the first wife of the supreme god Olympus - this daughter of Zeus had the gift of patronage over youth. The eternally young goddess served the rest of the gods, constantly adding nectar to them. Later, she became the wife of Hercules, who was deified after the exploits.
Another daughter of Zeus had the name Ilithyia, and she was also born from the first wifeHera. She was the patroness of childbirth, often appeared to women in childbirth for help, but sometimes she also represented a hostile force. For a long time, her help to humanity was not independent, since Ilithyia was the assistant of Artemis or Hera, but after a while everything changed.

The daughter of Zeus, terrifying others, was named Persephone. She was born from Demeter, but in her youth she was stolen by the brother of Zeus - Hades. He gave Persephone the opportunity to rule the kingdom of the dead, although initially she was only the goddess of fertility. There is a belief that Demeter's daughter was stolen in the winter, which is why there are no fertile lands in winter, because the young girl could not do her direct duties while she was experiencing separation from her mother. Then Hades took pity and allowed his beloved to return to Demeter once a year for a while.
The famous daughter of Zeus is the goddess of hunting Artemis. She has a twin brother, which is why she also patronized all the sisters among people. When she was born, most of the gods began to fear the wrath of the lawful wife of Zeus - Hera, because Artemis was born from the Titanides Leto. However, the father reassured his daughter, telling her that she should not be afraid of her wife's revenge. Soon, he bestows on his daughter all the gifts she desires and gives her the right to choose his patronage.

The most amazing birth story is the birth myth of Athena. The fact is that she does not have a mother - she was born from the head of Zeus, whichHephaestus cut with a powerful ax. Moreover, this goddess of war, victory and wisdom had no childhood, she was immediately born fully equipped and with military weapons. A distinctive feature of Athena's character is that she helps not only mortals, but also the gods, who often come to her for advice.
And finally, the most attractive daughter of Zeus - the goddess of beauty Aphrodite. Her mother was Dione, born from the foam of the sea, as a result of which she received her name. Despite her marriage (her husband was Hephaestus), Aphrodite led a rather wild life, probably, her father's genes "affected". It should be noted that the image of this goddess is often used in various literary works, but in them she is often called Venus (this name was given to the goddess of beauty by the Romans, who, in fact, borrowed the entire pantheon of gods from the Greeks).