Modern Russian as one of the forms of national culture is not only the language of the Russian nation, but also a linguistic community that has developed historically: adverbs, dialects, jargons and other forms of speech culture.

The Russian literary language has become the highest form of development of the national language. Literary language is always opposed to jargons, dialects and dialects. The modern Russian language is one of the means of interethnic communication and interaction between the peoples of the entire Russian Federation.
Modern Russian literary language is not only literature, but also press, television, radio, schools and state acts. That is, it is a normalized language, with established meanings and uses of words, strict spelling, pronunciation and grammar. The modern Russian language is represented by two forms - oral and written, which differ slightly, but differ from each other in terms of grammar,and in terms of vocabulary. The written form of the language is designed for visual perception, and the oral form for auditory. The written form is syntactically and lexically complex, it is dominated by terminological and abstract vocabulary, more often international. The modern Russian language consists of several sections: vocabulary, phraseology, phonetics, orthoepy, word formation, spelling, graphics, grammar, syntax and morphology, punctuation.

The current state of the Russian language
The modern Russian language is greatly influenced by the media: the norms of pronunciation and use of words become less rigid, often colloquial or colloquial forms turn into a variant of the language norm. And the very concept of “norm” now is rather the right to choose one or another pronunciation or use of words, rather than a rigid language framework. The current state of the Russian language is gradually beginning to cause concern: the language of the media is far from exemplary, standard literary.

Linguists and researchers say that all changes are natural and normal, that language develops along with society. On the one hand, this is good: the speech constraint, the clichés that were inherent in the oral literary language of the USSR period, have disappeared. But, on the other hand, jargon, vernacular and foreign words sound from the screens. There are more and more borrowings from foreign languages, which adversely affects the purity of the original Russian language. Yes, time goes on and language changes along withthe development of society, but it is one thing to decorate speech with foreign words, and another thing is the loss of traditions and the loss of native culture.
The Russian literary language is the legacy of Pushkin and Lermontov - the great writers who made a huge contribution to its formation and development, the Russian literary language is the bearer of the great Russian culture, which has no analogues in the world. It is necessary to preserve it and not let it collapse under the influence of external factors.