This material will be devoted to the official part of speech - the particle. Discharges will be considered, examples will be given, differences from homonymous words will be shown.

Getting acquainted: particle
Let's take a look at what a particle is. You may have just noticed: in the previous sentence, it is the word "same". So, the particle is a service part of speech, introducing new semantic emotionally colored shades into sentences, and serves to form new word forms. Here is an example.
He came. A simple, one might say, faceless proposal. Let's add various particles to this sentence.
He just arrived.
He just arrived.
Did he come?
He barely arrived.
Pay attention to how the meaning has changed and how much emotional coloring has appeared in the sentences, as soon as you add small elements. By the way, "only" is also a particle.
It is worth noting that the Russian language is so rich in such speech components that there are not even specific requirements for memorizing them. It is necessary to learn how to find, see in the text, and also be able to distinguish them from other words in sentences. We will talk about this in our article.

Basic particle discharges
Four categories can be distinguished from the whole variety of these elements.
- Shaping particles (let's, let, let) are designed to form the form of a word, can form degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs.
- Negative (no, far from, not at all, not at all).
- Particles that can characterize a sign (it can be a state or an action) occurring in time, in terms of effectiveness or completeness of implementation, or vice versa - futility, incompleteness.
- Modal particles that can be interrogative (whether, really, maybe), demonstrative (here, out), clarifying (exactly, exactly, exactly), highlighting and restrictive (only, only), exclamatory (what for, how), amplifying (even, no, after all, after all, everything), softening requirements, showing doubts (hardly, hardly) and, finally, incentive (let, let's, let).
Consider the modal particle as an example in sentences:
- Aren't we going fishing today?
- Here he is, the real champion!
- It was just the moment not to be missed.
- How lovely this music is!
- Still had to do the job again.
- May the sun always shine!
Modal particles serve to convey additional meaning in the text or in the speech of the speaker, enhance the emotional side and focus attention.

Modal mass particles
With the help of forming elements, it becomes possible to create new forms of words. This category of modal shaping particles includes: let, would, yes, come on (-those), less, most, let, more.
Let's give examples for clarity.
The word "would" can be used to form the conditional mood of a verb. I would have done more if I had gotten up earlier.
The imperative form of the inclination is formed by modal particles let, let, let, yes. Here are some examples:
- Let spring come.
- Tell him to hurry up.
- "Let there be light!" the electrician said.
- Let's go on a trip to another country.
For the formation of the comparative degree of adverbs and adjectives, form-building elements more, less serve. For example:
- Faster lift to floor.
- Less successful venture.
The shaping element itself (pay attention to the number and gender) can serve to form an adjective with an excellent form, for example: the brightest.
All these enumerated form-building elements are part of the verb form. When parsing a sentence into members, it is recommended to underline them as one member of the sentence, even if they are not next to each other. It is necessary to give examples of sentences with modal particles.
- I wouldn't be late if I hadn't been late at work.
- Let them come tomorrow.
- Things aren't going well today.
- Now I will think moredifficult riddle.
- She has solved the most difficult task of her life.
It is worth noting that such form-building elements can be divided into conditional and imperative. The conditional mood includes modal particles would, b.
The imperative includes such particles as: let, let, yes, let's, let's.

Different from homonymous words. Examples
Let's remember what homonyms are. So, homonyms are words that are the same in spelling and sound, but different in meaning.
It is important not to confuse, to be able to see and distinguish between homonymous words. Examples:
- Give him half a pill every half an hour. In this context, the word let is not a formative element, but a form of the verb give.
- Now let the boat go downstream. Here also the word let cannot be a particle, it is a form of the verb let.
- Is that you? - I'm the best. In this version, the word most is a pronoun and has no connection with the adjective.
- She spoke very quietly, as if apologizing. In this sentence, the word, as it were, constitutes an indivisible construction that can be replaced by synonyms as if or as if.