Altai Territory is a real pearl of Siberia. There are few corners on our planet that would compare in beauty with the mountain ranges of this area. After all, nature here is beautiful and unique. Many tourists from Europe compare the Altai Territory with Switzerland. And this is not surprising.

Key climate characteristics of Altai
The climate of Altai has its own characteristics. Several factors influence its formation. First of all, it is necessary to note the geographical location of the Altai Territory, as well as the complex terrain. The height here varies between 350-4500 meters. In general, this area is characterized by a sharply continental temperate climate. At the same time, there is a pronounced contrast between the cold long and warm short seasons of the year.
In addition, there are completely different climatic conditions for the plains, low-mountain parts and foothill areas. Such differentiation is due to differences in the exposure of mountain slopes and in absolute height, as well as features of atmospheric circulation.
Why is the climate on the western and eastern slopes of Altai different?
On climate formation in thisThe terrain is affected by several key factors:
- The nature of the underlying surface.
- Circulation of air masses.
- The amount of solar radiation.

Do not forget that the Altai Territory is located in the middle zone of the temperate northern climatic zone. Throughout the year, light and heat come unevenly. To determine the type of climate in Altai, it is necessary to consider all the features of its location.
In summer, the height of the sun here reaches 60-66 degrees. At the same time, daylight hours last about 17 hours. In winter, the height of the sun above the horizon is no more than 20 degrees. At the same time, daylight hours are reduced several times. Naturally, as a result of such phenomena, changes in the amount of solar radiation occur throughout the year. The northern regions of the Altai Territory receive only 90 kcal per square meter, while the southern regions receive about 120 kcal.
Sun and climate
It is worth noting that regions of Russia with a warm climate receive the same amount of total solar radiation. In addition, if we compare the sunshine time in the Altai Territory with the same indicators in the southern parts of the country, then in Altai this indicator is much higher. In this case, the area can be compared with the North Caucasus or the Crimea. The climate of Altai is unique.
The northern slopes of mountain ranges and deep valleys receive the least amount of sunlight and heat. It is for this reason that you should choose the right place for parking. After all, the eastern slopes of the Altai Mountains are illuminated about an hour and a half earlier than the western ones. It should also be taken into account that in the first half of the day the cloudiness is insignificant. With a sufficiently high intensity of radiation emitted by the sun, you can get severe burns. The probability increases when you are on glaciers and snowfields.

Altai climate and air masses
The climate of the Altai Territory is strongly influenced by air currents. After all, the process of atmospheric circulation is one of the main natural factors. A lot of various streams come to Altai. They collide, mingle, interact and create erratic and drastically changing weather.
It is very difficult to describe the climate of Altai by months. Several air currents collide over this area. The main one is continental temperate. It has distinct properties. In summer, hot and dry air prevails here, and in winter - sea, temperate and cold, passing thousands of kilometers from the Atlantic Ocean. To the south from the north, in the opposite direction, air masses also move. In this case, continental-arctic air prevails. Often there are flows from Central Asia. Tropical continental air masses prevail here. If this happens, then spring comes early in Altai, and summer is always dry and very hot.

Relief and climate
The climate of Altai also depends on the terrain. In this case, there are severalvertical zones:
- Zone of low mountain climate - up to 600 meters.
- Mid-mountain climate zone - 500–500 meters.
- Alpine climate zone - more than 2500 meters.
The relief of the edge is simply unique. In the southeast and south of Altai there are high mountain ranges, from which the terrain gradually decreases to the northwest and north like an amphitheatre. At the same time, a free path is opened for Arctic air currents, which pass far to the south, into the valleys located between the ridges, through the territory of the entire Altai.
Moisture and terrain
The climate of the Altai Mountains depends on many factors. The relief also has a strong influence on the nature of soil moisture. Sea air flows from the west to the territory of Altai. However, their path is blocked by mountain ranges. As a result, most of the precipitation falls on the western slopes. Humid air practically does not penetrate to the eastern side, as well as to the inner regions of the Altai Territory. It is for this reason that an arid climate is formed here.

It is worth noting that such air masses bring cyclonic weather to the plains. It is for this reason that the Bie-Chumysh Upland and the Priobskoye Plateau receive significantly less rainfall than other areas, including the Kulunda Lowland.
What is the climate of Altai like? Photos of this region are simply amazing with their beauty. It is hard to believe that the climate here is unstable and the weather can change dramatically. It should be noted that in this areathere is an uneven distribution of rainfall. However, in this case, there is a certain pattern. The amount of precipitation gradually increases in the direction from east to west. The most humid area is the Western Altai basin. More than 2000 millimeters falls here annually. Significantly less moisture goes to the north-eastern territories of the region. The minimum precipitation falls in the region of the intramountain basins of the Eastern and Central Altai. This total figure per year does not exceed 200 millimeters. The driest place in the Altai Territory is the Chuya steppe. It receives between 100 and 150 millimeters of rain per year.

It is worth noting that the distribution of moisture does not depend on the time of the year, and this indicator is also uneven. In winter, about 40% of all precipitation falls in the western regions of the region. As a result, the thickness of snow cover can reach up to 3 meters in some places, and about 5 meters in the central part. In this area there is a danger for climbers. Snow covers here are easily redistributed and winnowed. As a result, on the slopes and ledges, which are located on the leeward side, cornices and puffs are formed. Climbing in such places carries a danger for climbers. In addition, it should be taken into account that in the Altai mountains there are avalanche-prone gorges and canyons, in which avalanches increase in spring. March in this case is the most dangerous month.
Temperature in Altai
The climate of Altai in summer and winter has certain differences forvarious districts of the region. And there are explanations for this. Altai Krai is located almost in the center of the Eurasian continent. It is thousands of kilometers away from the ocean. In the warm season, the soil here heats up much more strongly. The air temperature in Altai is very high, and the summer is hot. In winter, the opposite is true. During this period, there is a significant and fairly rapid cooling of the mainland. As a result, the Siberian anticyclone, a high-pressure area, is formed in the north-east of Siberia. Air currents move to the west, passing through the territory of the entire region. The Altai winter is characterized by low temperatures, as well as frosty and clear weather.

In conclusion
On the plains and in the mountains, climate elements have quite specific features. With altitude, temperature and pressure decrease, but the amount of precipitation and cloud cover, on the contrary, increase. Over the Altai Territory, as a rule, several types of climate are formed at once, as well as diverse microclimatic conditions. After all, not only the complex arrangement of mountain ranges is noted here, but also significant fluctuations in heights. At the same time, the air masses over the mountains are very different from the air masses over the plains. A unique feature of the Altai Territory is climatic warm "oases". In such places there are no very severe frosts, as well as stable snow cover. After all, the wind is constantly blowing here.