What is the potential energy of elastic deformations

What is the potential energy of elastic deformations
What is the potential energy of elastic deformations

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Potential energy of elastic deformations is a physical quantity, which is equal to half the product of the square of the deformation of the body and its stiffness. Let's consider some theoretical issues related to this value.

potential energy of elastic deformations
potential energy of elastic deformations


Potential energy of elastic deformations depends on the location of the parts of the analyzed body. For example, a connection was found between the number of coils of springs and the energy of an elastic body.

The potential energy of elastic deformations is determined by the initial and final position of the spring, that is, its deformation. First, the work done by the stretched spring at the moment of returning to its original form is calculated. After that, the potential energy of elastic deformation of the spring is calculated.

potential energy of elastic deformation of a spring
potential energy of elastic deformation of a spring


It is equal to the work done by the elastic force during the transition of the elastic body to a state in which the amount of deformation is zero.

When different springs are stretched with the same force, they will be given different amounts of potential energy. An inversely proportion althe relationship between the stiffness of the spring and the magnitude of the potential energy. The stiffer the spring taken, the lower the value will be Er.

Thus, the potential energy during elastic deformation of bodies is related to the coefficient of elasticity. The work of the elastic force is the value that is performed by the force during the change in the amount of deformation of the spring from the initial (initial) value X1 to the final position X2.

The difference between these values is called the deformation of the spring. The potential energy of elastic deformations is determined precisely taking into account this indicator.

The spring stiffness coefficient depends on the quality of the material from which the working fluid is made. In addition, it is influenced by the geometric dimensions and shape of the analyzed object. This physical quantity is denoted by the letter k, the units of measurement are N/m.

The dependence of the elastic force on the distance between the interacting sections of the considered elastic body is revealed.

The work of the elastic force is not related to the shape of the trajectory. In the case of movement in a closed loop, its total value is zero. That is why the elastic forces are considered potential, and they are calculated taking into account the coefficient of stiffness of the spring, the magnitude of the deformation of the spring.

potential energy during elastic deformation of bodies
potential energy during elastic deformation of bodies


Regardless of appearance, any modern structure deforms to a certain extent, that is, changes its original dimensions, under the action of external loads applied to the body. In order to check the stability and rigidity of such a structure, it is important to determine those movements that are caused by the deformation of its individual elements. An important point is the determination of the displacements of the system under consideration. Similar calculations are carried out when calculating the strength of buildings and structures. Carrying out various calculations related to determining the work of potential forces is an obligatory step when creating drawings of future structures in all areas of industry.
