Get excited is a verb with two meanings

Get excited is a verb with two meanings
Get excited is a verb with two meanings

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In this article we will indicate what interpretations the word "blush" has. This is a verb that is endowed with two definitions, which, however, are interconnected. So that you do not forget the theoretical information, we will give some examples of sentences in which this verb is applicable.

Meaning of the word

First, you should figure out what the meaning of the word "blush" is. We can find the definition of this speech unit in the explanatory dictionary.

Get ruddy. Ruddy, for example, can become a face. Imagine a situation where you listen to compliments addressed to you. Some people feel embarrassed, so their face turns red. Or you are ashamed. Then you can get blushed too, but for a negative reason

Girl with rosy cheeks
Girl with rosy cheeks

Blush. The situation is the same. The same can be said about the face. Or, for example, about the sky. Imagine the sky at dawn. It begins to be illuminated by the rays of the morning sun and becomes scarlet. That is, the verb "blush" is a word that can refer to both animate and inanimate nouns


If you don't know how to use the verb "blush", here are some good examples.

  • The young girl's face flushed, she had never heard anyone praise her beauty so zealously.
  • The sunset blushed, a true fire began near the horizon, which seemed to be shining with pure gold.
  • How not to blush, it's an impossible task!
  • My cheeks blushed, I was extremely ashamed that I did not recognize such a prominent person, an artist, on whom the light literally converged like a wedge.
Sunset and boat with people
Sunset and boat with people
  • The skies blushed, it only meant that a new day was approaching, which would bring us unbearable summer heat.
  • I should have been so blushing! It's amazing that kind words made me feel so emotional.
  • In order not to blush even more, we turned away in embarrassment and tried not to listen to the stream of laudatory odes pouring in our address.

This is how you can use the verb "blush" in a variety of speech situations.
