What is a "meeting"? The word itself comes from the Proto-Slavic "council", "veche". In those ancient times, the chosen ones, usually the wisest and most experienced representatives of the society, organized the meeting. Its purpose was to discuss a certain topic or problem and make decisions that were supposed to either solve the problem that had arisen or regulate public order.
The Explanatory Dictionary of V. D. Dmitriev reveals the meaning of the named word as follows:
meeting n., s., used comp. often
Morphology: (no) what? meetings, why? meeting, (see) what? meeting, what? meeting about what? about the meeting; what? meetings, (no) what? meetings, why? meetings, (see) what? meetings, what? meetings about what? about meetings
1. A meeting is a meeting of several people to discuss practical, business issues together.
Short, important meeting. morning,urgent meeting. A meeting of heads of departments was scheduled for 10:00. A meeting of representatives of business circles was held in Moscow.
2. The high-level meeting in the press is called a businesslike, official meeting of heads of state.
3. In judicial practice, a meeting is called a closed conversation of jurors or judges, where the form of the sentence for the defendant is established.
At the end of the debate, the court retired to deliberate.

A meeting - a waste of time, or an effective tool for working with staff? Who decides who, when and for what purpose will take part in the meeting? Let's try to answer these and other questions.
Purpose of the event
Meetings serve several purposes:
- During it there is an exchange and transfer of information. Speakers tell their own story, informing and educating the rest of the participants.
- During the report and debate, all situations or processes are evaluated by those present at the meeting. Evaluation criteria are being adjusted.
- For a leader, a meeting can replace all evaluation procedures, since the behavior of a subordinate and his reactions can be used to judge his competence and involvement.
- Competent adjustment of actions and adoption of effective decisions and measures.
The boss decides
Who will take part in the meeting, the frequency and duration of the meetings, as well as what their purpose is, the head decides.

It depends on the question or problem that caused the needholding meetings. For example, the director needs a collegial decision - the adoption of the budget. He sends an email to all employees who should participate in the meeting with the approximate content:
- representatives (mailing list) will attend the meeting as well as key staff from another partner organization;
- topic - budget allocation for the period;
- place - large meeting room;
- date and time - 2018-10-11, Saturday, start 13:00, end 13:50;
- list of agenda items, responsible for the speech, time limit for each issue in the attachment.
Types and types of meetings
Meetings are a powerful management tool. Among them are distinguished:
- formal and informal;
- operational, final, problematic;
- industrial, judicial and so on;
- by level: shop floor, leadership, heads of state and the like;
- closed and open meetings;
- educational, informational, explanatory;
- according to the method of communication: direct participation in the meeting, selector, video conference and so on.
The effectiveness of the meeting depends on the organization of meetings. It should take into account the structure of the enterprise, the specifics of employee interaction, communication methods, the employment of each of the participants, the need to resolve issues and their relevance.

Operational, final and problematic
Successful teamwork means constantinteraction of all links with receiving feedback. To do this, as a rule, operational meetings are held at the beginning of the working day. "Rapists", "five-minutes", "glider meetings", "letuchki" - that's how they are called among themselves.
The workshop will be attended by employees who are appointed by the immediate supervisor. The list of issues discussed is standard: the results of the past day, setting goals for today, and so on. Such meetings are of short duration. They are held regularly, about which all participants are notified in advance.
Wrap-up meetings are convened to discuss some large amount of work. It could be:
- time period: season, quarter, reign and so on;
- completion of the plan, project, task.
Meticulous preparations are being made for such meetings. To take part in the meeting on the final issue is invited in advance. Participants are appointed by the leader. He also specifies the list of necessary materials for a successful implementation. Time is regulated both for each performance, and in general. The meeting is recorded. All participants must be familiarized with the contents of the protocol.
Problem meetings are organized as needed, As a rule, these are force majeure circumstances, unplanned situations. The person responsible for solving the problem invites you to participate in the meeting on the issue that has arisen. Participants are appointed by the leader. The timing has not been set. As a result of the meeting, a solution to the problem is made, an analysis of the causes of occurrence is carried out,a list of preventive measures is being created. Logging is required.

"Please take part in the meeting on the issue of …" - this is how the text of the letter of invitation is usually read. Next, you should specify the main topic, date, place, start and end time of the meeting. Then list the issues that will be raised during the meeting. And mark the responsible persons for each item. It will not be superfluous to indicate the time limit for speaking on each of the questions. Questions are arranged in order of importance of the solution.
Possible Meeting Mistakes
Everyone who takes part in the meeting is responsible for its successful and efficient conduct. We list the typical mistakes of participation, organization and conduct:
- absence, inadequacy, inaccuracy in the formulation of the purpose of the meeting;
- insufficient preparation;
- absence or disregard for regulations;
- formalization, no need for a meeting;
- Untimely notification, insufficient time to prepare.
Decrease the efficiency of meetings and common lateness.

Methods of implementation
Each congregation has:
- The subject is its purpose, issues and problems discussed.
- The target is those who will attend the meeting, people.
The choice of the method of conducting depends on what the subject and object are. We list the main ones:
- report;
- exchangeinformation or opinions;
- brainstorming;
- discussion.