Gulf of Suez: description, photo

Gulf of Suez: description, photo
Gulf of Suez: description, photo

The Gulf of Suez is located on the territory of the Red Sea. It is located in its northern part, between the Sinai Peninsula and the coast of Africa. Separates Asia from Africa. Belongs to the Indian Ocean basin.

The bay stretches along the Sinai Peninsula for 300 kilometers. Its width ranges from 20 to 50 m. The average depth is about 60 m. The most significant ports of the bay are Suez and Port Said. Suez is an Egyptian city that connects the territory between the Red and Mediterranean Seas, this is where this water area originates.

Scientists have found that the Gulf of Suez was formed about 20 million years ago. This happened during the period of the movement of the earth's crust, in particular, the separation of the breakaway of the Arabian Peninsula from Africa.

gulf of suez
gulf of suez

Characteristic of the bay

The climate in the bay is very hot, there are no constantly flowing rivers along the perimeter of the territory, their channels-wadis periodically dry up. Since fresh water from watercourses does not enter the bay, it has a very high salinity, much more than in the oceans. The water here is unusually clear (visibility up to 200 meters)and warm all year round.

Fauna and flora

Favorable climatic conditions contributed to the formation of coral reefs in the Gulf of Suez with rich flora and fauna. Corals amaze with their beauty, their colors are represented by different shades: yellow, pink, blue. They have bizarre and unusual shapes.

In the water area you can meet 3 species of dolphins: bottlenose and striped representatives and killer whales. An unusually large number of rare fish and echinoderms are found here. You can meet a dangerous predator - a shark. Bright fish: clowns, angels are also frequent guests of the bay.

Gulf of Suez on the map
Gulf of Suez on the map

Economic value

The Gulf of Suez is the most important center of trade. Many nations fought for the right to possess it. Man settled in this territory 29 thousand years ago. Initially, the Arabs lived here, and after the Turks, forming the Ottoman Empire.

One of the area's most profitable sectors is tourism. Many travelers note the good climatic conditions due to the geographical location and the diversity of flora and fauna.

On the west coast of the bay there are gas and oil fields.

Also, the Gulf of Suez is one of the most important waterways in the world, connecting Europe with countries in Africa and Asia.


The Gulf of Suez (it's easy to find on the map) is in a difficult ecological situation. It is polluted by vacationers, but the main problem is mining, which adversely affects the ecology of the bay. UK, France and some othersEuropean countries initiate projects to improve the water area of the Gulf.
