The Cape Verde Islands (or a state called Cape Verde) are located a little west of Africa, in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. This is an amazing combination of wild, almost untouched nature with a modern service that gives a person everything they need here.
Geographic location
Each island of Cape Verde on the map is located along the tropical climate band. Since there are land areas in close proximity to the African continent, but at the same time in the Northern Hemisphere, dry winds and monsoons often occur here. From the eternal drought, which is observed in the Sahara, only the ocean saves, which slightly fills the air with moisture. The archipelago itself consists of ten large islands and five (other sources say eight) smaller ones. All of them are divided into two groups: Barlaventa (Windward) and Sotaventa (Leeward). The first includes the islands of San Vicente, Santo Antan, Santa Luzia, San Nicolau, Boavista and Sal. The second includes Fogo, Mayu, Brava, Santiago, as well as small islands: Razo, Branco, Grande, Santa Maria, Luis Carneiro, Sima, Salado andDo Rey. The last of these is the main port of Cape Verde.

As mentioned above, the Cape Verde Islands lie in a tropical natural area. A dry climate prevails here, which is helped by the ever-blowing monsoons from Africa. It is always windy on the islands, so the sport of windsurfing is very well developed here. The water temperature in the ocean in summer is 26 degrees, and in winter it drops to 22. Thus, you can relax at this resort at any time of the year. It is also worth noting that from August the rainy season begins here, which lasts until October. True, the amount of precipitation is minimal, and most often showers occur in the mountains.

Geological data
If we consider separately each island of Cape Verde on the map of tectonic plates, we will find that this archipelago is not of continental origin, as might be assumed (because of its proximity to Africa), but of volcanic origin. This zone is seismically stable, the active volcano is located only on Fugu Island. Danger lies in a completely different direction. The islands of Boavista and Sal are eroded by strong ocean waves and constant monsoons, which bring not only heat, but also sand. However, for now, their underwater structure retains its original appearance.
A little historical background
Historians have discovered the first mention of the Cape Verde Islands in the on-board diaries of an Arab navigatorIdrisi, who lived in the 12th century. The official date of discovery of these lands is considered to be 1460, when the Portuguese landed on the shores of the island of Sal. They declared these lands their colony and new possessions and founded the first settlements here. For centuries, until the 20th century, more and more people arrived here from all over Europe and even from Russia. They were followed by immigrants from Africa. In 1956, the African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde was founded here. In 1974, this island nation achieved full independence from Portugal, and today it exists autonomously.

Ethnic composition
The Cape Verde Islands were uninhabited until they were discovered by the people of Portugal. Since then, the flow of immigrants here has been huge, while people came not only from Europe, but also from Africa. Thus, its own racial type was formed here, which is generically called "Creoles". They make up 70% of the total population of the country. 28% are Africans, but there are only 1% of white people here. Half of the population lives in cities. The largest ports in the country are Mindelo and Sao Filipe. The capital is the city of Praia. 44% of Cape Verdeans are below the poverty line.

Where is Cape Verde Island, which is definitely worth a visit? It is difficult to single out any specific region, because each unit of the archipelago will be able to attract your attention with something special.
- Sal is the most popular island. There are always a lot of tourists, excellent transport interchange and beautiful beaches suitable for both recreation and surfing.
- Santo Antao is endless natural beauty. You can look around the high mountains for days and enjoy their greatness.
- There is an active volcano on the island of Fogo, to the mouth of which you can go with an excursion group.
- On the banks of the Brava grow incredibly beautiful flower beds and shrubs.
A unique natural creation and at the same time a great place for a summer holiday - the Cape Verde Islands. There is a photo of this geographical object in the article, and looking at them, you can roughly understand how beautiful and good it is there. These are not typical resort islands with an azure calm sea turning into pink sand. This is an interesting place for lovers of outdoor activities and new experiences!