The brightest celestial body that people can see from Earth is Sirius, a star in the constellation Canis Major. It has a mass more than two times greater than the Sun, and emits light twenty times brighter compared to it. Without special instruments, Sirius can be seen from anywhere on Earth, except for the extreme northern latitudes. Planet Earth and the solar system are located no further than 8.6 light years from it, which is approximately equal to 9 trillion 460 billion kilometers. Closer is only Alpha Centauri. The temperature on the star is 9600 degrees (at the Sun it is almost five thousand five hundred).
Legends, religious cults were associated with Sirius, aliens and brothers in mind were expected from him.
When this star was discovered

Sirius was described by the Sumerian and ancient Egyptian civilizations, mentioned in Greek mythology and the Koran. To this day, some African tribes know it, "not falling for the bait of the civilized world" and retaining their authenticity from ancient times.
In the middlecenturies, European and Arabic astrologers attached special magical significance to Sirius and fourteen other stars. The British, because of the distraught Charles II, were sure that he had a very bad effect on people.
The question never arose: Is Sirius a star or a planet? Its scale is too large and grandiose. Moreover, it is known that, being a star, this celestial body has its own planetary system.

Sirius in Greek means "brilliant", "bright". However, in ancient times, the peoples of the world called this star differently. Sirius is the planet of the gods to this day for the Dogon, an African tribe. The Greeks called him the Dog Star, as according to legend they considered the dog of Orion, who ascended to heaven with the owner after his death. The Chinese called him Lan (Wolf), and the Romans - Holiday, a small dog. It was visible in the sky on hot summer days. They were declared holidays and rested. Few schoolchildren probably know that Sirius (star) is "involved" in their summer release. What color is he? Interestingly, in ancient times, Sirius was described as a celestial body of a bright red color, although at present it emits a cold blue glow. Its Sumerian name is Arrow. She appeared on frosty nights in the sky, fiery as copper.
On the island of New Zealand, the people of Tuhoe called this star Antares. But most people today know her as Sirius.
Planet Earth and Sirius: how to find a star in the night sky
Sirius is easiest to see from Earth in winter andspring. In autumn, it will only be shown late at night.
To see Sirius, you first need to find the constellation Orion, then its belt, consisting of three stars. Moving to the left of them about twenty degrees (the distance from the thumb to the little finger), you will immediately see a large celestial body emitting a cold glow.
Sirius A and Sirius B
In 1844, it was proved that there was a “companion” of the star Sirius, invisible at that time for people. Whether it was a planet or not, they found out almost twenty years later, in 1862, when it was possible to see it for the first time. It was the second star, which was named Sirius B. The first began to be designated with the refinement "A".

Asking about what Sirius is, a planet or a star, scientists have found that this celestial body is a white dwarf. Despite its small size, it has about the same mass as the Sun, being very heavy due to its high percentage of density. One teaspoon of the substance there weighs five tons. The temperature on this old star is about twenty-five thousand degrees. Sirius B revolves around Sirius A. At the same time, the distance between them varies from eight to thirty astronomical units. After these features were explored, there was no longer any doubt about what Sirius is (is it a star or a planet).
Most of these cosmic bodies consist of hydrogen, which, under the influence of high temperature, turns into helium. The process can take billions of years. Having used up all the hydrogenfuel, the star begins to burn helium, turning into a red giant. When this process is completed, the outer layers explode and form a planetary nebula, in the center of which a white dwarf appears. In this state, the star, although it still continues to glow, no longer produces energy, gradually cools down and turns into cold dark ash. Scientists believe that Sirius B became a white dwarf 120 million years ago.
The big star is now in a state of burning its hydrogen. After that, it will also turn first into a red giant, and then into a white dwarf. The age of the star is 230 million years. It is rushing towards the solar system at a speed of 7.6 kilometers per second, so its glow will only become brighter over time.
What constellation belongs to
Sirius is the star of what constellation? Previously, it was believed that it belongs to the Ursa Major moving group, which consists of 220 cosmic bodies, united by the same age and a similar nature of movement. However, at present, such a cluster has disintegrated, and now it is not bound by gravity. Later, scientists came to the conclusion that Sirius is much younger than the mentioned cluster, and therefore is not a representative of it.

