What do you remember about Prince Vyazemsky Pyotr Andreevich? His brief biography can be expressed in a few words: a famous Russian prince, critic and poet. Graduated from the Petersburg Academy. Petr Andreevich became the first chairman of the Russian Historical Society, and was its co-founder. An outstanding personality of the golden age was the famous statesman, friend of A. S. Pushkin, Pyotr Vyazemsky, whose brief biography cannot describe all his services to the Fatherland. Now let's move on to a more detailed account of his life.
Family, Vyazemsky clan
Prince Pyotr Andreevich Vyazemsky was born in Moscow on 1792-23-07. His parents came from a noble and we althy family. The Vyazemsky family in Russia was very famous, originated from Rurik. These are the descendants of Monomakh.
Peter's father, Andrei Ivanovich, was a Privy Councilor, governor of Penza and Nizhny Novgorod. Mother, Evgenia Ivanovna (nee O'Reilly) - a native of Ireland. In her first marriage, she bore the surname Keane.
Peter's parents met when his father was touring Europe. Relatives were categorically against marriage with a foreigner. But Peter's father turned out to be adamant on this issue and did his own thing, marrying Evgenia.

Peter's childhood
The Vyazemskys had their own estate near Moscow in Ostafyevo. First, Andrei Ivanovich, in honor of the birth of his son (Peter), completely acquired the entire village. After that, in seven years he built a chic two-story mansion. Nowadays it is called Russian Parnassus. Peter spent his childhood years in Ostafyevo.
Peter's Second Father
Pyotr Vyazemsky lost his parents as a child. When he was 10 years old, his mother died. And five years later, my father passed away. The young prince became the sole heir to a huge fortune. True, having become older, he nevertheless "lost" the lion's share on the game of cards.
While Peter was little, Karamzin, the husband of the half-sister of the young prince, took custody of him. As a result, Peter was a member of the Moscow writers from childhood. Karamzin also called the "second father".
At first, Peter was brought up at home, like many aristocratic children. Teachers were invited to the house. As a result, Pyotr Vyazemsky received an excellent home education and was very erudite.
In 1805 he was sent to continue his studies at the St. Petersburg Jesuit boarding school, which was established at the Pedagogical Institute. A year later, Peter returned to Moscow, because, despite his monastic upbringing, he was irresistibly attracted to a wild life. Housesbegan taking private lessons with visiting German professors.
The first epigram of Peter Vyazemsky
The first work (epigram) Peter Vyazemsky wrote on his Russian teacher. By a strange coincidence, he quarreled with him almost immediately. And he no longer invited him for his training. The epigram was very popular among German professors.
Karamzin's influence on Pyotr Andreevich
After the death of Peter's father, Karamzin, who replaced his parent, began to have a great influence on him. At that time, he was already very famous in the literary environment and the idol of readers. Vyazemsky very quickly adopted Karamzin's views not only on creativity, but also on history.
The beginning of creative activity
Peter's "pen test" started early, like many people who received an excellent education. He wrote his first poems in French. Basically, they were only imitative. At that time, the Russian language had not yet become the fundamental literary language. Pushkin is considered its creator. And Peter Vyazemsky met him and became friends much later.

In the "Bulletin of Europe", founded in 1802 by Karamzin, in 1807 a small article "On Magic" appeared. It was signed simply B … But historians have every reason to believe that it belonged to Peter. These were his initial creative experiences. Although his first printed work is considered to be published in 1808
Peter's creative style
Pyotr Andreevich developed his own style of poetry graduallysince 1810. He was different from his contemporaries. In his first works, despondency, elegy and friendly messages prevailed. Peter tried to strive for aphorism and accuracy of thought, neglecting the harmony and lightness of the syllable.
Peter's personal life
Vyazemsky married in 1811 Princess Vera Gagarina. The biography of Vyazemsky Peter Andreevich describes the unusual circumstances of his acquaintance and marriage with his future wife. Once, during a party, a girl threw her slipper into a pond. Many young people rushed to get it. Among them was Peter. But the young prince choked on water. He was pulled out, pumped out, but he could not return home temporarily, because of his weakness.
Peter was put to bed in the house where Vera had just lived. She diligently looked after him while he had to stay with them. Various rumors spread among acquaintances. Vera's father was forced to talk with the guest about marriage, so as not to disgrace the good name of the princess. Peter agreed, and the wedding took place. He only got married while sitting in a chair.

Marriage still turned out to be successful. Happy and strong. Vera was much older than Peter. And somehow immediately took a leading position in the house. The princess was not called a beauty, but this shortcoming was compensated for by her lively, kind-hearted and cheerful disposition. Subsequently, Pushkin fell in love with her very much, who at that time had already become a friend of Peter.
Biography of Vyazemsky Petr Andreevich: the war years
In 1812 (at the beginning of the Patriotic War) Peter voluntarily became a militia. At first he was an adjutantunder General Miloradovich. Participated in the Battle of Borodino. But because of his short-sightedness and impressionability, he was rather a witness to historical events. Moreover, the prince was not born a warrior.
Being already old, in his memoirs he always noted that sometimes he could not even understand what was happening around, not to mention that due to poor eyesight he could not even participate in small battles. Sometimes he would ask his secretary who they were writing office papers to.
Peter's military feat
But still, Peter accomplished a military feat. During the Battle of Borodino, General Bakhmetev was badly wounded. Peter saw this, rendered all possible assistance to the commander and remained by his side until the end of the battle. As a result, Bakhmetev survived, and the prince was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir of the fourth degree.

