Accidents at sea with enviable constancy occur almost every year from the day people mastered shipbuilding. Modern shipbuilding technologies, it would seem, should eliminate the errors of past years and make shipping the safest type of passenger transportation. It was not there, despite the fully computerized ship control system, excellent training of personnel, ship accidents at sea are not uncommon today. Some end safely, the crew and passengers are evacuated, others cause hundreds of deaths. We offer you the most mysterious ship disasters.
Ship accidents at sea always cause a wide public outcry, but if, after investigating the disaster, its causes are overgrown with questions rather than answers, researchers are trying to unravel them.
There are many legends about the first and only voyage of the Pacific liner "Titanic" today. April 10, 1912 the ship was launched in the English port of Southampton. The steamer went to America, there were 2224 people on board. April 15 ship,breaking into two halves, sank in the cold waters of the Atlantic, killing 1496 people. The reason for the collapse of the most unsinkable ship in the world was a collision with an iceberg. The mystery of this disaster lies in the many classified files after the investigation.

Many rescued eyewitnesses claimed that a huge luminous ball was flashing near the ship, this confirms the theory of the ship's collision with a UFO. A few decades later, with enviable regularity, ships passing near the square of the disaster received an SOS signal from the already sunken Titanic. Several people claiming to be passengers from the sinking liner were found in the area decades later. The most famous - Winnie Coates was picked up in 1990 by an Icelandic ship. Further, her fate is unknown, she was placed in psychiatric hospitals for a long time.
Baychimo - ghost ship
Ship accidents at sea occur due to malfunctions in the ship's system, due to the unpredictability of nature or the fault of the crew. Sometimes the reasons for the failure of the vessel remain unknown. A completely ordinary story happened to the steam ship SS Baychimo. He was trapped in the ice of the Arctic. Most of the crew was evacuated by plane.

The captain and several crew members decided to wait out the bad weather on the ship. The blizzard swept the ship, he disappeared from sight. When the bad weather passed, there was no trace left of the ship and crew. Mystery lies in the fact that many ships observed Baychimodrifting in the Arctic.
The most mysterious catastrophe of one of the ships of the B altic Fleet occurred on the night of September 27-28, 1994. In 1 hour 50 minutes, the ship plunged to a depth of 70 meters, killing 852 people. Ship accidents at sea on the European continent are very rare, this one shocked everyone. The investigation into the crash has been delayed for a long time. And after receiving the first information, the three B altic states - Estonia, Sweden and Finland signed an agreement on non-disclosure of the causes of the disaster. The official version is that the ship left the port in disrepair, got into a storm and sank. The unofficial version is an explosion that occurred on the ship. The cause of the explosion is a secret transportation of weapons.

Admiral Nakhimov
Many tragic stories are connected with the name of Admiral Nakhimov in the history of the Soviet Union and Russia. At least 6 ships named after this man sank, so here's the mystic. On August 31, 1986, an accident occurred at sea near the port of Novorossiysk. The ship "Admiral Nakhimov" and the grain carrier "Pyotr Vasev" collided. It took only seven minutes for the water to completely flood the ship. There were 1242 people on board and 423 people were killed.
Urang Medan
The Dutch ship "Urang Medan" in 1947 gave an SOS signal from the Strait of Malacca, which separates the Malay Peninsula from the island of Sumatra. After some time, the radio stations of England and Holland received information thatthe whole team is dead. The last message from the ship was impossible to decipher, and only at the end it was clearly written: "I am dying." Ship accidents at sea in this area were extremely rare.

Silver Star arrived to help the ship. The ship showed no signs of life. Then a special group landed on deck - and indeed, the entire crew was dead. When the captain of the ship that arrived to help decided to tow the ship to the shore to find out the causes of the disaster, thick smoke poured out of the hold, and the ship exploded. Specialists investigating this case came across a wall of secrecy. All data on "Urang Medan" was destroyed. The only evidence was the logbook of the ship Silver Star.