It has also been theorized that it, along with the star Beta Aurigae, Gemma, Beta Chalice, Kursoy and Beta Serpens, was a representative of the supposed Sirius Supercluster, one of three large clusters that lie within 500 light years from the sun. Two othersare called the Pleiades and Hyades.
Now it is believed that Sirius is a star in the constellation Canis Major. It is the brightest cosmic body there.
Big Dog
The second brightest star in the constellation is Mirzam, meaning "harbinger", as it appears before the rising of Sirius.
Another unique cosmic body is the eclipsing variable, denoted UW. These are very rare supergiants, which, due to their close distance to each other, have acquired the shape of ellipses. They are the heaviest stars known to date, exceeding the mass of the Sun by almost thirty times, and the Earth by 10 million times.
Procyon can be seen near Sirius, 25 degrees higher. This star is the eighth brightest in our sky. Translated from Greek, its name means "before the Dog", since it rises in the Northern Hemisphere before Sirius. Procyon is part of the constellation Canis Minor.
Earthlings about Sirius
Egyptian pyramids are built so that the light of the stars falls on their altars. The priests on this basis predicted the time of the flood of the Nile. The period between heliactic sunrises was considered by them as a calendar year.

The wisest sacred being, Rehua, in Maori myths personifies exactly Sirius, who lives in the highest, tenth heaven. He is able to revive the dead and cure any disease. Watching Sirius in the sky, the Maori believed they saw Rehua, the wisest in the entire universe.
In the sacred scripture for the Muslim religion -The Qur'an, which appeared in the seventh century, describes the system of Sirius as it was discovered by scientists in the 19th century.
And the Dogon (African tribe) knew about the existence of the second star long before its scientific discovery. This people is well aware of the structure of the Sirius system, but considers it to be composed of three cosmic bodies. He knows that the rotation time of Sirius is 50 years. The Dogon also celebrate a big holiday dedicated to the deities from the star Sirius. Planet Earth for them is the same as it was many centuries ago, since they do not enjoy any benefits of civilization, remaining detached from it. However, they are well aware of the size and mass of both this star and the structure of the solar system, and even the big bang theory.
According to one of the legends of the tribe, Hommo once arrived on Earth, bringing two pairs of twins, four people. Was it Homo sapiens? And aren't the four future races of people descended from twins?
Today, some scientists are hypothesizing that life may exist on one of the planets of Sirius.
"Planet" Sirius and Earth - connection. Esoteric

On the Internet you can find articles that are allegedly messages from the Sirians. They write that they are the guardians of our planet and, without interfering in the development of mankind, nevertheless take care of it.
Some give advice so that people do not kill each other and the Earth they live on, others talk about the structure of the world in their homeland. Still others saythat they are not gods for people, but only want to help us become full-fledged members of the cosmic community, which humanity cannot be today due to the large amount of negative energy accumulated on the planet and in people. Others warn that not all of them are benevolent, but some may appear in the form of spiritual teachers or ascended masters communicating through channeling, actually pursuing their own hidden goals.
This is how the "planet" Sirius and Earth communicate. Communication (esotericism says so) can occur directly.
It should also be borne in mind that not all ancient peoples consider aliens from this constellation to be highly spiritual beings and gods who bring light. History can be rewritten many times to suit the goals of those in power. Therefore, some artifacts may even be manipulated.

So, contrary to the general praise of the Sirians, the Slavic Old Believers, for example, say that, according to their information, the aliens of Satanail arrived in Africa from this star. They passed on knowledge to the priests, introducing their cult and forbade the pronunciation of the name of their house, replacing it with many others. So maybe Sirius is actually the star of Sataniel.