Eventual - what is it?

Eventual - what is it?
Eventual - what is it?

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Eventual - this word often flashes lately in various mass media. Despite the fact that for him, as for many foreign borrowings that appear in the language today, there is a domestic analogue, it still becomes popular and is fixed in our "great and mighty".

eventual it
eventual it


Often, in order to understand the semantics of a word, it is important to find out its etymology. The same is the case with the meaning of "eventual". This word has obvious Latin roots. The ancestor word is the Latin eventualis, which means "accidental". It also comes from the noun eventus, that is, "outcome", "case", "event", "incident".

You can trace the genetics of the word even further, back in time. So, in Latin there was the prefix ex, which had the meaning "outside" (eghs with the same meaning in the reconstructed Proto-Indo-European), as well as the verb venire, which meant the action "come", "come", "arrive".


So, as it was already possibleconclude from the previous paragraph, the word "eventual" in Russian means "possible"; although it is loaded with an additional seme: "under certain circumstances".

In other words, you can find such synonyms for the newfangled adjective "eventual" as "potential", "probable".

eventual value
eventual value


Since the word "eventual" has recently become part of the Russian language, it still looks rather cumbersome compared to its domestic, more familiar to the ear of a Russian-speaking person, synonyms. This word refers to the book, so it will not be appropriate in any conversation. The desire to show off them in a casual conversation, although it will be able to be effective, will nevertheless create a rather ironic effect. So the main functional style, marking the scope of the use of such a word, is the official-business style, or the scientific one.

Here are some possible examples of the use of the word "eventual". During this period of history, relations between Russia and France were quite tense, so that the latter was our eventual adversary.

In case you pass the interview and are able to meet all our requirements, we will need to discuss eventual force majeure and tactics in case of their occurrence.

Destructive explosion with the destruction of all life on the planet, as well as with the subsequent impact on space processes inlocal star system was the eventual outcome of a war about to break out.