Domain model: concept, structure and basic principles

Domain model: concept, structure and basic principles
Domain model: concept, structure and basic principles

In software engineering, the domain model is conceptual. It includes both behavior and data. In a technique ontology, a domain model is a formal representation of a domain with concepts, swarms, data types, individuals, and rules commonly used in describing logic.

General information

Domain information model
Domain information model

A domain model is a system of abstractions that describes particular aspects of a domain of knowledge, influence, or activity. Then it can be used to solve problems related to this area. A domain model is a representation of meaningful real-world concepts relating to material aspects that need to be modeled in software. Concepts include the data used in the business and the rules that the organization applies to those components.

The domain model usually uses a professional vocabulary. This isallows you to communicate views to stakeholders. It must not refer to any technical implementations.


Infological domain model
Infological domain model

A domain model is typically implemented as an object realm in a layer that uses lower values to store and publish APIs at a high level to access the data and behavior of the realm.

The Unified Modeling Language (UML) uses a class diagram to represent a system.

Features and Key Features

A domain information model provides a representation of an entire domain, such as clinical research, he althcare, or nursing. DIMs are typically created using Unified Modeling Language (UML) class diagrams to represent the semantics of the entire subject using a language understandable by those skilled in the art. These patterns show judgments such as people, places, and activities, and how each relates to each other.

Applications, APIs, enterprise add-ons and other electronic systems can be developed using DIM. Even if they are implemented using different programming languages, all spheres using DIM have the same semantics. It provides a critical framework for software interoperability and meaningful data exchange. Applications built using BRIDG have a common concept of "embedded", which ensures compatibility between such heterogeneoussystems.

None of the programs used will implement all the objects of the domain model. However, comprehensiveness allows end users to browse the universe of BRIDG semantics and select the specific resources needed to implement any solution. BRIDG uses domain model concepts and examples that make sense to experts, so they can work closely with software developers and analysts to validate DIM and select objects that are appropriate for their project.

In cases where none of the items in BRIDG cover the required semantics of a new project, end users can work with analytics. Such collaboration will help identify these gaps, provide use cases to describe them, and then fill in all the nuances with new semantics. The domain information model based on BRIDG can then be used by the development team. This is relevant, for example, for creating other systems.

The logical domain model from existing projects can also be used to improve interoperability. The physical design is developed on the basis of the above. It includes system-specific details such as programming language-specific data types, access restrictions, etc. All concrete implementations will be easily traceable to the reference standard.

By Bruce Johnson

Domain data model
Domain data model

The domain infological model is a key component of a successfuldeveloped data storage program or their architecture. Often, when it is created, it is used only for the purpose of segmentation. Whether someone develops it themselves or purchases a solution, having an application can help with many operations. When used effectively, it also supports and assists in development and deployment.

It is necessary to take a deeper look at the concept of a domain model. It is important for users to understand how to get the most out of it.

What is SAM

An infological domain model is most effectively defined to break down business definitions. These are the high-level areas of the solution, although they are most often used to define data areas in a new organization or one that is developing a formal architecture program.

The model should be used as the basis for mapping all areas in the organization. The key to any successful domain model is to ensure that the terminology and definitions associated with it are business-specific and understandable at a glance. There are various requirements for the number of items that are effective or desirable. As a rule, there should be at least 6 and no more than 20.

The general concept behind creating a valuable model is that items should not change. As the business develops, it may increase in nature, but it should not change significantly.

Various methods and approaches for defining the domain model of soundtoo many and too long to be covered in one short article.

How you can use SAM

Building a domain model
Building a domain model

A well-defined application doesn't have to be something that's built and put on the shelf. This is something that needs to be integrated into a data architecture that matches the reason for its creation. Defining the business oversight and governance model ensures that the business is not only actively involved, but helps manage and realize the value being achieved. Much of the IT support after initial creation involves displaying and modeling the components of the detailed data realm that make up the complex part.

