This article is dedicated to a famous person who is known to a wide range of people. Julius Mikhailov is a name that was heard both during the existence of the Soviet Union and after its collapse. The talented poet and composer made a huge contribution to the development of drama and cinema. We will tell you about the life of the poet and what achievements Julius (Kim) Mikhailov can boast of at the moment.

Composer's full name is Yuly Chersanovich Kim. Julius Mikhailov is the pseudonym under which he worked. A boy was born in Moscow on February 23, 1936, three years before the start of the war. Yuli's father was a Korean Kim Chersan, a translator by profession, and his mother was a Russian girl Nina Vsesvyatskaya. The childhood of the child was not easy, because just two years after the birth of his son, the head of the family was shot, and his mother was sent into exile. Little is known about how Julius lived all these years. In addition to him, there was also a sister in the family, and both of them afterWhen my mother was arrested, they were sent to my grandparents in the Kaluga region. Then he spent several years with his aunts in Turkmenistan, until 1945, when his mother returned from exile. But Julius was able to return to Moscow only in 1954.

Arriving in the capital, Yuli Mikhailov entered one of the prestigious educational institutions of that time - the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. After graduating from the institute and receiving the long-awaited diploma, Julius was assigned to work in a Kamchatka school. There he worked for four years, which he remembered for the rest of his life. It was his first professional experience, and such things are never forgotten. After that, Julius worked in Moscow, where he taught subjects such as literature, history and social science. For some time he even worked in a boarding school.

During this period of his life, Julius discovered the talent to write poetry. He learned to play the guitar and began to create beautiful musical compositions. All the time Julius worked as a teacher, he staged with his students many different scenes with musical accompaniment, which can be safely considered as musicals.
At the age of thirty, Yuli Mikhailov, whose photo you see here, became an active member of the movement to protect people's rights. This is what led to the appearance of the pseudonym. At the same age, Julia's life changed, he got married. Yulia's wife was Irina Yakir, daughter of the famous human rights activist Pyotr Yakir, whose fate wassimilar to the fate of the poet's parents. Peter was arrested when he was only fourteen years old, and he was released as a grown man at thirty-two.
In the 60s, Yuliy, together with his father-in-law, participated in many actions and movements in defense of rights, as a result of which Yuliy lost the opportunity to teach. The school administration did not forgive him for participating in such actions. Since then Julius has been living and working as a freelance poet and composer.

Although Julius started writing poetry and accompanying himself on the guitar while still a student, many years passed before he became recognized by the public and was known as a great talent. In the early 60s, he began to give concerts in the Moscow region and he was immediately ranked among the talents of Russia. In 1968 he began his work in theater and cinema. He began writing songs for films and plays.
Since Kim was a dissident, he was known under a pseudonym in cinematography and theatrical sphere. At that time, very often in the credits of films one could see the name Yuli Mikhailov. The dramatizations of his songs during his teaching career were excellent. And in the heyday of his work, his talent simply captivated people. His songs were sung by millions of people, and this was an unspoken confirmation of success.
While working in the theater and film industry, Kim has become less involved in human rights work. He went deeper into creativity. The turning point was the time when he began to write his own plays. The work "Noah and his sons" was published in 1985, and in it Julius playedmain role. It was during this period of his life that Kim stopped using a pseudonym, and also released a CD with songs under his real name. Later, a disc with his works was released. Until now, this talented person continues to write wonderful scripts. He lives not only in Moscow. Often travels to Jerusalem and spends a lot of time there.
Yuli Mikhailov, whose biography is considered here, has made a huge contribution to the creation of many films. After all, it was his songs that sounded in such famous films as:
- "Bumbarash";
- "Secret City";
- "12 chairs";
- "About Little Red Riding Hood";
- "Mustached Nanny";
- "Ordinary Miracle";
- "Wooing a Hussar";
- "Dulcinea of Toboso";
- "The house that Swift built";
- "Pippi Longstocking";
- "Formula of love";
- "After rain on Thursday";
- "The Man from Boulevard des Capucines";
- "Heart of a Dog";
- Kill the Dragon and many more.
The list of films in which the songs of the composer and poet Yuliy Kim sounded includes fifty titles. And in the films “After the rain on Thursday” and “One, two - grief is not a problem!” he was not only a songwriter, but also wrote movie scripts.

Yuli Mikhailov, whose awards are impressive, has won many awards in his professional life. So, at the age of forty-two, he already became a laureate of the famous festival of those years “Song of the Year”, where his song for the movie “AboutLittle Red Riding Hood. Twenty years later he became the winner of the Golden Ostap award. Bulat Okudzhava established his own award, and in 1999 Kim became the winner of this award. Later, four years later, he was also the winner of the Tsarskoye Selo Art Prize.
2007 was a special year for Julius. It was this year that Yuli Mikhailov won two outstanding awards: “Recognition-2006” (in the “Best Bard of the Year” nomination) and “Theatrical Musical Heart” (in the “Best Lyrics” nomination).
After two years of silence, he received the "Bar-Oscar" award at the festival in Kazan. And most recently, in 2015, he again became the winner of the prize among poets.
In total, at the moment, Yuli Kim has created more than 500 songs, a huge number of which we hear in famous films. More than twenty discs and cassettes saw the light of day. Julius wrote about three dozen scripts and ten books. It's safe to say that there are no limits to this man's talents.