What elements are included in the social structure of society, types and functions of social groups

What elements are included in the social structure of society, types and functions of social groups
What elements are included in the social structure of society, types and functions of social groups

What elements are included in the social structure? How do they interact with each other? How to evaluate the results of such interaction and can they be considered progressive? Sociology closely studies such a complex organism as human society, since the content and mode of its existence affects the future of new generations.

Social structure of the population

The conditions for the survival of any state is reproduction, that is, the restoration of its numbers, falling due to the natural decline (death) of the population. Updates and replenishments also require the means to ensure the normal existence and protection of people. Social groups, family, labor collectives provide these processes of reproduction.

Dmitriev A. V., Russian sociologist, determined what elements are included in the social structure of the population. This is:

  • elite - party, political;
  • workers;
  • intelligentsia;
  • entrepreneurs;
  • peasants.

Each of these groups consists of a number of smaller ones that determine, for example, their industry affiliation: the intelligentsia includes teachers, doctors, artists, etc.

functions of the social structure
functions of the social structure

This list of details of the social structure of the population can be detailed, supplemented, given that there are smaller formations: the clergy, pensioners, students, preschoolers, schoolchildren, men and women, etc.

What is a group and its attributes?

Association of people related by common characteristics (age, gender, ethnicity) or interests, obligations, activities, territory, etc., is called a group.

What elements are included in the social structure of the group, which can be used to determine it and study the level of its development? Sociology names many such features.

One of them, for example, is the relationship between group members. If they are built on close interaction and the desire to achieve a common goal, then such associations reach the highest level in their development and become a team of like-minded people.

social group structure
social group structure

In risk groups, sociologists unite people who have specific signs of difficulties (material or otherwise) and the need for assistance from society and the state. These include large and single parent families with disabled children.

The so-called asocial groups leading a lifestyle that does not meet social and moral standards (alcoholics,drug addicts, criminals) are also at risk, as they pose a potential threat to the well-being of society.

The social group and its purpose

Society consists of many large and small groups, diverse in types, form, composition, duration of existence.

A social group is a stable community of individuals that really exists, including two or more members whose interaction is based on certain views and interests. Their main, that is, basic differences are professional, ethnic, confessional and other features.

During his life, an individual can repeatedly move from one social group to another with a change in his social status, marital status, place of residence, beliefs, preferences, etc. Adaptation to a different structure of a social group, new conditions of coexistence with its members requires a lot of effort from a person and does not always end with his complete adaptation.

The social group serves as a kind of intermediary between a person and society, softens the process of his socialization. In this regard, it is difficult to overestimate the influence of the family, which prepares the child for the conscious assimilation of the norms of behavior in various life situations.

social structure of the population
social structure of the population

The same social group provides protection and normal living conditions for its aged members.

Professional groups perform a so-called instrumental function in relation to their members. Participation in the labor collective is a way(tool) of material self-sufficiency and self-realization.

The expressive function of the social structure is as follows. It is human nature to want to feel respect for his personality, to receive approval of his actions, he wants to experience psychological comfort. This is possible in a group, in communication with people who are close in spirit and outlook on life.

The group performs such an important role as supporting a person in critical periods of his life. Its purpose is to reduce adverse, traumatic factors. It can be material, psychological, spiritual.

Structure of a social group

Like any object, a group consists of separate interconnected elements that perform specific functions and ensure its active existence.

There are different approaches of specialists to determine what elements are included in the social structure of a group, how intragroup ties are provided, what are the properties of these ties.

  1. The structure is functional. Its elements are distributed duties within organized groups (leader - performer).
  2. Formal and informal structure is characterized by the existence of established and informal relationships between its members.
  3. The sociometric structure is determined by the results of studies of the interaction of microgroups resulting from positive and negative emotional relationships in any team.
  4. The communicative structure shows the frequency, type, stability of connections within the group when exchanging information.
  5. Role-playingthe structure highlights energetic team members who take responsibility for the results of common activities, and those who support them.
  6. The structure of social power is characterized by the presence of directed and intense influence on the members of the team - formal and informal leadership.
row of pawns
row of pawns

Any group structure can change under the influence of external and internal factors. Knowing the roles and position of its members helps stakeholders to better choose how to interact with it.
