In this article, consider an example of an essay based on the story “Mom has gone somewhere” by V. G. Rasputin. Let's briefly talk about a talented author who wrote such a seemingly simple story for children. The topic he touched on is important and, one might say, topical and relevant. Analyzing the story about mom, you can help the student understand the topic of loneliness, which every person experiences more than once in his life.

About the writer
Valentin Grigoryevich Rasputin was born in 1937 in the Irkutsk region in the modest village of Atamanka. Like the legendary Atlantis, the writer's village will also go under water. The childhood of Viktor Grigoryevich took place in the hungry post-war years. Despite the many difficulties of that time, the writer recalls his childhood with pleasure: hiking in the forest for mushrooms and berries, fishing on the lake, and rowing along Baikal touched the most tender strings in Rasputin's soul. Story aboutto his mother, written by him reflects his own childhood.

Spectrum of feelings and emotions
The very first question that arises is the very title of the story - "Mom has gone somewhere." Why, why did she leave, what reasons were to blame, and most importantly, what could happen to the baby in her absence?
In an essay for grade 4 on a story about mom, you need to draw up a plan consisting of three parts: introduction, main part and conclusion. As for the introduction, a few sentences should be dedicated to the author who wrote this story. In the main part, we will analyze the whole range of feelings and emotions that befell the little man, who began to recognize, and most importantly, understand some aspects of life.
So, in the morning, waking up in his crib, the baby feels the joy of a new day and begins to call his mother. A great bright feeling, which foreshadowed him a quick meeting with her, is replaced by silence. The writer uses the expression "silence closed." A special mood can give rise to this image. The kid in the story about his mother is faced with this new phenomenon for him. The next feeling he experiences is surprise and wariness. Why isn't his mom? The baby himself gets up from the bed, begins to cry desperately. He experiences moral excruciating pain, which is joined by physical pain from a bruised leg. Despair, tears and a sense of grief are replaced by hope, a "brilliant thought" visits the boy. He stops crying and begins to calm down, remembering that his mother always comes when he plays with histoys, choosing your favorite hare. But mom doesn't come. The boy feels despair, which is akin to hopelessness and hopelessness. The child throws his favorite toy, starts kicking it. After a while, he is overwhelmed with guilt. After all, he offended an innocent pet. And now the baby is seized by a feeling of loneliness.

Loneliness as an integral part of life
In an essay on a story about mother, it is necessary to indicate to schoolchildren the semantic meaning of the work, which is concluded in the final scene. The kid learns life from all its sides. At the age of four or five, he, knowing what a mother's love and care, joy and fun, perhaps for the first time felt the bitterness of loneliness. Note that the name of the boy is missing from the story, thereby the author wants to emphasize that any of us can be in the place of this child. Loneliness is a special state of a person left without the support of relatives and friends. Loneliness in his life is experienced by every person without exception. Why did the boy meet with loneliness? This question was not asked by chance, because the child described in the story has reached the age of about five, it is during this period that a person first begins to understand and realize himself and his inner world. The author of this story makes us think about the theme of loneliness. We must understand that this is a complex internal state of a person. Every person will have to experience this feeling. And not once, not twice, but much more than we can imagine. Loneliness … Does a person need it?Yes and no.

In conclusion, summing up what has been said, I would like to note the deep meaning of the story about my mother. The topic raised by the author concerns every person. It reveals to the youngest readers such a thing as loneliness. Pain, despair, which to a greater extent will emphasize the importance of love, care, family.
Work on the essay should take place in a calm environment, get ready to patiently and gently answer all the questions of the child.