Subcortical nuclei of the brain - what is it?

Subcortical nuclei of the brain - what is it?
Subcortical nuclei of the brain - what is it?

To fully live and improve a person is given the opportunity by such abilities as movement and thinking. Minor disturbances in the brain structures can lead to cardinal changes or a complete loss of these capabilities. Responsible for these important life processes are groups of nerve cells in the brain, which are called "basal nuclei". Their features, structure, functions and much more are described below in the article.

What is this?

Functionally and anatomically, the combined accumulations of gray matter in the deep regions of the brain are called the basal ganglia of the brain. Subcortical nuclei begin to develop at the stage of embryo development. Their formation begins from the ganglionic tubercle. Then it develops into mature brain structures that perform peculiar functions in the nervous system.

subcortical cerebral hemispheres
subcortical cerebral hemispheres

Subcortical nuclei are located on the line of the initial positions of the brain and are found on the side ofthalamus. These pairs of formations are symmetrical to each other and deepened into the white matter of the telencephalon. It is this arrangement that helps to transfer information from one department to another, and interact with the rest of the nervous system using special processes.


Let's consider the construction of nuclei. Subcortical nuclei in their structure are formed from Golgi neurons of the second type. They are similar in such features as shortened dendrites and thin axons, and the cells differ in insignificant sizes.

large hemispheres
large hemispheres

The subcortical nuclei of the hemispheres perform their linking function with other brain devices. They consist of the following components:

  1. Caudate nucleus. It is distinguished by the presence of a network of neurons that interact with sensory departments and form paths that are autonomous.
  2. Lenticular body. Located outside the thalamus and nucleus. From the point of anatomical location, they are separated by an external capsule. Placed on parallel planes with the thalamus and nucleus.
  3. Pale ball. Recognized as one of the ancient formations of the higher nervous system.
subcortical nuclei of the hemispheres
subcortical nuclei of the hemispheres

In addition, the subcortical nuclei of the brain consist of additional structures, such as a fence, which acts as a penetrating layer of gray matter that is located between the shell and the nucleus. They also include the amygdala, which consists of an accumulation of gray matter and is placed in the temporal lobe undershell.


Subcortical nuclei guarantee a full range of functions to strengthen the basic vitality of the whole organism. Their main targets are:

  • expression of emotions and facial expressions;
  • body metabolism;
  • onset of sleep period;
  • vocabulary and speech;
  • metabolism;
  • motor control;
  • heat transfer and heat generation.
nuclei of the cerebral hemispheres
nuclei of the cerebral hemispheres

All of the listed functions of the subcortical nuclei are determined by the number of connections with neighboring structures.

The importance of nodes for the body

Basic nuclei form neural loops and unite the main areas of the cerebral cortex. The basic subcortical nuclei perform many functions and maintain the normal state of the body. By adjusting a person's motor intensity.

In addition to the above features, the subcortical nuclei also have specific characteristics that regulate respiratory movements, saliva production, various nutritional aspects, and also provide trophism to internal organs and skin. Each component is responsible for a specific function.

If all functions are summarized, then we can conclude that the subcortical nuclei of the cerebral hemispheres influence expansive behavior, as well as voluntary and involuntary movements, controlling higher nervous activity.

subcortical nuclei of large
subcortical nuclei of large

Disturbances in the functioning of the basal ganglia

When damage or malfunction occursabilities of the basal subcortical nuclei, there are problems associated with the coordination and correctness of movements. The main signs of violation include:

  • slow, free and lean movements;
  • akinesia;
  • decrease or increase in muscle tone;
  • muscle tremor, which manifests itself even in a state of relative rest;
  • depletion of facial expressions;
  • scanned tongue;
  • lack of movement coordination;
  • pathological unusual postures.

Basically, signs of malfunctioning of the subcortical nuclei occur as a result of the normal functioning of the neurotransmitter brain systems. But at the same time, mechanical trauma to the brain, natural pathologies and previous infectious diseases can also provoke such a condition.

Pathological states of nuclei

Among the diseases of the subcortical nuclei, the following stand out:

  1. Hettington's disease. The pathology is due to a genetic predisposition. Basically, the disease is manifested by such symptoms as lack of coordination, involuntary muscle contractions, as well as uneven eye movements. In addition, the patient may experience mental disorders. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, the progression of the disease can provoke a weakening of mental abilities, a loss of the ability to think abstractly, and also lead to high-quality personality changes. In the advanced stage of the disease, a person becomes panicky, selfish, depressive, and may also manifestgroundless signs of aggression.
  2. Cortical paralysis. The development of pathology occurs as a result of the defeat of the striopallidar system, as well as the pale ball. Signs of a developing pathology are the appearance of cramps in the legs, head, arms or torso. In the behavior of the patient, chaotically slow movements are observed, and he also begins to stretch his lips and move his head, a grimace appears on his face.
  3. Parkinson's disease. The disease is characterized by impoverishment of motor activity, instability of body position, tremor, and muscle rigidity.
  4. Alzheimer's disease - manifested by such signs as inappropriate behavior, deterioration of attention, thinking and memory, as well as slowing down and impoverishment of speech.
  5. Functional deficiency. This disease is mainly considered hereditary, manifested by uncontrollability and inattention, as well as inappropriate behavior and fuzzy movements.
subcortical nuclei of the cerebral hemispheres
subcortical nuclei of the cerebral hemispheres

Among other things, pathologies can present with general symptoms such as:

  • general deterioration of well-being;
  • weakness and fatigue;
  • impaired muscle tone;
  • tremor;
  • depletion of facial expressions;
  • memory impairment and clouding of consciousness.


When the first signs appear, it is important to promptly and promptly seek qualified medical help. An accurate diagnosis can be made by a neurologist or doctors specializing in functional diagnostics. For stagingthe following tests are carried out for the final diagnosis:

  • a thorough analysis of the life and anamnesis of the patient is carried out;
  • careful examination and physical examination in progress;
  • MRI and CT;
  • ultrasound;
  • the structures of the brain are being studied;
  • An electroencephalogram is being performed.

Based on all the above studies, the doctor makes a final diagnosis, selects an effective treatment depending on it.


As for the forecast, it all depends on many factors. The role is played not only by the stage of the disease, but also by gender, age, as well as genetic predisposition and how correctly and timely the diagnosis will be made. To reduce the risk of complications during treatment, you must strictly follow all the recommendations of your doctor. It is strictly forbidden to cancel drugs on your own, replace them with analogues, increase or decrease the dosage. If we look at the statistics, the results are rather sad. As medical practice shows, half of the patients have an unfavorable prognosis, but the other half has a chance for rehabilitation, adaptation and further normal living in society.

subcortical nuclei
subcortical nuclei


So, we have examined how the subcortical nuclei are arranged and why they are needed in the human body. They are considered almost the most complex organs in the entire human body. This is explained by the fact that they coordinate all processes and functions. Thanks to them, a person can normallymove and control your behavior. At the first signs indicating deviations, it is required to immediately seek qualified medical help. Otherwise, the process may lead to irreparable violations.