The word "destruction" has Latin roots. Literally, this concept means "destruction". Actually, in a broad sense, destruction is a violation of the integrity, normal structure or destruction. This definition can also be understood narrowly. For example, it can be said that destruction is a direction or component (s) of human behavior and psyche that are destructive in nature and related to subjects or objects. Where and how is this concept used? More on this later in the article.

General information
The initial ideas about the presence in a person of forces and elements that have a destructive focus on external objects or oneself, were formed in ancient mythology, philosophy, religion. These concepts subsequently received some development in various fields. In the 20th century there was some actualization of understanding. Many researchers associate this surge with various phenomena in society, psychoanalytic problems, and various social cataclysms. These issues were de alt with quite closely by various thinkers of that time. Among them are Jung, Freud, Fromm, Gross, Reich andother theorists and practitioners.

Human work activity
What is the destruction of personality in the career field? In the process of working activity, a transformation of individual characteristics of a person is noted. The profession, on the one hand, contributes to the development and formation of personality. On the other hand, the work process has a destructive effect on a person in the physical and psychological sense. Thus, it can be noted that the transformation of personality occurs in directions opposite to each other. In career management, the most effective tools are those that deliberately reinforce the first trend while minimizing the second. Professional destructions are gradually accumulated negative changes in personality and ways of activity. This phenomenon occurs as a result of performing monotonous work of the same type for a long period. As a result, undesirable labor qualities are formed. They contribute to the development and intensification of psychological crises and tensions.

This is what career destruction is.
In some cases, destructive processes can contribute to the elimination of certain undesirable phenomena. In particular, this effect is observed in medicine. How can destruction be useful? This phenomenon, caused intentionally, is used, for example, in gynecology. In the treatment of certain pathologies, doctors use different methods. One of themis radiofrequency destruction. It is used for diseases such as cysts on the walls of the vagina, warts, erosion, dysplasia. Radio wave destruction of the cervix is a painless and quick way to influence the affected areas. This method of treating pathologies can be recommended even for nulliparous women.
Many pathologies are accompanied by tissue destruction. These diseases include cancer. One of the special cases is a tumor (sarcoma) of Ewing. This is a round cell bone neoplasm. This tumor is sensitive to radiation. In comparison with other malignant neoplasms, this pathology occurs at a fairly young age: between 10 and 20 years. The tumor is accompanied by damage to the bones of the extremities, but can also develop in other areas. The neoplasm includes densely spaced rounded cells. The most characteristic symptoms include swelling and soreness. The sarcoma tends to spread significantly and in some cases covers the entire central part of the long bones. On x-ray, the affected area does not look as extensive as it really is.

With the help of MRI and CT, the boundaries of the pathology are determined. The disease is accompanied by lytic destruction of the bone. This change is considered the most characteristic of this pathology. However, in a number of cases, "bulbous" multiple layers of bone tissue, formed underperiosteum. It should be noted that previously these changes were classified as classical clinical signs. The diagnosis should be based on a biopsy. This is due to the fact that a similar x-ray picture can be observed against the background of other malignant bone tumors. Treatment involves the use of various combinations of radiation, chemotherapy and surgical methods. The use of this complex of therapeutic measures makes it possible to eliminate the pathology in more than 60% of patients with a primary local form of Ewing's sarcoma.
Chemical degradation
This phenomenon can be observed under the influence of different agents. In particular, they include water, oxygen, alcohols, acids, and others. Physical influences can also act as destructive agents. For example, among the most popular are ionizing radiation, light, heat, and mechanical energy. Chemical destruction is a process that proceeds non-selectively under the condition of physical impact. This is due to the relative proximity of the energy characteristics of all bonds.

Destruction of polymers
This process is considered the most studied to date. In this case, the selectivity of the phenomenon is noted. The process is accompanied by the breaking of the carbon-heteroatomic bond. The result of destruction in this case is a monomer. Significantly greater resistance to chemical agents is observed in the carbon-carbon bond. And in this case, destruction is a processpossible only under harsh conditions or in the presence of side groups that reduce the strength of the bonds of the main chain of the compound.

In accordance with the characteristics of the decomposition products, depolymerization and destruction are separated according to a random law. In the latter case, we mean a process that is the reverse of the polycondensation reaction. In the course of it, fragments are formed, the dimensions of which are larger than the size of the monomer unit. In the process of depolymerization, monomers are presumably sequentially detached from the chain edge. In other words, there is a reaction opposite to the addition of units during polymerization. These types of destruction can occur both simultaneously and separately. In addition to these two, there is probably a third phenomenon. In this case, we mean destruction by a weak bond present in the center of the macromolecule. In the process of degradation by random bond, a fairly rapid drop in the molecular weight of the polymer occurs. With depolarization, this effect proceeds much more slowly. For example, in polymethyl methacrylate having a molecular weight of 44,000, the degree of polymerization of the residual substance hardly changes until the depolymerization is 80%.
Thermal destruction
In principle, the splitting of compounds under the influence of heat should not differ from hydrocarbon cracking, the chain mechanism of which has been established with absolute certainty. In accordance with the chemical structure of polymers, their resistance toheating, decomposition rate, as well as the characteristics of the products formed in the process. The first step, however, will always be the formation of free radicals. An increase in the reaction chain accompanies the breaking of bonds and a decrease in molecular weight. Termination can occur through disproportionation or recombination of free radicals. In this case, a change in the fractional composition may occur, the formation of spatial and branched structures, and double bonds may also appear at the ends of macromolecules.

Substances affecting the speed of the process
During thermal degradation, as in any chain reaction, acceleration occurs due to components that can easily decompose into free radicals. The slowdown is noted in the presence of compounds that are acceptors. So, for example, an increase in the rate of transformation of rubbers is noted under the influence of azo- and diazocomponents. In the process of heating polymers at temperatures from 80 to 100 degrees in the presence of these initiators, only destruction is noted. With an increase in the concentration of the compound in solution, intermolecular reactions predominate, leading to gelation and the formation of a spatial structure. In the process of thermal cleavage of polymers, along with a decrease in the average molecular weight and a structural change, depolymerization (cleavage of the monomer) is observed. At a temperature of more than 60 degrees during the block decomposition of methyl methacrylate in the presence of benzoyl peroxide, the chain breakspredominantly through disproportionation. As a result, half of the molecules must have a terminal double bond. In this case, it becomes obvious that a macromolecular gap will require less activation energy than a saturated molecule.