1711 in the history of Russia: failure or the right strategic decision?

1711 in the history of Russia: failure or the right strategic decision?
1711 in the history of Russia: failure or the right strategic decision?

1711 was not an easy year in the history of Russia. During this period, the Russians participated in two wars at once, in the same year Russia returned the previously conquered lands of Azov and its environs and was forced to sign an agreement that was not entirely beneficial for the country from a political and economic point of view.

Many historians consider the Prut campaign a strategic mistake of Peter I. The forces were calculated incorrectly, and the campaign itself brought losses to the Russian land. But it is rather difficult to interpret this historical fact unambiguously. Some believe that Peter simply had no choice after the ultimatum from the Ottoman Empire.

What really happened in 1711?

Prut treaty: failure or the right decision
Prut treaty: failure or the right decision

The Northern War and the Battle of Poltava

The Northern War is a twenty-year war between Sweden and the states of northern Europe for possession of the lands of the B altic states. The war was fought from 1700 to 1721 and ended with the defeat of Sweden.

Russia also participated in this war. The outcome of the war was of great importance for the territorial expansion of Russia andacquiring the status of the Empire.

At the beginning of the war, Russia had only one outlet to the sea - the port of Arkhangelsk. And with the end of the war, she received access to the sea from the side of the Nevsky Bay. This made it possible to further establish trade and economic ties with Europe, to establish shipping transport lines.

The Battle of Poltava in 1709 near Poltava was decisive for the outcome of the war, which ended in the defeat of the Swedish army and led to the escape of Charles XII to the Ottoman Empire.

portrait of Charles XII
portrait of Charles XII

Prehistory of the Prut campaign

After the Battle of Poltava, Charles XII was hiding in the territory of the Ottoman Empire. At the same time, Peter I concluded an agreement with the empire on the expulsion of Charles from the territory of Turkey. But Ahmed III, the then ruler of the Ottoman Empire, violated the agreement, allowing Charles not only to stay, but also to create a threat to Russia from the South side. It was important for Turkey to take back Azov and its environs after the Azov campaign of Peter I and the conquest of Azov by Russia in 1965.

To Peter's threat of war, Turkey itself declared war on Russia.

North War
North War

In 1711 in the history of Russia there were two wars at once - with Sweden and with Turkey. Turkey created a threat to Russia from the southern borders by raids of the Crimean Tatars on the borders of Ukraine. That is why Peter went on a campaign against Turkey to the Danube in order to raise uprisings of the peoples subject to Turkey.

Prut campaign and its results

Peter I took part in the campaign personally, leaving instead of himself to make decisions the Senate he created. Conditionswere very unfavorable for the soldiers: unbearable heat, thirst, unsanitary conditions … But the campaign continued.

Peter preferred to act energetically and assertively in his usual manner. The Russians crossed the Dniester and reached the Proust River. The Turkish army approached there and the Tatar troops allied to them pulled up. The Turkish side had a large quantitative advantage. They completely surrounded the 38,000th Russian army.

Despite this, the Russian army fought to the last, no one wanted to give up positions.

The soldiers of both sides were exhausted by the difficult conditions of the campaign. But both sides were unaware of each other's similar situation.

As a result of the confrontation, the Russians and the Turks signed a peace treaty. The Treaty of Prut was signed on July 12, 1711. In the history of Russia, this was important.

Prut battle
Prut battle

Content of the Prut Treaty

The terms of the Prut treaty with Turkey consisted of the following items:

  • The Ottoman Empire got Azov back.
  • Russia pledged to destroy the fortress in Taganrog and the fortress on the Dnieper.
  • Russia has pledged not to interfere in the politics of Poland and not to send its troops there.
  • Russia pledged not to support Zaporozhye Cossacks.

Both sides agreed that it would be better for Russia to make peace with Sweden.

At the same time, Russia was quite satisfied with the terms of the concluded agreement, despite the fact that it was losing lands and advantages previously won by hard efforts.

Thus, the conclusion of a peace treaty with Turkey in 1711year in the history of Russia made sense as a way to shift attention and efforts to Sweden. As a result, peace with Sweden did not work out, and Russia took a more advantageous strategic position than before the start of the war.
