Gods of trade among different peoples of the world

Gods of trade among different peoples of the world
Gods of trade among different peoples of the world

In ancient times, the main religion was paganism, or, in other words, polytheism. At the same time, each of the gods was responsible for a certain area of activity, and his power spread only within this area. In particular, it was believed that merchants and merchants were taken under their reliable patronage by the gods of trade. These mythical creatures were the object of beliefs of various peoples, and each of the communities called its intercessor in its own way. The gods of trade found their place and recognition both in the well-known Roman and ancient Greek mythology, and in our native, Slavic, pantheon. Let's recall the features of each of the deities of various peoples of the world.


gods of trade
gods of trade

The Greek god of trade, Hermes, according to ancient legend, is the son of the mountain nymph Maya. His father - neither more nor less than the god of the gods and the sky - Zeus himself. Born from forbidden love, the demigod from early childhood began to show unprecedented resourcefulness, cunning, as well as dexterity and intelligence. In addition, in ancient Greek sources, Hermes is attributed such qualities asspeed and quickness, which makes him the patron of messengers, the herald of peace and war. Like all gods of trade, Hermes helps merchants by providing them with the information they need. The Greeks changed the purpose of this demigod over time. Gradually, he was credited with the role of an intercessor of thieves, because his grip helps scammers to see where and what is bad, as well as to cover the stolen. Later, Hermes began to perform the function of a conductor of the souls of the dead to the kingdom of Hades. It was believed that this demigod patronizes shepherds and flocks and can inspire dreams. Stone pillars at gates and doors were dedicated to him, making him the protector of travelers.

Greek god of trade
Greek god of trade


Analogue of Hermes in Roman mythology - Mercury. Just as in Greece, he was considered the son of the sky god, but the Romans called him the Whole. Initially, Mercury was attributed to the patronage of the grain business, but gradually he became a full-fledged defender of trade, all shopkeepers and peddlers. Merchants made various sacrifices to the god in order to appease him and avoid being deceived by their competitors. It is also interesting that the fastest of the planets in the solar system got its name in honor of this fleet-footed protector of the "traders".


Slavic god of trade
Slavic god of trade

The god of trade among the Slavs is famous under the name Veles. Unlike his southern counterparts, he does not have such qualities as deceit, cunning, roguery. On the contrary, Veles is also proclaimed the patron of wisdom, songs and poetry. Like other gods of trade, he is in parallel the deity of agriculture, namely, animal husbandry. With the name of Veles, the Slavs associated one of the most beautiful star clusters - the Pleiades. Often in ancient sources this god was opposed to Perun. This is the main difference between the "black" patron of pastoralists from Mercury and Hermes, because Veles is one of the main deities, while other gods of trade were recognized, as a rule, only as assistants to more important representatives of the mythological pantheon.
