Indeclinable nouns: types, rules for determining their gender, examples

Indeclinable nouns: types, rules for determining their gender, examples
Indeclinable nouns: types, rules for determining their gender, examples

Declination is a change in cases and numbers of nouns. There are three types of declination. In addition, there are indeclinable (ten nouns of the gender gender that end in -mya, as well as the words daughter, way, mother, child) and indeclinable nouns (foyer, metro, cafe, radio, show).

Indeclinable nouns are nouns that have the same form in all cases: I see a coat (c.p.), I admire a coat (e.g.).

Indeclinable nouns:

indeclinable nouns
indeclinable nouns

1) words borrowed from other languages that end in a vowel and denote inanimate objects: cocoa, depot, coat, movie, purse, aloe, taxi, coffee.

2) words borrowed from other languages that refer to males and females and end in a vowel: dandy, attaché, impresario, lady.

3) words borrowed from other languages for animals: kangaroo, chimpanzee, cockatoo;

4) foreign names and surnamesfemale ending in a solid consonant: Carmen, Helen, Miss, Madame, Finkelstein;

5) foreign words that name geographical objects: Helsinki, Baku, Calais, Toronto.

6. Russian surnames, which are a form of the genitive singular. and many others. numbers: Durnovo, Khitrovo, Polish, Twisted.

7. Ukrainian surnames ending in -ko: Korolenko, Franko, Shevchenko, Oleshko;

8) abbreviations are also indeclinable nouns, examples: Germany, Moscow State University, UN, RF, USA.

When combining indeclinable nouns with other words, the form of their case can be determined by the construction of the entire sentence (for example, There was an old dressing table (im. p.) In the hall, or by the endings of adjectives that are consistent with these indeclinable nouns: Maxim wrapped his neck in a warm scarf (tv. p)

indeclinable nouns
indeclinable nouns

Inanimate indeclinable nouns are mostly neuter: sweet popsicle, woolen scarf, scheduled interview, metropolitan subway. The indeclinable noun coffee (black) is masculine, while avenue and kohlrabi are feminine.

Animated borrowed nouns refer to f. r. if they name females (frau, madam, miss, lady), and m.s. if they name animals and males (chimpanzee, entertainer, dandy, attaché, cockatoo).

indeclinable noun examples
indeclinable noun examples

The gender of indeclinable nouns that denote the names of geographical objects determinethe gender of those common nouns that can replace these names: Gaborone (city) is a masculine indeclinable noun, Missouri (river) is feminine;

The genus of compound words and abbreviations is most often determined by the genus of the main (reference) word when deciphering: exercise therapy - physiotherapy exercises - feminine, since the main word is feminine; KGB - State Security Committee - masculine, since the main word is masculine; BelAZ - (Belarusian Automobile Plant) - masculine, since the main word is masculine, etc.

Since indeclinable nouns are borrowed from other languages, their spelling should be checked in spelling dictionaries.
