Region Southern Europe. Location, climate, cultural characteristics

Region Southern Europe. Location, climate, cultural characteristics
Region Southern Europe. Location, climate, cultural characteristics

Southern Europe is a geographic region that usually includes countries located on the Mediterranean coast, regardless of their culture and history. Thus, in addition to those powers that are part of the social concept of Europe, the western part of Turkey is often equated with this region, although this issue is still controversial.

Countries in this region

The states that are located in this part of the world are well known to everyone, so now we will briefly list them, and also call their capitals:

  • Albania - Tirana.
  • Serbia-Belgrade.
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina - Sarajevo.
  • Cyprus - Nicosia.
  • Macedonia-Skopje.
  • Slovenia-Ljubljana.
  • San Marino – San Marino.
  • Croatia-Zagreb.
  • Portugal-Lisbon.
  • Spain-Madrid.
  • Montenegro - Podgorica.
  • Monaco – Monaco.
  • Italy-Rome
  • Andorra – Andorra la Vella.
  • Greece-Athens.
  • Vatican– Vatican.
  • M alta - Valletta.

Besides Turkey, there is another "disputed" country that some geographers include in this area - France. However, the majority does not accept this version, based on the fact that the climate in this state is too cold.

Southern Europe
Southern Europe

Geographic location

The southern part of Europe is conveniently located on the peninsulas, which with their banks overlook the waters of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. For example, Spain and Portugal, as well as Andorra, are on the Iberian Peninsula, Italy, San Marino and the Vatican are on the Apennine, and Greece is on the Balkan. Powers such as Cyprus and M alta do occupy separate islands located in the Mediterranean basin. It is due to the fact that all these countries are facing the waters of this warm sea, the climate here has developed very mild and warm. It is called so - the Mediterranean, and depending on the latitude, the name changes from subtropical to tropical. Southern Europe is a very mountainous area. In its western part, Spain separated from France by the Pyrenees, in the central Alps they pass clearly along the border of Italy, and in the east the Southern Carpathians approach the region.

southern European cities
southern European cities

Territory and population

Diversity of nature, topography, cultures and population, as well as many mysteries and mysteries keeps the historical region of Southern Europe. Its area is 1033 thousand square meters. km., and the total population is over 120 million people. However, to say something in general aboutthe culture of the entire region is impossible. Differences can be seen even in the fact that some countries are too urbanized, while the inhabitants of others prefer to live in villages. For example, in Spain the percentage of urbanization is 91%, in Italy - 72%, and in Portugal - only 48%. Remarkably, almost all of Southern Europe is inhabited by the indigenous inhabitants of this area - Mediterranean Caucasians live here. Many countries have a minimum percentage of natural population growth. Therefore, this race is considered one of the aging on earth.

Local climate and tourism

Everyone knows that the southern cities of Europe are a real magnet for any traveler. Some go here to see the sights, but most people come to the Mediterranean resorts to enjoy the local warmth and sun. The most important thing is that in the summer months it is not stuffy and not sultry here, but simply very warm. The air temperature rises to 28-30 degrees, and the coolness that comes from the sea fills the air with moisture, which makes it much easier to endure the heat. Such well-known resort cities as Genoa, Malaga, Barcelona, Lisbon, Cadiz, Athens, Naples and many others annually gather millions of tourists from all over the world.

southern part of europe
southern part of europe

Nature and economy

Southern Europe is a rich region. A lot of minerals are concentrated in its bowels - mercury, copper, aluminum, uranium, gas, sulfur, mica and much more. Therefore, the mining industry is well developed here. Far from citiesIn the regions there are numerous farms, in connection with this, a large part of the rural population of Europe is engaged in animal husbandry. Each of the above countries receives a considerable share of income from tourism. This region is considered one of the most visited in the world, because there are hotels and restaurants for every taste and budget. But still, agriculture is considered the most important, and most importantly, the most ancient branch of industry in Southern Europe. Nature decreed that it is here that olives, grapes, citrus fruits, dates, legumes grow best, and, of course, a wide variety of vegetables and fruits.

south europe area
south europe area


The region of Southern Europe is not only an attractive and picturesque corner of the world, but also a historically important territory. A significant part of world culture was born here, which later spread to other areas of the planet. The great heritage of Greece and Rome, the barbarism of Gaul and other regions of the Iberian Peninsula - all this came together and became the basis for our current traditions.
