Many parents of different ages recognize the need to replenish their psychological and pedagogical knowledge in order to build intra-family relationships with both children and adults. Not everyone is aware of the multiplicity of family functions and the depth of educational potential. They have no idea what educational opportunities society has.
Seven I
From the point of view of sociology, a family is an association of a small group of people connected not only by blood and material relations, but also by mutual moral responsibility. The difficulty of coexistence lies primarily in the fact that each of the family members differs from the other not only in age and gender, but also in character, attitudes, goals, ideas of morality and duty in relation to each other. The amount of material contribution to family affairs also varies significantly, which sometimes leads to conflicts.

That is, this is the union of non-identical 7 "I". Despite the common goals of the unit of society (housekeeping,upbringing of children, etc.), the worldview, interests, aspirations of its members may differ. A family is a small social group in which everyone has certain rights and obligations towards each other. Their violation entails its disintegration and various kinds of intractable losses for each member of the family.
Family functions
A family is a small group of people, but an analysis of its functions shows that, while solving its own problems, the family also solves general social problems.
The main functions of the family include:
- Reproductive, that is, the function of the numerical reproduction of the population.
- The function of the socialization of the individual is teaching the moral and ethical rules of behavior in society.
- Economic or household. The family takes care of their financial situation, is engaged in useful work, thus satisfying their household and economic needs (acquisition and use of housing, clothing, household appliances and items, equipment, buying or growing food, etc.).
- Educational - raising children in accordance with social, national, religious traditions. At the same time, each family preserves its own pedagogical traditions and creates new ones in the spirit of contemporary social changes and requirements.
- Recreational, psychotherapeutic - provides a person with a variety of assistance (material, psychological) and protection from external negative influences. A person must be aware that the degree of such assistance and protection from the family will be maximum, even if he has made serious mistakes andmisdemeanors.
The tasks of the functioning of the family are solved in a complex way, otherwise its private problems can become problems of a public scale. Drug addiction, alcoholism, crime, immorality, lack of ideas, dependency are manifestations of an asocial lifestyle that require intervention in the inner world of the family by public and state institutions.

The family as the main social institution ensures the security and well-being of the country as a whole.
Types of family relationships
The characterization of a family as a small group of close people depends on what type of relationship is established between them.
- Cooperation - a highly organized family has common tasks and goals, strives to achieve them, combining their capabilities and strengths. In the full sense, this is a family team, where individual requests and opportunities are taken into account.
- Non-intervention, peaceful coexistence - parents consciously give their children complete freedom of action, avoiding any pressure on them. In some cases, this is dictated by the belief that only with this style of relationship will children grow up free and independent. In others, these are egoistic manifestations of passivity and indifference of adults, unwillingness to perform parental functions.
- Guardance - parents completely protect the child not only from material, but also from moral and psychological difficulties, worries, decision-making. As a result, selfish, lack of initiative, unadaptedto the social relations of the individual.
- Dictate - based on the unconditional submission of all family members to the requirements of one of them. The concept of a family as a small group of close people is absent. A dictator may use measures such as violence, threats, ignorance of needs, humiliation of self-esteem, seeking recognition from others of his superiority over them.

Different types of family relationships can be combined. For example, dictate with indifference to other family members.
Family education opportunities
The pedagogical potential of the "cell of society" is enormous, since the family is a small group of people with deep internal ties. In different families, the same factors of upbringing are expressed more, in others - less. Material, cultural, spiritual, civic or other goals and motives for raising children may prevail.
The socio-economic factor characterizes the financial situation of the family: how much parents are employed at work and whether they can devote enough time to raising children, whether there is enough money earned to pay for the urgent and cultural and educational needs of adults and children.
Comfortable and beautiful, safe for life and he alth living environment - technical and hygienic factor - has a positive effect on the formation of feelings, imagination, thinking of the child.

The composition of the family, that is, the demographic factor, will certainly affect the personality of the child (complex ora simple family, complete or incomplete, one-child or large, etc.).
Family microclimate largely depends on the culture and civil position of parents, that is, on how deeply they realize their responsibility to society for the results of raising their own children. Their goal - 7 "I" should become a strong team of like-minded people.
Principles of family education
The principles of family education developed by A. S. Makarenko have not lost their relevance even today.
- Proper upbringing will save you from the enormous expenditure of parental energy, strength and patience to re-educate the wrong behavioral and moral attitudes of the child.
- A family is a small group of equal members, but the main ones in it are parents - an example for children who have taken on a difficult responsibility for all aspects of the family's existence.
- Only growing up in a large family gives the child the opportunity to practice participation in various types of social relationships.
- Parents should have clear goals for raising their children as future citizens of the country, and not as a means of satisfying their own parental ambitions.
- Personal example of behavior is the main method of raising a child.
You are nurturing him every moment of your life, even when you are not at home. The child sees or feels the slightest changes in tone, all turns of your thought reach him in invisible ways, you do not notice them. (A. S. Makarenko)
Pedagogical principles are implemented through methodseducation of the necessary personality traits of the child.
Methods of family education
The choice of methods for raising children is dictated by the level of psychological and pedagogical education of parents, family educational traditions. It should be based on love for the child, on understanding his internal and external needs, on taking into account the specific situation of the event. The predominant example is an adult, demonstrating to the child trust in him, openness, readiness for discussion, empathy.
- Showing ways of acting and reacting to the situation (showed awkwardness: get angry or laugh and correct?).
- Assignment - should be feasible, followed by an analysis of the results of execution and encouragement or a patient explanation of the reasons for failure.
- Reasonable and sufficient control of actions, states of mind and soul.
- Humor. Helps to see the situation from a funny side, relieve tension and choose adequate measures of influence.
- Encouragement - verbal (praise) or material. Underestimation and overestimation of the child's actions are equally undesirable. In the first case, the incentive to useful deeds is lost, in the other case, arrogance, a feeling of superiority over others, is formed.
- Punishment is commensurate with the offense. Physical and moral humiliation is unacceptable as inhumane, leading to deformation of the personality, to alienation from other family members.

When choosing methods of education, the age of children, their psychophysiological state are taken into account. They should stimulate the desire of the childto become better in every way, to be useful, to meet the optimistic expectations of adults. Incorrectly chosen methods form various kinds of complexes in children, neurotic states, refusal of self-development and life goal-setting.
There is a crisis in the family. Who will help?
Despite the fact that the family is a small group, considerable problems of a material, psychological or other nature can arise within it.

Not every one of them can be overcome by the forces of its members themselves. The Family Assistance System looks like this.
On the initiative of family members or the public, specialists from law enforcement and he alth authorities, social services, and the psychological and pedagogical service of a children's educational institution study the essence of family problems, their sources and causes.
The content, timing, forms and methods of providing individual or group support are coordinated. Responsible for the implementation of the planned assistance plans are appointed.
Systematic monitoring of the results and quality of assistance provided until the family problem is resolved.
Many parents do not want publicity of their difficulties, they are afraid of third-party interference, relying on their own strength. Experts of the competent authorities should find opportunities for explanatory work with the parent population in order to remove this barrier of mistrust.