How to spell: get acquainted or get acquainted? The secret of the soft sign

How to spell: get acquainted or get acquainted? The secret of the soft sign
How to spell: get acquainted or get acquainted? The secret of the soft sign

There are a huge number of different rules in the Russian language, including spelling rules, which are mainly included in the course of studying elementary and secondary schools. Some students have difficulty understanding and remembering, which can lead to problems with academic performance and loss of interest in learning. One of the biggest and most popular spelling mistakes that people make is the spelling of a soft sign in the endings of verbs. How to spell: get acquainted or get acquainted? Answer: yes, yes. But how can this be? Let's talk about it in this article.

get acquainted or get to know how to spell correctly
get acquainted or get to know how to spell correctly

How to spell: get acquainted or get acquainted?

The verb has a soft sign in its ending in several cases, which we will discuss below:

  • In the infinitive of the verb (what to do?, what to do?).
  • If the verb is used in the 2nd person and singular (what are you doing?, what are you doing?).
  • In the imperativeinclination (what will you do?, what will you do?).
  • If the verb has a postfix -sya.

All these cases are quite difficult to remember, especially when it comes to the memory of a child. But how to remember how to spell correctly: get acquainted or get acquainted? There is definitely an easier and more convenient way. Read on to find out!

Crib to remember

how to write get acquainted or get acquainted
how to write get acquainted or get acquainted

Surely, many schoolchildren have already been told this method, but if you are not one of them or were in the clouds during the explanation, then we will repeat this information. The main task when setting a soft sign at the end of verbs is the need to correctly ask a question to it. This can only be done if the context is given, and not a single word. Now you understand why at the beginning of the article we indicated that it is correct both way and right way?

So, if a question that fits the context contains a soft sign (what to do?, what are you doing?), then a soft sign must be written at the end of the verb. If the question does not contain a soft sign (what does he do?), then a soft sign at the end of the verb is not needed. The most common spelling mistake in this part of speech is that people confuse the infinitive with the 3rd person singular form, which is why they make mistakes that immediately catch the eye of a literate person.


We hope that this article answered all your questions and was useful to you. If you have read it to the end, then we would like to wish youfurther success in the study of the Russian language. After all, knowledge of the native language is what begins the culture and development of a civilized society in the future.
