A very important role in the Russian language is played by stresses that indicate a change in intonation in what is said and change the meaning of the spoken words. Stress is able to emphasize the main and secondary in speech. Its absence shows the inexpressiveness of speech and lack of emotion in experiences. These conditions, in turn, are indirect symptoms of psychological diseases or deviations in the speech apparatus, delays in its development. Therefore, it is very important to know what stress is, its types, and also be able to correctly apply it in Russian. This definition refers to the branch of phonetics that deals with the study of sounds in language and speech.

What is an accent? This is the sound and intonation selection of a certain speech component. On this basis, they are as follows:
- Logical stress - highlighting words in the syntagm.
- Syntagmatic - highlighting the syntagma in a phrase.
- Word stress - emphasizing a syllable in a word.
It is the last kind we have to deal with all the time. The correct pronunciation of phrases implies the correct placement of stresses in individual words.
Types of accents
Stresses are subdivided according to the method of extracting a syllable from a measure or a word:
- Power (dynamic) stress - the emphasis of a syllable occurs with the help of exhalation force.
- Tonic - syllable is emphasized by moving the tone of the voice.
- Quantitative - the syllable is emphasized with the help of a long sound.
- Quality - there is a change in the sound of an unstressed sound.
Usually, accents are not absolutely pure, one type, as a rule, is accompanied by another. However, one of them is predominant.

In English, Czech, Russian and other languages, dynamic stress is usually found. In turn, tonic stress is more common in Chinese, Lithuanian and some other languages.
Dynamic stress is weak and strong. In Russian, a strong dynamic is common. To pronounce the stressed syllable, force is used, which is pushed out by a stream of air from the lungs. Unstressed syllables change and weaken, because they no longer have enough exhalation force. When the sound of unstressed syllables changes, this process is called reduction.
It is very important to be able to correctly place the stress in any word, as it can be placed in different places. On this basis, they distinguish:
- Fixed - it is located on a specific syllable.
- Free, which is otherwiseis called heterogeneous. It can fall on any syllable in a word, since it is not associated with any particular place in the word. This stress is used, for example, in Russian and English.

In turn, free stress is divided into two more subtypes:
- Free constant. It should be noted that such stress falls all the time on the same syllable in various forms of a particular word. Most Russian words usually have constant stress.
- Free mobile. It is known that such stress falls on different syllables in different forms of the same word. For example: pi-shu and pi-shesh.
Free mobile stress in Russian is a phonological means and performs a semantic-distinctive function. For example: za-mok and za-mok.
As a rule, each word in Russian has one stress. Sometimes some independent, as well as auxiliary words do not have their own stress and are adjacent to some neighboring word as enclitics and proclitics.
Some particles belong to enclitics: tell me. Sometimes some independent words can be attributed to them: take by the hair.
Proclitics include particles, conjunctions, monosyllabic prepositions. Certain monosyllabic prepositions in combination with some nouns can pull the stress onto themselves, while the next word becomes unstressed. For example: by the hand, missing.
Three-syllable and two-syllable service words can be weakly stressed or unstressed. The words thatformed by adding more than two bases, it is customary to call polysyllabic. They, as a rule, along with one stress can also have a secondary one. The main stress always falls on the stressed syllable of the last stem of such a word, and the side stress falls at its beginning. For example: radio broadcast. Compound words that are small in length do not have collateral stress: gardener.
Consistent use of stress in a word
In the given grammatical forms, linguistic dictionaries, in multi-syllable headings, in texts for foreigners studying Russian, as well as in multi-syllabic heading words of various reference books and dictionaries, the stress sign is used consistently. This allows you to learn and read words correctly.

Selective use of word stress
Selectively, the accent mark is also used in ordinary texts. It is used correctly in the following cases:
- Used to prevent incorrect word recognition. For example: I'll find out, roads, later.
- Used to set the correct stress in words that are poorly known: yukola, Fermi.
- Used to prevent mispronunciation of the word: grenadier.
Correct or erroneous placement of stress in words can significantly distort the meaning of what was said, along with the incorrect use of punctuation marks.