"Squirrel in the wheel": origin, meaning and morality. Is it good or bad to be a "squirrel in a wheel"

"Squirrel in the wheel": origin, meaning and morality. Is it good or bad to be a "squirrel in a wheel"
"Squirrel in the wheel": origin, meaning and morality. Is it good or bad to be a "squirrel in a wheel"

People have a lot of trouble. How to determine such a state? For example, a person runs back and forth, back and forth, and so on all day. You can simply say about him: "It spins like a squirrel in a wheel." Today we will analyze whether it is good to be such a “squirrel”.


squirrel in a wheel
squirrel in a wheel

Most of the set expressions came into the language from oral folk sources. Others remained as a memory of some historical events, for example, the phrase "filka's letter". And the phraseological unit "like a squirrel in a wheel" is of literary origin.

I. A. Krylov and phraseology (meaning)

The meaning of an expression is closely related to its literary source. Therefore, first it is worth recalling the plot of the fable.

phraseology is like a squirrel in a wheel
phraseology is like a squirrel in a wheel

Imagine a fairground holiday. Among other entertainments, they put out a squirrel in a wheel, it runs and runs, and everything is in a circle. Drozd watches this entertaining picture and asks Squirrel, why is she doing this? She replies that she serves with a big master. In other words,she is very busy. Drozd looked and philosophically remarked: "It's clear to me that you're running - but you're still on the same window."

Naturally, Ivan Andreevich does not leave his fable without morality and says that it is dedicated to those people who seem to be very busy, but in fact do not move forward.

The “Squirrel in the Wheel” fable is quite offensive, we think the reader understood this completely.

When people compare themselves to Belka, what does it say?

This says, first of all, that a person is either tired, or he himself understands the meaninglessness of all his work, but he has no way out of this “wheel”. The reasons may vary.

The paradox of the modern world is that the fable about Squirrel as a description of a model of life is now suitable for many people. For example, current talk shows: after all, many viewers understand that this is not a product of the highest class, and, nevertheless, the rating does not fall, and the programs gather the audience. Problems in such programs, the most simple and everyday, are discussed, but people still watch.

Now imagine how many people it takes to run one such show? And there is also no doubt that the staff of the Jerry Springer program (analogous to Malakhov's programs) feel like small furry animals in a confined space. So what to do? Someone needs this kind of work as well.

The modern world turns a person into a "squirrel in a wheel"

like a squirrel in a wheel
like a squirrel in a wheel

On the one hand, our world is huge - corporations have seized power, on the other hand, the globe has become very small: now we can,thanks to the Internet and television, in the blink of an eye, of course, virtually, move almost anywhere on Earth. These two achievements of civilization also have an obvious drawback: a person has become a kind of ant that provides communication between people.

And at first glance, most of human activity seems meaningless and unnecessary. But this point of view is not entirely correct. Yes, the person sitting in the office or answering the phone does not solve much, but if everyone quits their unnecessary and not very pleasant work even for a moment, then corporations will collapse. But don't worry: people won't do that, because most of them value their place very much.

The moral of the story is that our world really needs "squirrels", because only they spin it. Now such a moment has come in human history that “you have to run very fast to stay in place” - this quote by Lewis Carroll has long gone to the people and has become a world heritage. And it is the best way to describe the current state of affairs.

Otherwise, we hope the reader understood: the comparison “like a squirrel in a wheel” had a negative meaning. But now the world is so huge, and everyone has so much to do, that each of us is now a “squirrel” in his own way, and there is nothing offensive in this anymore. We can only accept our fate.
