Self-analysis of pedagogical activity and the basis of analysis

Self-analysis of pedagogical activity and the basis of analysis
Self-analysis of pedagogical activity and the basis of analysis

Self-analysis of pedagogical activity is a necessary part of the teacher's work. It allows you to look at your own professional activities from the outside, note the best, see mistakes and try to get rid of them. And when a teacher needs to overcome such a milestone as certification, introspection of pedagogical activity becomes simply mandatory.

Goals of introspection

Self-analysis of professional pedagogical activity means the teacher's study of the state, the results of his work, as well as the identification of cause-and-effect relationships between pedagogical phenomena, determining the direction for further improvement. It has several functions: diagnostic, cognitive, transformative, self-educational. The purpose of introspection is to demonstrate the achievement of a certain level. This is expressed in the development of new achievements of pedagogical science, in the ability to approach the solution of pedagogical problems creatively, as well as to optimally select methods, means, forms and techniques in the implementation of theirprofessional activity. An experienced teacher can demonstrate the ability to apply experimental, new methods of teaching or education. A high level of qualification implies the ability to plan the results of one's own work and the results of the work of students.

elementary school teacher
elementary school teacher

Introspection Requirements

When self-analyzing the pedagogical activity of a preschool educational institution (a preschool educational institution and a school make common general requirements), the main rule is that it should not resemble a statistical report with information about the work done. The teacher must demonstrate the ability to interpret the indicators and the ability to work with the results. This implies a critical understanding by the teacher of each indicator, the ability to draw conclusions and outline the prospects for future actions. Self-analysis is designed to give a complete picture of the work of the teacher and the effectiveness of his activities, contain conclusions about the reasons for success and problematic points, and outline prospects.

The requirements for self-analysis of the pedagogical activity of a primary school teacher practically coincide with the requirements for a preschool teacher.

meeting of teachers
meeting of teachers

Structure for writing professional introspection

The structure of introspection for educators is basically the same, although some variations are possible depending on the educational institution and the rules that it imposes in relation to it in its institution. Compilation begins with a message of personalbiographical and professional data of the teacher - his name, title, academic degree, which educational institution and when he graduated, what awards he has, how much work experience there is. Speaking of experience, the total experience and work experience in this educational institution, relevant at the time of writing the self-analysis, are separately indicated.

Pedagogical creed and vision

This section indicates the goals and objectives that a person sets for himself. In the same section, a pedagogical credo is formulated - a system of individual attitudes that represents the teacher's personal opinion about the existing values and the role of his profession in the world. Some also define their professional concept. This means that the teacher formulates his own views on teaching and upbringing. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it is inextricably linked with practical activities, because only by carrying out the actual learning process can you realize what moments make you want to rethink them, do it differently, in a new way and form your own attitude to any problem.

learning process
learning process

Characteristics of used CMD

In this part of the introspection, the teacher describes the teaching kits and work programs that he works on. In addition to listing them, it is necessary to analyze whether they correspond to the educational program of the educational institution. This question should not cause great difficulties, since the choice of the teaching staff is monitored by methodologists, it takes place with their direct participation or their recommendation.

Forms, methods and techniques of pedagogical activity

Each practicing teacher has in his arsenal the forms, methods and techniques of professional activity that seem to him the most successful. Together they make up his individual educational and upbringing technology. The teacher has the right to choose any forms and methods of teaching, the only requirement is that their use should contribute to the formation of a positive result of education and training. In this section, the teacher not only describes the elements of his teaching technology, but also analyzes the effectiveness of their use.

Participation in scientific and methodological work

In this section, the teacher describes his professional achievements: evidence of the publication of materials, the development of lessons, reports on participation in conferences, seminars or professional competitions. The place, time and result of their conduct are indicated.

Here also indicates the results of work on the topic of self-education and possible prospects for its development. At the end of the section, one should analyze how the scientific and methodological activity influenced the result of the educational or educational process carried out by the teacher.

lesson in kindergarten
lesson in kindergarten

The results of pedagogical activity

This section has several parts. First, the results of the quality of work are given (the level and quality of training, the percentage of progress, the results of the final certification, external assessment of learning outcomes, the results of administrative tests, and others).

Then, the level of development of educational and cognitive interest of students is considered, that is, the results of their participation in various competitions, olympiads, festivals or other events are given.

The result of studying the attitude of the parents of students to the results of the teacher's professional activity is separately evaluated. The results of the opinion of parents can be presented in the form of a sociological survey or chart.

In conclusion, there is an assessment of the level of relations between the teacher and his students or pupils. These relationships can be viewed from different positions - children can evaluate the activities of a teacher as a class teacher or as a teacher of a particular academic discipline.

The self-analysis of pedagogical activity completes the conclusions that are made as a result of the analysis, as well as the formulation of prospects for the further development of the teacher as a professional.

teacher's workdays
teacher's workdays

Introspection Report Forms

The current level of development of methodology, as well as the degree of education of employees, can make it possible to present introspection of pedagogical activity in various forms. First of all, this is a classic way - in the form of a printed document with a consistent description and analysis of your professional achievements. Recently, another form of presenting introspection has become more and more common - in the form of a pedagogical portfolio. This is the same document, but in an expanded form, supplemented with copies of award materials or certificates for participation in events, methodologicaldevelopments, the results of assessing the educational activities of students and many others. The most obvious way to show your achievements is to prepare an introspection of pedagogical activity in the form of an electronic presentation. This method of presenting material allows not only to demonstrate the original documents or awards received, but also photos (and sometimes even video materials), as well as present the results of the activities of their students or pupils. In addition, when preparing an electronic presentation, the teacher carefully chooses the most important thing for the slide, which makes his introspection accurate, concise and understandable, easy to understand.

training session
training session

The difference between self-analysis of the professional activities of a teacher and an educator

When writing a self-analysis of pedagogical activity, both teachers and educators experience difficulties. But in the work of an elementary school teacher and a kindergarten teacher, there is much in common. For example, they have the same contingent of students, so that pedagogical techniques, goals and objectives of the work may coincide. The difference between self-analysis of pedagogical activity in the primary grades and self-analysis of a middle-level teacher will be that its tools will be not so much testing and questioning as conversation or observation.

When analyzing the results of their work, the educator will operate more in non-judgmental ways.

conducting a training session
conducting a training session

Mistakes in writing introspection

Both introspection of the pedagogical activity of the preschool teacher, andself-analysis of a primary school teacher, middle or senior teacher contain, as a rule, the same mistakes, which are united by only one thing - lack of experience. Summarizing these mistakes, we can highlight the most common ones and warn other teachers against them.

Mistake one. Teachers write about their achievements over a specified period of time. But for self-analysis it is more important what goal was achieved and what tasks were solved. And if this goal was set a little earlier than the reporting period began, then this is not fundamental for the report. The order of presentation is important - first the problem itself is formulated, then the ways to solve it are described.

Mistake two - too much digital reporting. In the intricacies of numbers, you can lose the main thing - the purpose for which these calculations were made. For introspection of pedagogical activity, it is necessary to indicate why they were made and what helped to realize.

Mistake three. Some educators find it embarrassing to admit that they experience certain difficulties in their work, and they avoid mentioning it. Any teacher with experience knows that the presence of problems is not only possible, it is a prerequisite for the professional growth of a teacher. Because, only by solving daily problems (which may not necessarily be global), a young teacher can turn into an experienced, skilled master. The ability to see difficulties and find ways to overcome them, demonstrated in self-analysis of pedagogical activity, are signs of a high qualification of a teacher.
