What are the main features of the text? Signs of text in Russian

What are the main features of the text? Signs of text in Russian
What are the main features of the text? Signs of text in Russian

Text is the highest unit of language. It consists of smaller language units - sentences and phrases, words. Like any other phenomenon, it has its own characteristics and distinctive features that distinguish it from other linguistic phenomena. In addition, depending on the style to which it belongs, the text has a number of additional features. Next, we will look at what are the main features of text and various functional styles.

What is text?

Text is a speech product, which consists of successively interconnected various linguistic signs. Differs in integrity and design.

main features of the text
main features of the text

Compositionally, the text consists of:

  • offers;
  • paragraphs;
  • paragraphs;
  • sections;
  • ch.

All these elements are connected by one theme and purpose. Forto determine whether a set of certain sentences is text, you need to know the main features of the text in Russian.

Each text has a specific, clearly defined functional and stylistic orientation - scientific, artistic, journalistic style, etc.

Main features of the text

In order for a set of words and sentences to be called one, they must meet certain requirements. Here are the main features of the text that stand out in linguistics:

  1. Completion, which implies semantic completeness.
  2. Connectedness.
  3. Unity of used stylistic means.
  4. Partiality and autonomy.

Only if all of the above signs are present, a composition of several sentences can be considered text.


When analyzing the features of the text, it is necessary to start with completeness. This sign suggests that the text fully reveals the intention that the author has set for him. All this leads to a complete perception and understanding of what is read or heard by the recipient.

signs of text in Russian
signs of text in Russian

After reading the text, we must understand its meaning, see the connection between the topic and the content.


This feature is manifested in the arrangement of sentences in a certain logical sequence, which helps to reflect the development of thought. One sentence is a semantic continuation of the first one, it is built on the basis of previously submitted information. This also includes the design of the text using grammatical andlexical means of the language. Various keywords, repetitions, conjunctions, synonyms are used for communication.

When examining the features of the text in Russian, in particular connection, it should be noted that there are two main connections between sentences - parallel and chain. At the first sentence, they are connected to each other due to the same word order, similar structure.

what are the main features of the text
what are the main features of the text

In the second, a key word acts as a link, which carries basic information. It can be replaced by a synonym. In addition, perfective verbs are used.

Style unity

When examining the main features of the text, one cannot fail to note the unity of style. Any text is designed according to the features of a particular functional style. Depending on the chosen style, lexical and linguistic means, grammatical design of the text are selected. Syntactic structures are also built based on the chosen style. So, in a conversational style, simple sentences predominate, in a scientific one - complex ones.


This feature implies the simultaneous execution of the three text features described above. That is, the presence of coherence, completeness and stylistic unity.

Even if one or two features were found in the proposed fragment, it cannot be called a text until the three main features of the text we described earlier are met.

Other signs

Let's also highlight other, less important features of the text in Russian.

Articulation, which implies that the textconsists of several proposals. At the same time, do not forget that they should be interconnected by a single topic.

And autonomy: every text has a beginning and an end.

There is also such a sign as information content - the text carries certain information. In general, it is determined by the topic and purpose of the statement.

Distinctive features of styles

In the Russian language, a number of functional styles are distinguished - scientific, official business, journalistic, artistic. Each of them has not only the main features of the text, but also a number of additional ones that help distinguish them from each other.

text signs
text signs

Scientific style

Scientific style is used when writing articles and monographs, diploma and master's theses, dissertations, scientific presentations, reports, lectures. The main features of a scientific text: the use of terminology, complex sentences, the impersonality of the author, which is manifested through the use of "we" instead of "I", thesis statement, the presence of introductory words and constructions, emotional neutrality.

Formal business style

Official business style covers all official documents: laws, business notes, statements, protocols. The main features of this style are the direct word order, logic in presentation, the use of clichés and language clichés, conciseness, emotional and evaluative neutrality, and the presence of standards. Often in this style, regulated samples and forms are used.

signs of a scientific text
signs of a scientific text

Publicistic style

Publicistic style covers the entire scope of the media. Its main function is to inform, influence a person. Signs of a journalistic text are a logical and concise presentation of information, imagery, evaluation, and a call to action. An important feature is also the selection of information with the help of headings and subheadings, visual effects. Sentences in texts of this style are both simple and complex.

Conversational and Artistic Styles

The artistic style is characterized by expressive and emotional vocabulary, the use of metaphors and comparisons, light constructions. He wrote all the works of art: stories, novels, poems.

signs of publicistic text
signs of publicistic text

Conversational style is used in oral speech, Internet correspondence. The main features of the text of this style are the use of colloquial and colloquial words, repetitions, incomplete and simple sentences. It also emphasizes the lack of a clear structure and logic of presentation.


We have considered what are the main features of the text in Russian. So, they highlight the coherence, integrity and completeness of the text, stylistic unity. In the presence of only one or two of the features listed by us, one or another fragment of textual information cannot be called a text. In addition to the features common to all texts, they will also highlight features - lexical and grammatical, syntactic, thanks to which we can determine which functional style this or that text belongs to.
