Direct speech is a way of conveying someone else's statement, accompanied by the author's words. In relation to the words of the author, direct speech is an independent sentence, which is intonationally and in meaning connected with the author's context, and forms one whole with it.

Designing direct speech 1. Direct speech must be in quotation marks. 2. If the words of the author precede direct speech, then after them you need to put a colon. Start direct speech with a capital letter. Tanya, gently hugging her mother by the shoulders, tried to calm her down: "Don't worry, mom." 3. If direct speech precedes the words of the author, then a comma and a dash should be placed after it. In the event that direct speech contains an exclamation or a question, then a question or exclamation mark and a dash should be placed after it. In all cases, the words of the author should begin with a small letter. Sentences with direct speech: “I won’t give you to anyone,” Anton whispered excitedly. "Who's there?" Pashka asked in fear. "Let's run faster!" Seryozha shouted. Making direct speech in writing whenauthor's words are in the middle of direct speech, provides for the following cases:

1. If there should be no punctuation mark at the place where direct speech breaks, or there should be a colon, dash, comma or semicolon, then the author's words should be separated from both sides by commas and dashes. "Do you know," he began, "about Williams Hobbas and his interesting fate?"
"Do you remember, - Masha began the conversation with sadness, - how in childhood you and your dad went to the forest?" Making direct speech in writing 2. If it is supposed to put a point at the place where direct speech breaks, then after direct speech it is necessary to put a comma and a dash, and after the author's words - a point and a dash. In this case, the second part should be written with a capital letter. The design of a direct speech in this case looks like this: “It all ended so sadly,” Masha finished in tears. “But I didn’t even imagine it.” 3. If at the place where the direct speech is broken, it is supposed to put an exclamation or question mark, then this sign and a dash should be put before the author's words, and after the author's words - a dot and a dash. The second part should be capitalized. “Why at seven?” Vanya asked. “After all, they change at eight.” "Ah, it's you, Nadya!" said Danya. "Look at this. How is it? Is it good?" 5. Making direct speech when transmitting a dialogue. In this case, it is usually necessary to start each replica on a new line. Before the replica, you need to put a dash, and do not use quotes. Dialog design example:

Sentences with direct speech - You do not eat anything and everything is silent, master. - I'm afraid of hostile meetings. - Is it still far to Yakupov? - Four leagues. - Ha! Just one hour away! - The road is beautiful, will you step on the pedals, huh? - I'll press! - Whoo! Let's go!
Designing direct speech in a dialogue in a different form: replicas can be written in a row, each of them put in quotation marks and separated from the others by a dash. For example, "Daisy! Daisy!" “Yes, Daisy; what else?" - "You're getting married!" “My God, I know! Leave quickly!” “But you don't have to. Shouldn't…" "I know. But what can I do now? - "Are you unhappy?" “Don't torture me! I ask you to! Go away! The rules for writing direct speech in writing are simple and accessible. Write smart!