How Peter's work changed after the war
Memories of the horrors of war left unforgettable wounds in the soul of the impressionable Peter. Sentimental motives were discarded. And creativity approached the lyrics of Zhukovsky. During this period, Vyazemsky wrote several martial works. Peter dedicated one of them to the deceased Kutuzov.
Pyotr Vyazemsky, biography: "Arzamas"
In 1815, relations between supporters of Karamzin and Shishkov escalated. Vyazemsky and some other poets and writers united in the Arzamas group. In it, Peter was given the nickname Asmodeus, playful and sinister. In Arzamas, all creative personalities dabbled in black magic. Moreover, they associated it with their works. We talkedeulogies for still-living rivals, etc.
After many years, Vyazemsky began to believe that such indecent activities affected him as a punishment. He believed that a conspiracy of silence had been created around him. And thus he was cut off from the world. It was in Arzamas that rivalry first broke out between Pushkin and Vyazemsky. But then it turned into friendship.

First years of public service
Starting from 1818, Peter began to serve in Warsaw as an interpreter for the emperor. Vyazemsky was present in Poland when the first Sejm was opened. He translated the speeches of Alexander I, compiled, together with other officials, the State Charter of the Russian Empire. Peter also translated many books and documents into Russian from French.
At first, his work was highly valued. In 1819, Peter received the post of court counselor. A few months later he became collegiate (a rank equal to a colonel). At this time, Vyazemsky often met with Alexander I, discussing the constitution.
End of Peter's public service
In 1820, Pyotr Vyazemsky, whose biography is closely connected with the "ups" and "falls", joined the group of "good landowners" and signed a document on the liberation of the peasants. But Alexander I did not want to carry out such a reform, which disappointed the poet. Peter began to write poetry, demonstrating his point of view in them.
As a result, he was suspended from service for this. At that time, Peter was on vacation in Russia. But after writing his poems, he was banned from entering Poland. Vyazemsky,deeply offended, resigned. Alexander I was extremely dissatisfied with this, but nevertheless signed the document.
Vyazemsky - "Decembrist without December"
Prince Peter Vyazemsky did not want to personally participate in the secret societies of the Decembrists. But before his arrest, Pushchina came to him with a proposal to keep the papers that a friend deems necessary. Only 32 years later, Vyazemsky returned to the poet a briefcase with forbidden poems by many authors.
Only for one act of keeping such documents, Peter could go to hard labor. Despite the fact that he was not afraid to keep the forbidden papers, Vyazemsky did not participate in the uprising. He believed that the bloody methods of the coup were unacceptable and more peaceful options could be found.
Peter experienced the massacre of the Decembrists very hard. Some of his works are connected with this period of life. But he remained true to his convictions. As a result, he began to be considered a dangerous oppositionist. As a result, from 1820 he was under secret surveillance.
Activity of the disgraced poet
In 1821-1828 Vyazemsky was in disgrace with the authorities and lived mainly in Moscow. At this time, he became interested in journalism and founded the Moscow Telegraph magazine. He began to speak with criticism, which was always very sharp. Wrote many reviews of works by other authors. He translated the novel "Adolf" and "Crimean sonnets" into Russian. Was going to write my own.

Despite the disgrace, he launched such an activity that his name began to be included in the top five most popular writers of that time. Vyazemsky PeterAndreevich, whose books were read avidly, became so famous that many of his quotes turned into proverbs, and his poems into folk songs. His most famous and popular books are:
- "Old notebook";
- "Road Thought";
- “From the poetic heritage”;
- "To love. Pray. Sing";
- "On the road and at home";
- "Selected Poems".
Naturally, the government did not like his independent position after the Decembrist uprising. And starting from 1827, Vyazemsky began to be “poisoned”. Peter was accused of debauchery and a bad influence on the youth. Golitsyn was ordered to warn Vyazemsky about the termination of his activities, otherwise the government was going to "take measures." Moreover, the reason was a false denunciation of Peter, which said that he was going to publish a newspaper under someone else's authorship. In his response letter, in which resentment sounded, he threatened to leave his homeland. But because of his family, he had to stay.
Return to civil service
By 1829, the financial situation of the Vyazemsky family became deplorable. Peter was "driven into a corner", despaired. For the sake of his family, he decided to reconcile with the government and wrote an apology to Emperor Nicholas. The monarch demanded that they be brought orally not only to him, but also to his royal brother in Warsaw.
As a result, Pyotr Vyazemsky, whose photo is in this article, was again accepted into the civil service. He worked as an official on special assignments for the Minister of Finance until 1846. During this time, Vyazemsky managed to become a chamberlain of the imperial court andvice president of foreign trade. In 1850-1860. rose to the rank of Deputy Minister of Education.
In 1856, Vyazemsky was appointed to the post of head of the Main Directorate of Censorship. He tried not to miss the best creative talents, but found himself between two fires. The older generation praised him, and people like Herzen "blamed". The sovereign did not see anything useful in his activities. And Vyazemsky had to resign.
The last years of Peter's life
In the last years of his life, Peter was able to achieve high positions at the imperial court. He had free access to the inner circle of Alexander II. Vyazemsky became a senator and a member of the State Council. Peter lived mainly abroad.

But he alth was already making itself felt. He began to have prolonged insomnia and nervous breakdowns, which were replaced by bouts of depression and hard drinking. Even his poems at this time reflect the spleen and disappointment in life. Vyazemsky's condition worsened with each death of his family and friends. He was forgotten as a poet. Poems are no longer understood.
Before his death, Pyotr Vyazemsky, whose work no longer fit in one book, managed to write a collection of works, the first volume of which was published after his death. He died at the age of 86, 10.11 (22 N. S.) 1878 in Baden-Baden. Vyazemsky was buried in St. Petersburg.