Loanwords in Russian come from nine main sources: German, French, Dutch, English, Swedish, Italian, Greek, Latin and Turkic. Under their influence, interaction and mutual enrichment of the languages of various peoples took place at different stages of historical development.
Discussions about whether this is good or bad for the development of the language are still ongoing. But this does not affect the use of some words in modern life.
There are many examples of Russification of foreign words, the article will discuss one of them.

Origin of the word
The roots of the word "formation" are German (from former or formieren). Difficulties in spelling borrowed words are usually caused by the transfer of spelling from the original version. Since the German version of the word, as always, is laconic, the interfix "ir" and two suffixes are used for the euphonious pronunciation of the Russian variety.
The noun is formed from the verb form "to form" (to create something from existing parts). The meaning of the word "formation" is not too different from the meaning of the source code. Interpretation dependsfrom the scope of application: philosophy, pedagogy, psychology, natural sciences. Formation is the compilation of the required form of something. The subject on which this action is performed changes in accordance with the section of science.

Psychology and Pedagogy
Even in such closely related areas, the definition of the word varies slightly. In psychology, formation is a deliberate impact on the development of a person, his personal qualities and properties in order to form a certain form (level). The term is also applied to the main characteristics: memory, thinking, speech, perception.
In pedagogy, formation is the use of certain methods, ways of influencing a person in order to form a structure of specific values, skills and abilities. This takes into account both exogenous and endogenous factors: parents, environment, teachers, educators, social status, etc. It can be noted that pedagogy and psychology achieve the same thing, but with different approaches.

Philosophy and sociology
The oldest of sciences, as always, gives the term universality. Therefore, formation is a process antagonistic to decay. Chaos and stagnation are opposed to stability and integrity. In this regard, the synonyms of the word "formation" are: alignment, development, formation, evolution. Of a number of antonyms, the most commonly used are "disbandment", "destruction", "liquidation".
In sociologythe term has been used for a long time in the sense of "creating the required result from any controlled processes." Specialists form public opinion, the loy alty of citizens to a certain person, company, even the consumption of certain goods (which are absolutely useless).
All these processes take place on the basis of a detailed study and monitoring of the situation and the population. Formation in sociology is also called the formed group or collective. On the pages of some media, the terms "bandit formations" and "terrorist formations" appear constantly, regrettably.

Academic environment and everyday life
Any science that studies the formation and development of anything will use the term "formation" (as the process of building an object with the help of any neoplasms or components). These are medicine, zoology, botany, physics and chemistry, astronomy, geology, etc.
The word is firmly entrenched in literature, music, fine arts, art history practice, as well as statistics, sports, management and marketing, agro-industrial and industrial complexes.
In the army, the term is used both as a designation of a part of the system (military formations: squad, platoon, company, battalion, etc.), and as the name of a newly formed special group.
The formation of concepts (in the scientific environment) is one of the research methods, which includes analysis, differentiation and formulation.
In everyday life the word"formation" sounds infrequently, since it is easily replaced by such forms as creation, emergence, acquisition, connection, establishment. It cannot be attributed to "Russified" borrowings. The presence of the sound [F] indicates its foreign origin.
So, we have determined what formation is, the meaning of this word in all spheres of life. The differences are minimal, so the formation of demand, impressions, concepts, tree crown, reactions, habits, motor skills, reflexes, desired reactions and behaviors is universally known. Despite its foreign origin, the word has confidently penetrated into all spheres of our life, and its sound does not cause discomfort and a feeling of “incomprehensibility” of interpretation.
Numerous examples of the transmission of information using this word in the literature once again confirm its relevance.