Ranking of Russian universities (2015)

Ranking of Russian universities (2015)
Ranking of Russian universities (2015)

At all times, society has felt the need for literate and intelligent people, because it is they who can take on the burden of running the state. There were moments in history when there were not enough such people, since there are few nuggets, and the rest were not trained at all. Thus was invented a process called "education". Today, this term has become commonplace, as each of us studies in special institutions. Education itself is a structured process of educating a person, which is carried out in the interests of the state by instilling skills, values, ethnic characteristics, etc. The mechanism of education begins from the moment we enter school and has no end, because each of us receives new experience throughout life. The most important stage of education is admission to a higher educational institution after school. Today, a huge number of young Russian graduates cannot decide where to go after school. Everyone wants to get into prestigious universities, but no one knows whatof them wear this fashionable status. In the article below we will try to find out which institutions, universities and academies can be called truly prestigious.

How it all began

From the moment when the monks from Byzantium Cyril and Methodius created the Slavic alphabet, the process of development of education on the territory of modern Russia began.

rating of Russian universities
rating of Russian universities

The process of formation and development of the domestic educational mechanism has experienced many negative and positive moments.

The first include the introduction of Christianity in Russia by Vladimir the Great in 988, the scientific discoveries of great scientists (Lomonosov, Mendeleev), the reform policy of Peter I and much more. The most negative impact on education had the times of unprincipled tsarism and the Soviet dictatorship, the period of stagnation, etc.

Nevertheless, today the Russian Federation is one of the most prestigious educational centers around the world, as evidenced by the huge flow of students from many foreign countries. The domestic process of education is one of the best on the planet, since our scientists are highly valued almost everywhere. It is quite possible that Russian universities in the world rankings will also soon come out on top due to the level of education they provide.

Russian universities in the world ranking
Russian universities in the world ranking

How are schools classified?

Ranking of Russian universities is based on various factors. Organizations or mass media are of great importanceinformation that evaluates educational institutions. Inside the country, one can talk about the prestige of a particular university, however, abroad, a completely different assessment of the situation is possible, but this will be discussed further. Most often, within the Russian Federation, the rating of Russian universities is made by highlighting the most prestigious educational institutions in a particular field of study (economics, technology, defense, law, etc.). Such an assessment allows you to see not only the degree of "coolness" of the academy or university, but also makes it possible to find out the best forge of personnel in any scientific field.

Criteria for evaluating universities

To compare educational institutions, certain criteria are used that allow you to see the features of educational institutions. Thus, the ranking of universities in the Russian Federation is based on the following criteria:

1) number of applicants, demand for an educational institution;

2) availability of different forms of education;

3) the level of funds allocated to this university;

4) qualifications of graduates;

5) level of education provided;

6) territorial location and landscaping.

It is worth noting that completely different evaluation criteria are possible when ranking by foreign media or organizations.

Technical and Law Schools

Whatever one may say, but the rating of Russian technical universities from year to year puts forward the Moscow State Technical University. Bauman, which was founded back in 1830. This institution is a meccaabsolutely all techies of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries.

Russian universities in international rankings
Russian universities in international rankings

At MSTU im. Bauman train specialists in various branches of technical sciences. The university is constantly included in international rankings. The best lawyers are "made" at the Moscow State Law Academy and, oddly enough, at the Faculty of Law at Moscow State University. Of course, in the technical and legal sectors, other venerable educational institutions can be distinguished that graduate no less competent specialists, for example, Peoples' Friendship University, the Faculty of Law of the University of St. Petersburg, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Tyumen Oil and Gas State University, etc. Graduates of these universities are known as real specialists business.

Military schools

Every state needs military personnel who need to be trained somewhere. For this, specialized military universities are being created, the purpose of which is to produce highly qualified personnel for various special services and defense structures. Military Russian universities are known all over the world, because the Russian Federation allocates a huge amount of funds for the development of the defense of the state. The Moscow Academy of the FSB is the most popular.

ranking of Russian economic universities
ranking of Russian economic universities

Everyone who decides to connect his life with the army and service to the Motherland dreams of coming here. In terms of the number of applicants each year, the Moscow Academy of the FSB is the undisputed leader. The learning process is carried out by the best specialists in the field of defense, operational-searchactivity and other special sciences. The Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Naval Academy in St. Petersburg are not far behind the clear favorite. The popularity of the Voronezh Institute increased after the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. From time immemorial, Russian sailors have been known around the world as one of the most skillful and courageous, so future officers are trained at the Naval Academy in the best traditions of the Russian fleet.

RSU rating among Russian universities
RSU rating among Russian universities

The popularity of military universities is primarily due to the fact that they provide education applicable both in the military and in the public, civilian sphere. In addition, the army in Russia is an elite under the constant care of the state.

