A large flow of information penetrates the human mind every day. One leaves him indifferent, the other pleases, surprises, frightens, makes you think. The latter is most characteristic of the information that a person receives from organized sources of education and from qualified specialists.
Enlightenment: a bit of history
Translated from French, siècle des lumières means "age (epoch) of enlightenment." Starting in England (17th century) as one of the manifestations of the scientific revolution and freedom of thought that took place there, cultural enlightenment gradually captured many countries of the world. Science, knowledge ceased to be the property of the aristocracy and the clergy and began to be used by enlighteners as one of the sources for the development of social consciousness and being. They believed that the education of all segments of the population, including women, who were excluded from public life by the then moral norms, would contribute to universal unity and good.

Enlightenment is the subject of controversy and scientific research. There were many disagreements in the views of the philosophers of that time on the issues of social and world order. However, their undoubted merit lies in the fact that they gave impetus to thought, raised the question of the search for the natural laws of human existence in nature and society.
The most famous philosophers of the Enlightenment - Voltaire, Rousseau, Hume, Diderot, Montesquieu. In Russia, which picked up the European ideas of enlightenment, the transformations of Peter I and Catherine the Great (promoting the development of art, education and science), the works of Lomonosov M. V., Radishchev A. N., Chernyshevsky N. G. and others became known.
"Education" and "enlightenment" - synonyms?
The main idea of the Enlightenment is to make the human mind free from religious, political, everyday prejudices, a critical, rational tool for improving public morals and mores. These ideas can be considered the tasks of education and modern people, since in society there are somewhat modified, but the same problems of using one’s own mind: inertia, fear or inability to rationally apply knowledge, seek the truth and distinguish it from false teachings, create beauty inside and outside oneself, uphold civic positions and rights.

But isn't that what education does too? In the everyday sense, these are synonyms, but philosophy does not put an equal sign between these concepts: enlightenment and education. Their common goal is to provide scientificknowledge. But enlightenment is
the deepest, cultural layer of education, the cultural maturity of the individual (society), a high level of education (both moral and intellectual), mental development, freedom from ignorance and prejudice. Enlightenment is opposed to "education", which tends to combine superficial awareness with cultural underdevelopment and even moral savagery.
The tasks of enlightenment in Russia
Most often, the population has requests for education in the field of science, medicine, culture, spiritual development of the individual. However, enlightenment is an essential element of the state educational policy. Therefore, it sets itself the following tasks, on the solution of which the very existence of the independence and identity of the country depends:
- shaping public opinion on current issues of domestic and foreign policy;
- promoting the growth of civic engagement of the population;
- help in adapting to changes in living conditions, in connection with reforms in its various areas, contributing to the preservation of life optimism;
- promote the development of legal, social, political, cultural, spiritual literacy.

Solving the tasks of patriotic education, enlightenment should form in the minds of citizens the image of Russia - a great multinational and original power. Its centuries-old history, moral principles and culture are a kind of source of high inspiration for truePatriots.
Mission of Spiritual Enlightenment
A spiritual person knows the laws of beauty well and transforms himself and the world around him in accordance with them. Inner beauty is expressed in feelings and thoughts, actions that coincide with the requirements of Good, and fundamentally contradict Evil … These general ideas about spirituality are concretized in the principles of humanity developed by the practice of human relations over many centuries.
Spirituality and enlightenment are inextricably linked things. Each new generation must receive not only a store of knowledge about the principles and rules of spiritual coexistence, but also behavioral skills so that human civilization itself does not perish.

The main task of cultural and spiritual enlightenment is:
- Firstly, filling the inevitable voids that arise in the process of human growth and development, despite the best efforts of the modern education system.
- Secondly, cultivation, cultivation of spiritual inquiries. A person who cannot read and write retains the image of a person, but it is difficult to call an unspiritual person a person in the full sense of the word. It carries a threat to society.
Spiritual educators (not necessarily religious) are a kind of missionaries who bring the light of true culture, art, ethics to the masses. They help people distinguish true values from those surrogates that are persistently introduced into the minds and souls of our population by Western and other "enlighteners".
Forms and types of educational work
Classification of the forms of such work is carried out for several reasons.
- According to the number of objects that perceive information - individual, group, mass education.
- Complex form: a series of thematic events are held - universities, monthly meetings, readings, interest clubs.
The type of educational work is determined by the activity of its object that carries information:
- monologic form (the most common is a lecture on a specific topic);
- dialogical, when there is interaction with the audience - an evening of questions and answers, a round table, etc.
Understanding and assimilation of information is the more successful, the more senses are connected to its perception. In whatever form it is presented, the organizer must use a combination of different methods of influencing the thoughts and feelings of the listener in order to make it interesting and accessible, to arouse a desire to actively participate in useful activities.
He althy lifestyle promotion
It has been scientifically proven that the quality and duration of life largely depends on the efforts that a person spends on maintaining her he althy lifestyle (he althy lifestyle). To do this, he must have special knowledge.

Medical education aims to preserve, improve and protect the he alth of the population through the promotion of special knowledge and the formation of the necessary habits and skills. This is an obligatory part of the activities of he alth workers within their specialization, educationalinstitutions, social workers.
The most relevant topics of medical education today are the prevention and overcoming of bad habits and addictions, the organization of a he althy diet and living environment, rest and physical activity, the protection of psychological he alth, the exposure of pseudo-healing, the observance of sanitary and hygienic rules in threatening he alth situations (during an influenza epidemic, in public places, consumer services).