You can often find such a phrase: "He / she sits on the parents' neck." Moreover, when it is not about small children, the speakers know exactly what is meant. "Sit on the neck" means to be dependent and dependent on someone. Most often this is said when a person lives at the expense of someone, for example, parents, brothers or sisters. Let's talk about this in more detail, as well as highlight the dark place where such a saying came from.
People and horses

It is assumed that the phraseological unit comes from the vocabulary of riders. They say so when they completely subjugated the horse to their will. logical version. After all, the expression “sitting on your neck” means that a young he althy person (gender does not matter) is in the care of his parents, not because he has any reasons for this, but because it is so convenient for him to live. He also bent his parents to his will like a horse rider.
But do not think that the "rider" in this caseguilty all around. On the contrary, perhaps it is the parents who are to blame, since they did not instill in the child a love of work and did not teach them to honor and respect the efforts of others. So dad and mom are paying for their mistakes.
If the sick and crippled decide to sit on their necks, then society does not find anything reprehensible in this. “Special people” have objective reasons why they cannot work on an equal basis with everyone else. The paradox of human nature is that the sick and crippled just want to work because they see it as the realization of their own personality, while the he althy do not, because work is so tiring, and there are so many more interesting things in the world.
This is an eternal story. Some jump out of windows from unrequited love, thus giving up life, while others painfully cling to existence, waiting for organ donors from those who committed suicide in some way that did not damage the insides.
Psychological interpretation of phraseologism

You can look at the problem from the other side. But what if the phraseological unit "sit on the neck" has psychological depth? Little kids love to ride on dad's back. Thus, the son or daughter plays the role of the rider, and the father the role of the horse. And note that only small children ride on the parent, if an adult decides to climb on an elderly father, then everyone who would see this picture would twist their finger at their temples.
The same thing happens when an adult full-fledged person lives at the expense of his parents. He seems to be degenerating to a childish state. In other words, the proverb also captures the extreme infantilism of a son (or daughter), who is not at all ashamed to lead an idle life.