Speech disorders. Classification of major defects

Speech disorders. Classification of major defects
Speech disorders. Classification of major defects

As you know, at an early age, children may experience certain violations in the field of presentation of thought. In order for the child to have the opportunity for normal socialization, such shortcomings need to be eliminated. Let's look at what speech disorders can be. The classification of common defects will be presented below.


Children with speech disorders belong to a special category of individuals. They have no deviations in intellectual development compared to their peers. However, defects in oral speech, as well as violations in written speech, will certainly have a negative impact on the formation of certain aspects of the psyche.

speech disorders classification
speech disorders classification

Today, in the field of speech therapy, several classifications are used, according to which certain defects in the presentation of thought are identified. The first is psychological and pedagogical. The second is clinical and pedagogical.

What provisions are more objective in identifying speech disorders? The classification of both plans is successfully used by speech therapists. Different points of view on the same problemdo not contradict, but only complement each other.

Clinical and pedagogical classification

The presented classification has an emphasis on commonwe alth with medicine. However, identifiable defects are not tied to specific diseases here.

According to the clinical and pedagogical classification, speech therapists distinguish a total of 11 forms of disorders. Two forms concern violations of the written language. The rest allow you to identify shortcomings in the oral presentation.

writing disorders
writing disorders

The following types of speech disorders are distinguished here:

  1. Aphonia - disorders that occur as a result of pathologies of the vocal apparatus. In this case, phonotor defects, voice distortion, vocal disturbances may be observed.
  2. Tahilalia - an accelerated pace of speech.
  3. Bradilalia is a pathological slowing of speech.
  4. Stuttering - failures in the rhythm and pace of speech. The reason is the periodic convulsive conditions of the muscles that form the speech apparatus.
  5. Rhinolalia - defects in the pronunciation of individual sounds, which alternate with a change in the timbre of the voice. The reason is the anatomical defects of the speech apparatus.
  6. Dyslalia - difficult pronunciation of sounds with normal development of the muscles of the speech apparatus and he althy hearing.
  7. Dysarthria is a defect, the essence of which is the incorrect pronunciation of individual sounds and words.
  8. Alalia - underdevelopment or complete absence of speech. The cause is most often the defeat of the corresponding parts of the cerebral cortex at the prenatal or early stage of development.baby.
  9. Aphasia - partial or complete loss of the ability to reproduce sounds. Due to the presence of local lesions of the brain.
  10. Dysgraphia - specific, characteristic of a particular individual, violations of written speech.
  11. Dyslexia is the manifestation of partial defects in reading.

Psychological and pedagogical classification of speech disorders

Identification of defects here is based mainly on psychological criteria. According to the classification, the following violations are distinguished:

  1. Phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech - violations in the pronunciation of sounds and words of the native language.
  2. General underdevelopment of speech is a systemic problem, the presence of which may be due to the mental retardation of the child. This, in turn, affects the individual's unawareness of the semantic and sound aspects of speech components.
  3. Stuttering - according to the psychological and pedagogical classification, is considered as a defect in communication skills with the correct formation of the speech apparatus.
psychological and pedagogical classification of speech disorders
psychological and pedagogical classification of speech disorders

What can be affected by underdevelopment of speech?

Children with speech underdevelopment often suffer from difficult, delayed adaptation in society. In order to ensure socialization, speech therapists apply targeted correction of defects. Without this, babies in the future may experience certain shortcomings in the intellectual, sensory and volitional spheres.

With sufficiently developed thinking, children with speech therapy problemsoften experience difficulties in the formation of thoughts, the construction of logical connections. With insufficient attention of parents to the existing problems in the speech sphere, later the child may experience failures in the motor sphere. In particular, children with speech delays are often unable to perform the same coordinated movements on command as their peers.

Deviations can also be observed in the emotional sphere of a child with speech impairment. Such children are characterized by self-doubt, lack of interests, increased irritability, difficulties in establishing contacts with others.

These and other problems may affect the future of children who have speech disorders. Classification and identification of existing defects allows you to start work on eliminating deficiencies in a timely manner.

types of speech disorders
types of speech disorders

In closing

So we looked at the main speech disorders. The classification of deviations of the psychological and pedagogical plan was previously used in speech therapy practice only to identify the problem. The final decision was taken by neurologists. Today, doctors are increasingly using both classifications in parallel, as this approach contributes to a more accurate diagnosis and the development of effective speech correction methods.