How to get the maximum

Once SAM has been created, there are several ways to use it to get the most out of it. Here are categories you might find helpful:

  • Planning. Since needs are prioritized and planned, SAM can provide a framework for communicating projects to be developed and deployed. Business leadership can help provide a link between planning and data action to create common terminology that fits the nature of entrepreneurship.
  • Establish control. Determining how a business controls the collection, quality, and use of data is a key benefit of SAM. Often the division of control is best done by each subject separately. This may mean the presence of official stewards, each of whom is responsiblefor an item or the presence of a person responsible for them.
  • Planning for data collection or integration. To build domain models and practices for a domain-oriented design definition, the system can help to logically separate the components. In doing so, it provides fragmentation that allows resources to focus on the quality and integrity of specific areas and link them to the appropriate custodians.
  • Communications. An effective action plan often reduces the obstacles that slow projects and delivery down. Sharing common data processing as an asset to an organization can provide several benefits. First, it will help alleviate concerns about protection. Secondly, you can see how the evolution of systems correlates with their resources, as well as how this will affect the overall success of the business. The blueprint can be used to describe why the data is needed for analytical work.
  • Define requirements. In single project data, it is useful to have a high-level model that can be used to quickly locate components. In this case, SAM is used to communicate and verify how the needs of any effort fit into the overall architecture. In information storage efforts, this provides the basis for sorting and ordering the source of the target display.

Data model development

Logical domain model
Logical domain model

The most common use of SAM is to allow the simulation team to focus andprioritize when creating an architecture project. It can then become the basis for building the overall model, allowing multiple resources to work on the pieces, creating an enterprise data realm at the same time.

A domain data model is a tool that, once created, can and should be used for various purposes. Ideally, the sphere becomes the cornerstone of a well-defined data architecture program. Most importantly, it must be used together to create an integrated program. Aligning business and IT, a model in development and oversight can help bridge the gap between effort and planning.

Data quality

The database as a domain model plays one of the main roles in a successful business. Information is an important asset of an enterprise. Therefore, its quality is of decisive importance. Individual redundant data is one of the main contributing factors to low rates. EDM is important for data quality because it detects inconsistencies inherent in redundant spheres. Existing problems can be identified by comparing systems with EDM. Since the new areas are built on top of the enterprise data model, many potential quality issues will be identified and resolved prior to implementation.


Description of the domain model
Description of the domain model

Ownership of corporate data is important due to its shared nature, especially in its maintenance and administration. EDM is used as an ownership management tool,identifying and documenting the relationships and dependencies of information that crosses business and organizational boundaries. This supports the concept of shared ownership that exists in the Corporate Spheres Initiative.

Data system extensibility

EDM supports growing architecture. Extensibility is the ability to scale the functionality of a system to effectively meet the needs of a changing user environment. Extensible systems have the ability to add or increase functionality with few side effects. EDM, based on a technology-independent strategic business concept, supports extensibility, enabling transition to new areas of opportunity with minimal IT changes.

Industry data integration

Build a domain model
Build a domain model

No business operates in a vacuum. Because EDM includes appearance, it enhances the ability of an organization to share common data across its industry. Organizations in the same field often use the same underlying data (for example, customers, location, suppliers). Organizations may also share information with related industries or business partners. For example, in the aviation field, professionals often integrate with car rental companies. EDM from its industry perspective includes a structural domain model for data interaction.

Integration of packaged applications

EDM can be used for their support, planning and purchase,as well as for implementation. This is achieved by mapping the packaged application to the EDM, establishing its intra-enterprise mapping. Since existing systems are also correlated, integration points between the packaged application and existing systems can be identified, providing a roadmap for the flow of consistent quality data through the product.

Strategic systems planning

EDM defines data dependencies. Because existing domain model systems are mapped to EDM, a gap analysis can be performed to determine the information needs of the business. From parsing gaps and data dependencies, system releases can be prioritized.

The Enterprise Data Modeling domain process model uses a top-down-bottom-up approach for all system designs. EDM is an artifact derived from downstream steps. Upstreams are also important because they use existing sources to create projects efficiently and practically.

A domain domain (ESAM) is first created and then extended to base the Enterprise Conceptual Model (ECM). While the models are interrelated, each has its own unique identity and purpose. Making EDM is more art than science.

