History is our past. It tells about all the events and facts that accompanied our ancestors. This is a science that studies past events, the reasons why they happened, and find out the truth. The main data and results are obtained from the saved documents relating to specific incidents.

The historical process, according to V. O. Klyuchevsky, this is a set of successes, conditions and the course of human existence or the life of mankind as a whole in its development and results.
The word "process" itself is a successive change of states in the course of the development of a phenomenon.
The basis of the historical process, of course, are events. It is in them that any activity of people and humanity as a whole is embodied. Political, economic, social, cultural ties and relationships between individuals are also noted here. Subjects of the historical process are individuals or organizations of people who are directly involved in certain events. Such organizations can besocial communities that live in the same territory and have the same mentality, culture and traditions. The result of their activities will be the creation of material and spiritual values common to each individual.

Social groups may differ in age, gender, professional, religious characteristics, but they must also have features that unite them. Such groups are, for example, estates, states and various classes of the population.
The subjects can also include individuals who directly participated in historical events. More often these are considered politicians, monarchs, kings, presidents. Figures of culture, art and science make a huge contribution to the historical process.
From the point of view of K. Marx and F. Engels, the historical process should be considered as the doctrine of socio-economic formations, which are the steps of this process. The decisive factor in the development of society is the mode of production. That is, the ratio of the development of the forces of production and production relations. Whereas the structure of politics and spiritual development are just a superstructure that depends on the modes of production. Individual facts and events are the results of a social revolution that arose from the clash of opposing interests between classes. K. Marx and F. Engels considered the historical process through the prism of communism, which acts as the ultimate goal.humanity from pre-agrarian to post-industrial society.

Based on the theory of modernization, society developed as a result of the transition from specific traditional relations to formally rational ones. The most important features of society include individual freedom of the individual, freedom of economic activity, the inviolability of human rights, the rule of law and political pluralism.
There is also an opposite formational, civilizational approach. Adherents of the linear-stage theory are in favor of defining the criterion of stages-stages in the system of cultural values. According to the theory of local civilizations (one of the branches of the civilizational approach), the periodization of the historical process cannot be based on the allocation of stages-stages. The founder of this trend is A. Toynbee. In his scientific works, he divides world history into the histories of individual civilizations, each of which individually goes through all the stages (from emergence to breakdown and decay). And only their totality is the world historical process.