Higher education in the humanities

When it is not possible to build "mutual relations" with the exact sciences, you need to pay attention to the humanitarian areas. There are a lot of liberal arts universities in Russia. It should be noted such famous educational institutions as MGIMO, whose graduates work in embassies around the world, Moscow State University, where there are many humanities faculties, and St. Petersburg State University (the northern analogue of Moscow State University). State universities produce specialists in various technical fields, however, their fame and high level of funding allows them to provide quality education in the humanities. The Russian State University for the Humanities is very popular. The rating of the RSUH among Russian universities is constantly at a high level. This is due to the narrow humanitarian specialization of this educational institution. Therefore, RSUH in terms of popularitydoes not lag behind Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University. Many humanitarian educational institutions are very often included in the national rating of Russian universities "Expert RA" (MGIMO, Moscow State University, Ural Federal University, etc.).

Best economic universities

Economists have always been famous for their demand, as their scientific activities directly affect the economic well-being of the state. The rating of Russian economic universities makes it possible to single out the most prestigious educational institutions in this field of knowledge. Russian economic universities are widely known all over the world, because they train excellent specialists in the field of economics. The best economic preparation is provided to students of the faculty of the same name of Moscow State University. Lomonosov, MGIMO, St. Petersburg State University. Anyone who wants to devote his life to the study of economics, first of all, tries to enter these higher educational institutions. This trinity is not inferior in terms of the quality of the knowledge provided by the Financial University and the Higher Economic University. Plekhanov. It should be noted that the ranking of Russian universities for 2015 showed the undisputed leadership of the University. Plekhanov before other "cradles" of economists of all Russia.

Russian universities in international rankings

RF is famous for its educational institutions all over the world. Students from around the world are trying to get to Russia to study, because the universities of the Russian Federation are rapidly approaching the level of such venerable European and American educational institutions as Harvard, Cambridge, etc. Today it is not surprising to see someor from domestic higher schools in a certain international TOP. Russian universities in the world ranking are regular guests, especially such educational institutions as St. Petersburg State University and Moscow State University. It should also be noted that some ratings are annual, and their results affect the reputation and level of interest in the educational institution. One of these TOPs is U-multirank. The rating of Russian universities in the TOPs of this level is the best way to show the level of education in the state. Only the best and most prestigious educational institutions of the country can get into the U-multirank rating. In 2015, U-multirank was included in the list of the best universities of St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics.

MSU is the leader of Russian education

Of all the universities of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries, Moscow State University was and is the alma mater of outstanding scientists who glorify domestic education in their homeland and in other states. Moscow State University Lomonosov was founded in 1755. To date, the university has 15 research institutes, 41 faculties and more than 300 departments. The rating of Russian state universities always brings Moscow State University to the first place.

rating of universities of the Russian Federation
rating of universities of the Russian Federation

This fact indicates the high quality of the knowledge provided in this educational institution, the functionality of the entire educational process, the availability of favorable conditions for learning and recreation. As for international tops, in 2015Moscow State University is among the top twenty universities that train specialists in the fields of physics, astronomy, foreign languages, linguistics and mathematics. It should be noted that foreign students from more than 20 foreign countries study at Moscow State University. Among the outstanding graduates of Moscow University were such outstanding personalities as Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev, Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov, Sergei Nikolaevich Bulgakov, Maxim Lvovich Kontsevich and many others.

TOP-10 best universities according to reports for 2015

In conclusion, it is necessary to present the most recent rating of Russian educational institutions according to estimates for 2015. This year, applicants will storm the admission committees of the following universities:

1) Lomonosov Moscow State University Lomonosov.

2) Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.

3) Saint Petersburg State University.

4) National Research Nuclear University.

5) National Research University Higher School of Economics.

6) Moscow State Technical University. N. E. Bauman.

7) Ural Federal University.

8) National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University.

9) Moscow State Institute of International Relations.

10) Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

rating of Russian universities expert ra
rating of Russian universities expert ra

Of course, this list may change in a few months, whenthe opening campaign will be in full swing. Nevertheless, today the rating presented above is based on statistical indicators of the quality of education, the intensity of the learning process, and the demand among applicants from all the listed universities. Their assessment is greatly influenced by the demand in the world for those speci alties for which training is provided. In modern Russia, the education that makes it possible to work abroad is valued. Not every Russian university can issue a diploma of this type, which significantly affects the distribution of places in the ranking.

So, we found out that modern universities of the Russian Federation provide high-quality and in-depth knowledge in various scientific fields. Educational institutions of the Russian Federation are widely known throughout the world, as evidenced by the rating of Russian universities abroad. Over the years, the popularity of not only educational institutions, but education in general is growing inexorably. Let's hope that soon it will be Russian educational institutions that will become the standard of education not only among the CIS countries, but throughout the world.