What is ESAM

Let's consider what an enterprise domain model (ESAM) is. Corporate areas are any information that is important to the business and kept for additional use. Data will not be saved unlessneed. Thus, most areas can be considered an enterprise, making its scale huge. This is true even for strong teams that are almost impossible to design, develop and maintain without breaking into more manageable pieces.

The main goal of the enterprise domain model is the idea of "divide and conquer". ESAM covers the entire organization. All data produced and used by the business is represented in the subject area. The average number for an organization is between 10 and 12. Additional subject areas may be required for more complex systems. ESAM is the foundation for enterprise information.

Description of the domain model

Each area is a high-level data classification representing a group of concepts related to the main topic. It reflects the interest of the organization. Domain relational models can represent general business concepts (customer, product, employee, and finance) as well as industry concepts.

Thematic areas can be grouped into three high-level business categories: income, activities and support. These groupings are important because each of them represents a distinctly different business focus. Revenue types focus on profit, including planning, accounting, and accountability. Operation types represent the main business functions involved in day-to-day activities.

Support entities assist the business activity, not represent the core business. All organizations share these high-level business groupslevel. For example, airline subject areas are grouped as follows:

  • Revenue ticket, booking, sale, inventory, prices.
  • Operation: flight, location, equipment, maintenance, schedule.
  • Support IT, Finance, Employees, Customers.

Data subject area

Taxonomy is the science of naming, categorizing and classifying things in a hierarchical order based on a set of criteria. Data Taxonomy is a classification tool applied to data to understand, design, maintain, and build a domain model. Taxonomy includes several hierarchical levels of classification. At the highest level, all data can be placed in one of three systems: basic, transactional, or informational. They differ in production models and concept, as well as their life cycles.

Underlying data is used to define, support, or create other areas. They include reference type information, metadata, and lists required to perform business operations. Transactional data is data created or updated as a result of system business transactions. They are dynamic in nature and relevant to operating systems.

Information data is historical, aggregated or derived. They are usually created from intelligence that is found in decision support systems.

Subject areas can be classified according to their predominant grouping. At the level of detailsubject areas contain all three data classes. Systematization is based on size, usage and implementation. For example, the 14 airline themes could be classified as follows:

  • Basic class - equipment, IT, employee, sales, location, customer.
  • Transactional - ticket, booking, flight, finance, service.
  • Informational - pricing, inventory, charts.

Creating a structural model of the subject area

ESAM is developed in close collaboration with business experts and guided by any existing enterprise knowledge. The organizational structures of the domain model and business function must be defined and understood. All information is common to most organizations (customer, employee, location and finances). It is determined first. Additional subject areas are then designated, ending with a complete list of official areas. They are then reviewed with business experts.

The process of defining and naming each subject area is important because it enables consensus to be reached across business boundaries on topics that are vital to the organization. If agreement can be reached at a high level, the more detailed concepts will be much easier to define. This process prioritizes the detailed analysis required for the subsequent development of the EDM.

Questions may arise regarding information type subject areas, since they usually consist of generalized and historic altransaction data. Defining an information domain can cause it to look like it belongs in the original transactional domain. Consider this with an airline example:

Booking is a transactional subject area, inventory is an informational one.

The main concept is called Booking History. It contains the data needed to get the available list of places. Reservation and inventory are important but separate subject areas of the Airline.

Titles should be very clear, concise and concise. Ideally, the subject area consists of one word. Where possible, industry standard company names (client, employee, and finance) are used. The definitions are formulated from a horizontal view as all relevant information is considered. They are important because they are studied by the entire organization. Therefore, definitions should be as simple and clear as possible. Theoretical, academic, or proprietary language should never be used.

Relationships between subject areas represent significant business interactions and dependencies. There is no optionality or item count at this level. All possible relationships are not represented due to practicality. ESAM is not designed to show every subject area like a silo. It can be thought of as a chart with overlaps ending in only one subject area.

Color plays an important role in ESAM as well as in all of EDM. Eachthe subject area, its subsequent concepts and data objects have their own connotation. One color is used for all concepts, objects and tables related to a particular area. Applying tint provides instant insight when viewing any of the organization's models.

Building ESAM follows corporate standards, naming methodology and analysis process. The database as a domain model is key, because with its help all objects will be tied to a single area.
